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Working with Juniors/ Cadettes

Working with Juniors/ Cadettes. Collapse Menu. Raise Hand. Ask Questions. Staff. Jessica Richards Director of Volunteer Services Becky Pack Volunteer Services Specialist Denise Davis Northern Director of Membership and Marketing Michelle Parsons

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Working with Juniors/ Cadettes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Working with Juniors/Cadettes

  2. Collapse Menu Raise Hand Ask Questions
  3. Staff Jessica Richards Director of Volunteer Services Becky Pack Volunteer Services Specialist Denise Davis Northern Director of Membership and Marketing Michelle Parsons Southern Director of Membership and Marketing Sarah Thomas Director of Program
  4. Girl Scout Juniors 2089 Girl Scout Cadettes 1083 Junior Leaders 141 Cadette Leaders 82
  5. Why are we here today? Learn all about girls of the Junior/Cadette grade levels Learn ways to help girls during this time of change Learn strategies for keeping girls in Girl Scouts Network with other leaders to discuss hot topics
  6. All About the Girl There’s a lot that is cool about Middle School
  7. All About the Girl The nature of friendship changes in middle school.
  8. All About the Girl The media sets the tone for middle school.
  9. All About the Girl Hormones can affect behavior in middle school.
  10. All About the Girl The social hierarchy intensifies in middle school.
  11. All About the Girl Leader experiences with girls Time to Share!
  12. How Can We Help? Validate her feelings.
  13. How Can We Help? Help Popular Girls Develop Empathy
  14. How Can We Help? Help her develop friendships outside of school.
  15. How Can We Help? Help her say “no.”
  16. How Can We Help? Respect her decisions.
  17. How Can We Help? Help her deal with gossip and rumors — without spreading rumors yourself.
  18. How Can We Help? Assume the best of her.
  19. How Can We Help? Help her stand up to cyber-bullying.
  20. Most school-based anti-bullying programs don’t meet girls’ needs.Why? They focus on physical bullying, which means girl bullying gets minimal attention. They often rely on compulsory, one-time programs and rallies, which don’t offer girls the more meaningful skill-building opportunities they need.
  21. What do girls want? Through Girl Scouts’ extensive research with educators and psychologists, we learned that girls want to: Develop friendship skills Lead the change to prevent bullying in their schools and communities Participate in a program that offers small group activities Have their experiences facilitated by a relatable adult Share their feelings in a safe place where they can also practice new skills
  22. Through BFF, girls will learn to: Stand up for themselves and others, whether by defusing a situation with the right words or knowing when to get help from an adult Make a decision to avoid forming cliques, gossiping, and teasing others Recognize what healthy friendships look like—and develop more of them Resolve conflicts peacefully
  23. BFF is: Based on Girl Scouts’ popular and proven aMAZE! curriculum, which has been used with more than 50,000 middle-school girls in the U.S. Led by adult facilitators and near-peer mentors Created as eight sessions but can be flexible! Designed to help girls improve their own relationships and lead a larger cultural change in their schools and communities
  24. How BFF benefits girls: They will gain relationship skills that can change their lives. They will enhance their written communication, character development, and service-learning skills. They will gain leadership skills that will help them change the culture of their schools and communities. They will have the opportunity to earn three prestigious leadership awards.
  25. BFF (Be a Friend First) Addresses bullying in ways that resonate with girls Helps girls develop skills to create individual and cultural change Gives girls relationship and leadership skills they can use now and throughout their lives
  26. More friendships, less bullying, increase the peace . . . in other words — amaze!
  27. Hot Topics!
  28. Pathways
  29. Girl Scout Pathways
  30. Websites For Juniors and Cadettes Make Your Own Badge https://www.gsmakeyourown.com/ As a Girl Scout, you get to make your own badge once a year! This is a chance for you to choose something new you want to learn to do, take the steps to really learn to do it, and then design a badge! When you add this new badge to your vest or sash, it will represent how proud you are that you taught yourself something new! You can find the information about the “five steps” you’ll do to earn your Make Your Own Badge in the back of the badge section in your Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting. For $3.50 plus s&h, you’ll designed badge and personalized certificate!
