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WELCOME TO ENGINEERING AND PHYSICS 160! Spring Quarter, 2011 12:10-1:30 Pm, Tu-Th Wellman 125 Daniel L. Cox, Lecturer Office: 407 Physics & Geology Phone: (415)867-4992 Email: cox@physics.ucdavis.edu Office Hours: W,Th 10-11 http://sexton.ucdavis.edu/engphy16011.html. Today.
WELCOME TO ENGINEERING AND PHYSICS 160! Spring Quarter, 2011 12:10-1:30 Pm, Tu-Th Wellman 125 Daniel L. Cox, Lecturer Office: 407 Physics & Geology Phone: (415)867-4992 Email: cox@physics.ucdavis.edu Office Hours: W,Th 10-11 http://sexton.ucdavis.edu/engphy16011.html
Today • Overview of syllabus, assignments, grading, expectations • Overview of the course storyline • Discussion of Class Project inspired by Fukushima Daiichi crisis in Japan • Energy fundamentals, Patterns of Energy Use, Energy and the Economy
Course Storyline • Energy Basics —what is energy fundamentally, what are the laws of thermodynamics, why is energy and resource use an ethical issue (~2 lectures) • Fossil Fuels: 80+% of our economy and the chief culprit in Global Warming-a limited resource. How soon will we run out? (~1 lecture) • Global Warming: What is it, why does the scientific community think it is happening, what are the impacts of inaction or action (~6 lectures) • Alternatives: We will run out of fossil fuels, we need to change our ways or global warming will cause HUGE problems—why not move quickly to alternative energy sources? What is the state of the art? Do we need technological or scientific magic bullets? (~7 lectures)
All energy from `four’ fundamental forces Weak/Strong: Operate only below 10-15 m (one thousand billionth of a Meter!) History of forces is a history of the Universe!
Energy Units in every day life • Basic MKS unit: 1 Joule = 1 J = 1 Newton-m = 1 kg-m2/sec2 (Work = force x distance) • KW-hour: electrical energy unit – 3.6 x 106 J • BTU-british thermal unit-1.055 J • Calorie = 103 cal = 4.184 x 103 J • 1 bbl oil = 1 barrel oil = 42 gallons = 6.12 x 106 J
Energy usage • US consumption per year (2003) 98 x 1015 Btu = 98 Quads (quadrillion) = 1.03 x 1020 J 3.3 Terawatts (1 TW = 1012 W = 1012 J/sec) • World: about 3-4 x US.
Energy sources in everyday life-basic production • Chemical energy: reformation of chemical bonds through chemical reactions. Scale per reaction ~ 1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 J (Fossil fuel power plants, ``burning’’ of food in our bodies) • Nuclear energy: fusion of light nuclei or fission of heavy nuclei or radioactive decay– energy release of the order of 10-100 MeV per reaction. Energy source of sun, heating of earth’s interior • Solar energy: absorption of light quanta by earth, photovoltaics – visible light ~1.5-3 eV per photon. Primary energy source to earth’s atmosphere, earth’s food chain (via photosynthesis)
Nuclear energy • 102 years since E = mc2 !!!!!!!! • Mass and energy are interchangeable (mass is yet another form of energy hidden in the subatomic particle realm)
Most of the universe has unknown forms of energy and mass detected through their gravitational influence! Pie chart of the matter/energy content of universe from Chandra X-ray observatory
Energy consumption by source (1998, US Energy Information Administration)
Energy Consumption: Country by Country Comparisons Source: http://www.energyinsights.net/cgi-script/csArticles/articles/000042/004255.htm
Trends in Energy consumption Image Source: http://bit.ly/brPouH
California Electricity (Source: CA Energy Administration-www.energy.ca.gov)
Energy use and Economics(Source:http://www.tuev-sued.de/industrial_services/energy_and_technology/images/kapitel%204.pdf)
Gas Prices! Yow! (Source: CA Energy Commission) The End of Oil????
1979 (left) vs 2005 (right) (NOAA Boulder) Note: many recent reports show accelerated melting of Antarctic and Greenland ice Packs. Could lead to 13-20 foot rise in sea level by 2100.