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Good Morning and welcome to another non-stop; action packed installment of ….

Good Morning and welcome to another non-stop; action packed installment of …. SCIENCE TAKS REVIEW!!!!!. Today, we will be working on drawing conclusions and making inferences using graphs provided, through a process we call… PLAY THE PRECENTAGES!!!. THIS IS NOT A NEW CONCEPT.

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Good Morning and welcome to another non-stop; action packed installment of ….

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Good Morning and welcome to another non-stop; action packed installment of …. SCIENCE TAKS REVIEW!!!!!

  2. Today, we will be working on drawing conclusions and making inferences using graphs provided, through a process we call… PLAY THE PRECENTAGES!!!

  3. THIS IS NOT A NEW CONCEPT Playing the percentages merely means to eliminate as many nonsensical answer choices (answers that do not make sense) as you can, thereby giving you a greater chance of finding the correct answer.

  4. How Does It Work? In these type of questions you are given a graph or chart which you are to read and process.

  5. Example • In the example to the left, the effects of temperature on the basal metabolic rates of an Anole and a Field mouse are being compared. • Even if you do not know what that means you can still answer the question correctly.

  6. You are then given a question for which you can derive the correct answer using the graph and its data above.

  7. Graph Question

  8. I Know What You are Thinking! “These questions seem difficult at first glance, surely there are some simple steps that I can follow to ensure a correct answer every time, all the time?”

  9. WHY YES THERE IS!!! If you follow these four (4) simple steps, you can… PLAY THE PERCENTAGES!! And ensure yourself a correct answer every time, all the time!

  10. What are the Four (4) Steps? When you come to such a problem on the TAKS exam, you must: Step 1: Read and Process the Graph Step 2: Read the Question Step 3: Eliminate the False Answers And Step 4: Check the Correct Answer Once these steps are completed the correct answer should be easy to find!!

  11. Step 1 Read and Process the Graph! While looking at the graph you are going to be looking for: -similarities -differences; and -trends

  12. Example Similarities – Both animals have the same metabolic rate at 23°C Trends- Metabolic rate for the Anole rises as the temperature rises, while the Field mouse’s rate falls as temperature rises up to 30°C then the field mouse’s rate rises as the temperature rises.

  13. Read the Question In this example, the question requires you to use the graph to determine which statements below about the Field mouse is the most accurate.

  14. Step 3: Eliminate False Answers After we know what the question is asking we are now ready to PLAY THE PERCENTAGES by eliminating all false answer choices.

  15. Step 3 continued A false answer is one that: - contains variables that are not included in the graph - based on the data in the graph are not accurate, or - has nothing to do with the graph. You will review each answer choice until you are left with only one choice.

  16. Answer Choice D Answer choice D states that the Field mouse is unaffected by temperatures… However, we see from the graph that as the temperature increases the mouse’s metabolic rate decreases making D a FALSE ANSWER CHOICE… Now, the percentage has gone up from 25% to 33%

  17. Answer Choice C According to the graph, at 20°C the line representing the Anole is lower than the line for the Field mouse. Therefore we can conclude that in fact the Field mouse uses more energy than the Anole. Choice C has now been proven to be a FALSE ANSWER CHOICE… The percentage has been changed again from 33% to 50%

  18. Answer Choice B While that may be true, Answer choice B cannot be proven by the data on the graph No where in the graph is there data that has to do with the Field mouse’s body temperature. Since we have no way of proving one way or the other that the statement is accurate based on the data within the graph, Choice B is a FALSE ANSWER CHIOCE. The percentage has now been upgraded from 50% to 100%

  19. Step 4: Check the Correct Answer Choice Since you have cancelled out the rest of the answers, A should be the correct answer. To be sure you must check answer A against the data in the graph. Based on the graph, answer A is true!

  20. Group Practice Now that you have got the four (4) steps to Play The Percentages, here are some problems you can try on your own.

  21. Thank You and Remember…. • Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,but that we are powerful beyond measure. • It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us.We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous? • Actually, who are you not to be?… • Your playing small does not serve the world.There is nothing enlightened about shrinkingso that other people won't feel insecure around you. • …It is not just in some; it is in everyone. • And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously giveother people permission to do the same. • As we are liberated from our fear,our presence automatically liberates others. • A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson: Quoted by Nelson  Mandela

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