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“All the Nu’s that’s fit to print”. ’. Neutrinos Exhibit Quantum-Mechanical Oscillations. MEASUREMENTS FROM THE SUN, COSMIC RAYS, ACCELERATORS, REACTORS. Mixing like quarks, implications beyond Standard Model.
“All the Nu’s that’s fit to print” ’ Neutrinos Exhibit Quantum-Mechanical Oscillations MEASUREMENTS FROM THE SUN, COSMIC RAYS, ACCELERATORS, REACTORS Mixing like quarks, implications beyond Standard Model Neutrinos are probes for new physics beyond SM, no longer an “anomaly,” a “problem,” or an “effect” Experiments still pushing for CP Violation in Neutrinos U.S. Japan, Europe each building their own facilities Neutrinos Don’t Decay or Decohere
And don’t forget the “LSND Effect,”C. Athanassopoulos et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2650 (1995) 1989 Solar Neutrino “Problem” ATMOSPHERIC NU “ANOMALY” K.S.Hirata et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 63(1989) 16 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE ATMOSPHERIC NEUTRINO FLUX.KAMIOKANDE-II Collaboration (K.S. Hirata et al.), Phys.Lett.B205:416,1988 e m
n1 ne nm nm n2 n3 nt Neutrinos: 3 Slit Experiment • The nt discovered 3 lepton flavors must exist (K. Kodama et al., Phys. Lett.B504218 (2001)] • Measurements of Z0 boson resonance Nn = 2.9830.009 [S. Eidelman et al., Phys. Lett.B592, 1 (2004) ] • With 3 n families we expect • 3 mixing probabilities between flavor i j • 2 distinct mass splittings (Dm2)ij
CHOOZ 90%C.L. sinq13<0.22 @ Dm2=210-3eV2 Phys.Lett.B466,415 (1999) Is this non-zero??? Large enough to measure CP in nmne sinqsolar <0.62 (Smirnov, hep/0309299) Super-K 90%C.L. sinq23>0.58 @ Dm2=210-3eV2 (hep-ex/0404034) Is the mixing angle truly maximal??? n Mixing Orthodoxy • PMNS: a 33 unitary transformation to mass states: sij sinqij cij cosqij • In the quarks, matrix has phase d0 responsible for CP.
Super Kamiokande Exp’t Observes Zenith Angle-Dependent Loss of nm, not ne First expt showing dynamic loss of n’s Events/bin 50kton H2O (x30 Kamioka) SK-I – (’96-’00) and SK-III (‘03 -- ) 11100 PMTs , SK-II (2000-2003) , 5200 PMTs νμ cosqzenith
Super-K zenith angle analysis • Containment and cosqnare best measured quantities • Effect ‘turns on’ near horizon • Many oscillations across Earth diameter
SK I+II L/E Analysis Datasets SK-I FC/PC μ-like: 1489 days SK-II FC/PC μ-like: 799 days Use only event categories with good L/E resolution: Partially-contained muons Fully-contained muons χ2 fit to 43 bins of log10(L/E) with 29 systematic error terms Compare against: Neutrino decoherence (5.0σ) Neutrino decay (4.1σ)
Reproduce Atmospheric Effect With Controlled Accelerator Beam MINOS L = 735 km Exp’ts in U.S. Japan, Europe “Thank Goodness Earth is Round” – A. Zichichi MINOS: 200 scientists, 23 universities & laboratories KEK-2-Kamioka L = 250 km Near Detector measures flux Far Detector observes oscillations Cern to Gran Sasso L = 750 km
m- (undetected) P=3.9+1.7-0.9 GeV kink=0.204 rad nm D+ h+ neutrals • Total target mass 1.2 kton • 2 super modules: • Spectrometer: 22 RPC planes in Bfield (1.5T), 6 Drift tube planes • Target: 27 lead emulsion brick walls, alternated with scintillator planes Opera • Recorded ~2x1019 POT 2008 After 5 year exposure • 22.5x1019 POT • 10-15 ντ (depending on Δm2) • fewer than 1 BG
June 15, 2008 MINOS Experiment: Neutrinos do Oscillate Other theoretical neutrino models disfavored at 4sigma Energy-dependent deficit of neutrinos observed World’s most precise oscillation parameters “Where did they go?” – Pier Oddone Neutrino Physics transitions from discovery to precision measurements.
MINOS Measures nm Disappearance Observed 848 events Expect 1060 ± 60 events if no oscillations • Neutrino decay • V. Barger et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 2640, 1999 • Disfavored at 3.7s • Quantum decoherence of neutrino wave packets • G. L. Fogli et al., Phys. Rev. D67 093006, 2003 • Disfavored at 5.7s.
