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What is the ICSCA ? icsca

What is the ICSCA ? www.icsca.org. The I ndustry C ooperation on S tandards & C onformity A ssessment is an informally organized , but broadly leveraged, group with no charter, bylaws , or dues.

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What is the ICSCA ? icsca

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  1. What is the ICSCA ? www.icsca.org The Industry Cooperation on Standards & Conformity Assessment is an informally organized, but broadly leveraged, group with no charter, bylaws, or dues. ICSCA was founded in 1996 in Geneva, Switzerland2nd meeting June 1997: Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, USA3rd meeting April 1998: Siemens, Munich, Germany 4th meeting January 1999: Motorola, Boynton Beach, Florida, USA 5th meeting October 1999: Philips, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 6th meeting June 2000: Rockwell, Lisle, Illinois, USA 7th meeting February 2001: Philips, Singapore 8th meeting February 2002: BSH, Berlin Germany9th meeting November 2002: Austin, Texas, USA 10th meeting July 2003: Tokyo, Japan11th meeting March 2004: Bonn, Germany

  2. ICSCA Members • Industry • Industry Associations, caring particularly for the needs of small and medium enterprises • Senior Advisors

  3. Who Can be a Member of ICSCA ? • Any industrial company or industry association sharing the ICSCA vision is free to join and participate in the program of work. • Other organizations active in the area of standardization or conformity assessment can attend meetings as invited guests, but without voting privileges.

  4. What is the Vision of ICSCA ? • To have the ICSCA perceived as a valuable resource for both the public and private sectors in the development of global trade initiatives that: • advance the well-being of the peoples of the world by eliminating non-tariff barriers to trade and commerce. • foster implementation of globally accepted systems that will promote global trade. • enhance the value of products by supporting common global activities. • prevent the misuse of standards development practices. • reduce the transition time to move from paper to electronic communications systems. • And: to have this vision shared by companies and people in all reaches of the world.

  5. What Are the Main Goals of the ICSCA (1)? ICSCA members sharea vision of increased trade and commerce through the appropriate application of industry used standards and the belief that such standards should add value to the products affected by them. ICSCA work has been focused uponconformity assessment requirements andagreeing upon ways to improve the global "system" for standards development.

  6. What Are the Main Goals of the ICSCA (2)? As an informal and consultative body performing a continuous benchmarking on common industry viewpoints members share a vision to: • To be a valuable catalyst in helping ISO and IEC achieve their objectives more quickly. • To implement standards that facilitate global business, and add value to it, and to everybody’s welfare. • To promote international standards that are accepted world-wide. • To promote such standards that support the goal of having products "tested once and accepted everywhere". • To coordinate industry’s viewpoints on standardization and conformity assessment policies. • To contribute actively to the dialogue with governments, e.g. in the TABD (TransAtlantic Business Dialogue) and other global trade initiatives. • NOT: to write standards in ICSCA itself.

  7. How Does ICSCA Conduct its Work? ICSCA members thoroughly discuss all aspects of key issues and develop resolutions reflecting common views which members then promote in other relevant organizations. Meetings take place at least once a year, alternating between locations in Europe and the US and are co-chaired by executives from European and U.S. companies. Task forces for special items are organized and meet when necessary. Between meetings issues are pursued by e-mail.

  8. ETSI OECD ANSI ECMA CENELEC NEMA CEN QuEST ISO NIST IEC EPA TABD ... Nat. SDOs What are the Relations of ICSCA ? ICSCA Members AGORIA WRAP Organizations and Fora Rockwell BEAMA Omron Moeller Unisys DASA BSH Philips ZVEI Matsushita Sun Siemens NAM IBM Case Unilever Shell Toshiba Bosch Nokia HP AEEMA Microsoft/GTW Bayer BDI Siemens Dematic NAM LG Electronics Boeing Ericsson Infineon FME-CWM NEC Sidley &Austin AMP Motorola Aerospatiale Matra SynchroEnergies DaimlerChrysler TYCO Eletronics Monebo Exxon Mobil Deere Volvo CIAJ ORC ANVIL GM Harting Polaroid Intel FUJITSU SIF Hitachi Oracle

  9. Updates updated 03-04-01; deleted Groupe Schneiderupdated 03-11-11; added WRAPupdated 03-11-24; deleted Europacableupdated 04-01-13; deleted SONYupdated 04-02-05, added NAMupdated 04-07-05; added FME-CWM updated 04-08-24; added Unileverupdated 04-11-24; deleted Hamilton Sundstrandupdated 04-12-21; added Moneboupdated 05-01-24; deleted Samsung

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