  31. Websites For Juniors and Cadettes Design Your Eco Dream House http://forgirls.girlscouts.org/design-your-eco-dream-house/ Is your dream home a decked-out mansion in the country or a chic city apartment? Whatever you choose, you can do your part to help keep the planet healthy by making energy-efficient choices! It’s Your Story Tell It! Be The Director https://www.girlscoutsp2p.org/girls/pathways_journeys/virtual_pathway.htm Come and explore being a director. Enter a set and shoot your own scene and share it with friends. Girl Scouts Speak Out! http://speakout.girlscouts.org/# Make a PSA that tells people what the world would look like if all girls treated each other with kindness and respect and no one was bullied – at school, online and out in the world. What would it look like? What can you do to help us get there?
  32. Websites For Juniors and Cadettes It’s Your Business—Run It! http://forgirls.girlscouts.org/its-your-business-run-it/ Over the next few months, we’ll introduce you to 20 very different women across the country who have one big thing in common—they had a dream of running their own company and they made it happen. In our new video series, It’s Your Business—Run It!, they’ll tell you about what inspired them to start their business and what keeps them going. They’ll also share some of the skills they picked up along the way—whether that’s how to write a business plan, ask investors to invest in your idea, or how you can use Twitter and Facebook to reach new customers.
  33. Websites For Juniors and Cadettes Let Me Know http://forgirls.girlscouts.org/?redirected=true&source=lmk The newest interactive website for teens from Girl Scouts and Windows. Created with help from teens like you and from industry experts, LMK will provide you with the know-how to safely navigate your online life and even help your parents to understand it. We know how important this is to you! Go ahead: explore the site, create a profile and make an impact.
  34. Events, Travel, and Camp Opportunities Events February 23, 2013 – Discover Engineering February 23, 2013 – Night Owls March 15th -17th, 2013- Teen Mentoring Conference March 16th, 2013- Cirque de la Symphonie March 23rd, 2013- Wildamia April 13th, 2013- CSI- Discovering the Power and (Science) of Flowers April 13th, 2013- Wild About Wildlife April 13th, 2013- Huntington Mall Lock -In April 19th, 2013- Earth Night May 18th, 2013- STEM Nation May 17th- 19th, 2013- Teen Mentoring Conference June 1st, 2013- STEM Nation Summer Camp July 14th-18th, 2013 – Thrill Seekers Summer Camp Travel July 19th- July 21st, 2013 – Ride and Slide Trip
  35. Journey Fun Making Journey’s Fun Customized for your group/troop. Make the Journeys flexible. Link the Journey to help your community. Focus on the goal. Take field trips that tie with the Journey. Tie Journeys with the Girl Guide to Girl Scouting skill building badges. Team with younger troops. Attend council Journey events. Have Journey weekends at camp with your troop or SU. Invite guest speakers to your troop meeting. Attend a local university speaker event. Have the girls design their Journey. If it is not fun, don’t do it.
  36. Awards Highest Awards Girl Scout Juniors: Girl Scout Bronze Award Girl Scout Cadettes: Girl Scout Silver Award Girl Scout Ambassadors and Seniors: Girl Scout Gold Award My Promise, My Faith Pin Girls of all grade levels can now earn the My Promise, My Faith pin developed by Girl Scouts of the USA. This pin, which girls can earn once a year, complements existing religious recognitions and allows all girls to further strengthen the connection between their faith and Girl Scouts. A girl earns the My Promise, My Faith pin by carefully examining the Girl Scout Law and directly tying it to tenets of her faith. Requirements for this pin are included in The Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting for all levels.
  37. Awards Cadette Service Awards The Silver Torch Award Cadette Community Service bar Cadette Service to Girl Scouting bar Cadette Mentoring Awards Leader in Action (one for each Journey series) Program Aide Junior Mentoring Awards Junior Aid Award Other Awards Summit Award Junior Aid Award Safety Award Pin
  38. New Virtual Pathway Coming this Fall Virtual Series Programs Complete Journeys Online Webinar Series on special topics Virtual Troops Each level will have a troop online and the troop meeting will be once a month. Girls can be in this troop and be in troop pathway.
  39. Program Discussion
  40. Networking Questions? Suggestions?
  41. Thanks for Attending!
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