MINOSOscillation Hypothesis Fit c2/n.d.f =90/97
LMA is solution, Sun shines on Data favor MSW effect, suggests mass heirarchy m1>m2 Nakahata, Neutrino Telescopes 2009 After 30 yrs, KamLAND and SNO weigh in CC/NC flux defines tan2q12< 1
ICHEP08 Phys.Rev.Lett.101:111301,2008
G. Ranucci (Milano) @ ICHEP08 C. Galbiati @ Neutrino 2008 arXiv:0805.3843 • Borexino Data 49 ± 3 (stat) ± 4 (sys) • No Osc: 75 ± 4 • MSW LMA 48 ± 4 counts/day/100ton Electron Nu Survival Probability Future SK-III
θ12: KamLAND Electron antineutrino disappearance from 55 nuclear reactors around Japan Phys.Rev.Lett.100:221803,2008
e le Did LSND result at Dm2~1 eV2 imply a 4th mass state? NEW n STATES IN OSC EXPTS?
nmnsterile Oscillations? • Charged current – identifies flavor of interacting nm • Neutral current – inclusive, all “active” n flavors interact A nmnsterile oscillation would result in a deficit of NC events at the Far Detector
MiniBooNE ne ne ne
CP-Violating No hint of rarest transition nmne Search for q13 via reactors (disappearance) or accelerators (appearance) Must find q13>0 to study CP Violation CP VIOLATION IN NU’S?
Nakahata, Neutrino Telescopes 2009 θ13 Super Kamiokande I+II ______ Inverted Heirarchy - - - - Normal Heirarchy As yet, no observation 95% CL MINOS Δm2 Δm2 (eV2) CHOOZ reactor experiment 90% CL Eur.Phys.Journal C27:331-374, 2003 sin2(2θ13)
} atm Dm2 θ13 in MINOS } solarDm2 + } + atm Dm2 Dm2 > 0 thanks to P. Vahle (William & Mary) for correct equation nmne Dm2>0 vacuum Probability (%) nmne Baseline (km)
MINOS νe Appearance • Expected background 27±5(stat) ±2(syst) (mis-reconstructed showers, beam ne) • Observed: 35 events • Observed is 1.5σ over bckgd. expectation Will integrate ~8 x 1020 POT as of June 15!
“All the Nu’s that’s fit to print” ’ CAN NEUTRINO CP EXPLAIN BARYON ASYMMETRY? Neutrinos Exhibit Quantum-Mechanical Oscillations direct mn accelerator double-beta Mixing like quarks, implications beyond Standard Model atmospheric solar reactor LSND/MiniBooNE World-Wide Effort to Interpret Nu Disappearance, Mass Experiments still pushing for CP Violation in Neutrinos Apologies to T2, bb0n, VHE cosmic Experiments
ANITA LIMITS GZK NEUTRINOS Protons make energetic nu’s on CMB Cherenkov emission in radio band from particle shower in ice ANITA-I balloon flew for 35 days, data analysis is now complete ANITA-II flight has even better live time, X5-10 GZK sensitivity
ANITA-I flight path ANITA-II x10 better?
Moore’s Law for Neutrinos? LSND Nomad/ Chorus • Main Injector is 120 GeV proton synchrotron • Simultaneous delivery of protons for • Production of p (Tevatron collider) • Production of neutrinos (NuMI) • NuMI designed for • 41013ppp @ 120 GeV • Repetition rate ~2 sec. • Corresponds to average beam power ~400kW • So far 270kW achieved. MINOS goal MINOS analysis K2K MiniBooNE 2 n flavors Discovery of NC’s S. Kopp, “Accelerator Neutrino Beams,” Phys.Rept. 439: 101-159 (2007)
θ12: KamLAND Liquid Scintillator Detector Experimental strategy: electron antineutrino disappearance from 55 nuclear reactors around Japan <L>=180 km <E>=4 MeV
KamLAND Phys.Rev.Lett.100:221803,2008
, SNO Bahcall et al. Solar Nu’s Pre-2000 Previous Experiments Sensitive Mainly to Electron Neutrinos Solar Model Flux Calculations CNO
ICHEP08 • Goal: see upturn in probability predicted by LMA (~10% effect in SK) • Lower radon backgrounds, reduce threshold to 4.0 MeV
Measuring the Backgrounds • Our beam is 94% nm, 5% nm, and ~1% ne. • pmnmenmnmne • Kpene • Oscillations nmne would be excess ne rate over beam and instrumental backgrounds. MINOS ND Data Total Background nm NC Events nm CC Events Beam ne Events
No osc. NuMI low energy beam oscillations Neutrino decay No osc. oscillations Barenboim NuMI high energy beam Alternatives for nm Disappearance “SuperK effect is combination of Dm2(solar) and Dm2(LSND)” Barenboim et al., hep-ph/0009247 “Neutrinos propagating in Extra Dimensions” Barbieri et al., hep-ph/9907421 “Neutrinos actually decay to lighter states” Barger et al., hep-ph/9907421 • All of these models modify expected L/En shape. • Other models will surely come along in coming years?