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Potential conflicts of interest. Speaker ’ s name: Andrés Iñiguez I have no potential conflicts of interest to report. Dr. Andrés Iñiguez 1
Potential conflicts of interest Speaker’s name: Andrés Iñiguez I have no potential conflicts of interest to report
Dr. Andrés Iñiguez1 Farzin FATH-ORDOUBADHI2, Isabel Calvo Cebollero3, Albrecht Elsässer4, Iskandar Atmowihardjo5, Jorge Gaspar6, Maciej Lesiak7, OPPENLÄNDER Kai8, NGUYEN Quang Ngoc9, Ariel Roguin10, Nicos Spyrou11 1Hospital of Vigo, Vigo, Spain, 2Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, United Kingdom, 3Miguel Servet University Hospital, Zaragoza, 4 Klinikum Oldenburg, Germany, 5Vivantes Netzwerk für Gesundheit gmbH - Am Urban, Berlin, Germany, 6Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, 7University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland, 8St. Elisabeth Klinik, Saarlouis, Germany, 9Vietnam Heart Institute, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 10Rambam Medical Centre, 11Royal Berkshire, Reading, United Kingdom Drug-eluting stent with biodegradable polymer in patients with STEMIshort and long termoutcomes: data from e-NOBORI and NOBORI 2 trials
NOBORI 2 / eNOBORI Registries - STEMI BACKGROUND With the introduction of drug eluting stents (DES) in the last decade, treatment of patients with STEMI with these devices has emerged as a rational PCI alternative. In spite of the unquestionable benefits of DES in terms of reduction of restenosis and TVR, specific concerns have arisen with regard to their short- and long-term safety. We aim to assess short- and long-term outcomes in STEMI patients treated with Nobori, DES with biodegradable polymer.
NOBORI 2 / eNOBORI Registries - CTO Nobori DES Components PLA Biodegradable Polymer • Abluminal coating • Controlled biodegradability • Precise drug release kinetics • Simultaneous release of drug and polymer degradation Biolimus A9™ • Anti-proliferative, anti- inflammatory properties • Highly lipophilic with optimal local tissue uptake BMS Platform • Excellent Flexibility and Scaffolding • Wide cell opening with optimal Side Branch Access • Innovative delivery system with hydrophilic M-coating
NOBORI 2 / eNOBORI Registries - STEMI Methods Two large, prospective, single arm, multicenter Registries NOBORI 2 (N=3067) STEMI (N=248) + eNOBORI (N=9549) STEMI (N=865) Clinical Follow-up Short Term Follow-up Long Term Follow-up 1month 1year 3years NOBORI2 N=248 NOBORI2 + eNOBORI N=1113 NOBORI2 + eNOBORI N=1113 All major cardiac adverse events adjudicated by an independent CEC Primary Endpoint: Freedom from Target Lesion Failure (TLF) defined as a composite of cardiac death, target vessel related myocardial infarction (MI) and clinically driven target lesion revascularization (TLR) at 1 year
NOBORI 2 / eNOBORI Registries - STEMI Baseline Characteristics
NOBORI 2 / eNOBORI Registries - STEMI Procedural Characteristics
NOBORI 2 / eNOBORI Registries - STEMI STEMI - TIMES Pain to balloon * Data only available for eNOBORI Registryc
NOBORI 2 / eNOBORI Registries - STEMI STEMI Location * Data only available for eNOBORI Registry
NOBORI 2 / eNOBORI Registries - STEMI Killip Class * Data only available for eNOBORI Registry
STEMI Treatment * Data only available for eNOBORI Registry
NOBORI 2 / eNOBORI Registries - STEMI Lesion Characteristics * → Data correspond to all lesions not only culprit lesions * eNOBORI counts only with true bifurcations
NOBORI 2 / eNOBORI Registries - STEMI Clinical Outcomes NOBORI 2 N=248 Pts eNOBORI + NOBORI 2 N=1113 Pts
NOBORI 2 / eNOBORI Registries - STEMI Stent Thrombosis (ARC) (N=1113) (N=248) + Definite and Probable Stent Thrombosis
NOBORI 2 / eNOBORI Registries - STEMI Conclusions • Use of Nobori, DES with biodegradable polymer, in the treatment of patients with STEMI was associated with favourable short and long safety and efficacy • Absence of Stent thrombosis between 2 months and 3 years in this relatively large cohort of STEMI patients is particularly reassuring • The design hypothesis that biodegradable polymer and abluminal coating will play an important role in the long term safety of Nobori DES is gradually being confirmed