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QSEN. Quality & Safety Education for Nurses. Jody Young Melissa Hayes Patricia Burgess Jackie Wirth Ferris State University Nursing 320. What is the purpose of QSEN?.
QSEN Quality & Safety Education for Nurses • Jody Young • Melissa Hayes • Patricia Burgess • Jackie Wirth • Ferris State University • Nursing 320
What is the purpose of QSEN? • Quality & Safety Education for Nurses is a multi-phase project that began in October, 2005. QSEN faculty, along with a National Advisory Board, develop quality and safety competencies for pre-licensure and graduate level nursing programs. These competencies are developed using the Institute of Medicine competencies (QSEN, 2011). • Overall Goal: "To address the challenge of preparing future nurses with the knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of the healthcare systems in which they work" (QSEN, 2011).
Six Targets for the Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes [KSAs] to be developed • 1. Patient-Centered Care • 2. Teamwork and Collaboration • 3. Evidence Based Practice [EBP] • 4. Quality Improvement [QI] • 5. Safety • 6. Informatics • (Retrieved from QSEN, 2011).
Evidenced Based Pracitice (EBP) Integrating the best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for the delivery of opimal health care (QSEN, 2011).
EBP In My Practice-Patricia Burgess • On my floor, Progressive Medical Surgical/Burn Unit we use evidence based practice for tracking wounds. • Preventing infection • Developing the best treatment plan • Individualizing care plans to track wounds and their progress in the healing stage. • Tracking patients with wounds in the Quality Improvement process.
Patient-centered Care • Recognizing the patient as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on the patient's preferences, values, and needs (QSEN, 2011). • In my current practice on 6 South, QSEN influences my nursing practice by engaging patients in the decisions regarding their care.
Teamwork and Collaboration Definition: "Function effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care" (QSEN, 2011).
Teamwork and Collaboration • Knowledge • The ability to describe your own strengths • Know your limititions • Function as a member of the team • Recognize others team members contributions in helping patients achieve health goals (QSEN, 2011) • Skills • Commumicate effectively with team members and solicite input from others • The ability to demonstrate awareness of own strenghts and limitations as a member of the team • Function competently within own scope of practice • (QSEN, 2011) • Attitudes • Value contributions of standardization and reliability to safety • Value your own role in preventing errors
Teamwork and Collaboration in mypractice - Jackie Wirth • As a pediatric nurse and member of the interdisciplinary team, I play an important role in the delivery of safe and effective healthcare to young patients and their families. • I am not only a member of the professional team but a member of the patient's team, being an advocate for them and their voice when additional communication is needed. • I inform the physician of health assessment findings and communicate concerns families may have. I educate families in regards to health conditions or specific instructions after the physicians diagnosis. • I work closely with all members of the interdisciplinary team to develop a plan of care for each individual patient. • I also strive to provide a sense of therapeutic communication to patients and thier families while maintaining an authentic presence. • QSEN practice standards influence my practice by setting a minimum competency; I am continuously working to exceed these standards through nursing education and practicing evidence based interventions. I continuously collaborate with other members of the interdisciplinary team to provide safe, effective care.
Quality Improvement • QSEN defines Quality Improvemement as using "data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems" (QSEN 2011). • While QSEN outlines pre-licensure standards, all health care professionals bear the responsibility of continuous quality improvemenent (Cronenwett 2007).
Quality Improvement In My Practice-Jody Young • In my practice as a Clincal Analyst, I work very closely with the CQM (Clincial Quality Management) Deptartment to assure that we have the means within our EHR to capture needed quality data and meet quality standards. • My role in quality will soon greatly expand as we seek to qualify for Meaningful Use incentives by gathering specific quality measures electronically. I will work with a multidicplinary team to build the needed documentation screens and meet these standards and work on the 'back end' to gather, extract and report the data • Another example of the quality work I assit with is the QRM department just met with the two Clinical Analysts in our deptartment and nursing leadership to come up with plan meet new immunization standards for 2012. I built new screens, made new required fields and interfaced this information from the nursing module to the pharmacy module.
Safety • "Minimizes risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance" (QSEN, 2011).
Safety in my practice - Melissa Hayes • In my practice as an oncology nurse, special certifications must be maintained to ensure the safety of my patients, myself, and my coworkers. • Chemotherapy certification allows me to remain aware of the side effects to watch for in the event of an adverse reaction. It also helps me to remain aware of proper administration and disposal guidelines. It is extremely important for the safety of those around me that I am aware of what to do in the event of a chemotherapy spill. • Mediport certification helps me to remain aware of the proper techniques for accessing mediports and administering medications through them. This certification also reinforces proper maintenance techniques to ensure that my patients are able to receive the benefits of this special venous access device for as long and as safely as possible.
Informatics Nursing informatics is "the appropriate use of information management and the technological tools to support effective nursing practice" (Page 2011). Nurses and other health professionals are increasingly using electronic health records and other electronic means of communication (Cronenwett2007). Informatics can be used to support patient care and communication, to reduce errors and support decision making. QSEN advocates for pre-licensure informatics competencies in knowledge, skills and attitudes (QSEN 2011). According to Page (2011),informatics competencies should be included at all levels of nursing.
Informatics In My Practice-Jody Young • In my role as a Clincial Analyst in a rural 95 bed acute care hospital, I work with nurses and other employees to effectively use the EHR • I frequently rebuild assessment screens to improve documentation and meet current standards. • I assist in the implemention of new processes to improve patient safety such as eMAR (electronic Medication Admistration Record), BMV (Bedside Medication Verifcation) and CPOE (Computerized Physician Order Entry). • With increasing emphasis of information technology being used for improving patient care and safety, I assist staff to overcome real and perceived barriers to the use of this technology.
References • Cronenwett, L., Sherwood, G., Barnsteiner, J., Disch, J., Johnson, J., Mitchell, P., … Warren, J., (2007). Quality and safety education for nurses. Nursing Outlook, 55(3), 122-131. • Frampton,S.B & Guastello,S. (2011). Putting Patients First: Patient-Centered Care: More than the Sum of Its Parts. American Journal of Nursing, 9,49-53. • Koloroutis, M. & Person,C.(2007). Relationship Based Care: A Model for Transfoming Practice. MN • Page, C. K. (2011). Leveraging technology for excellence. Nurse Leader, 9(5), 32-34. doi:10.1016/j.mnl.2011.07.005 • QSEN (2011). Retrieved from http://www.qsen.org/competencies.php
Assigned Sections • Jody Young ~ Quality Improvement, Informatics • Melissa Hayes ~ Introduction of QSEN, Safety • Patricia Burgess~ Patient Centered Care, Evidence Based Practice • Jackie Wirth~ Teamwork and Collaboration