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Welcome to the ART STUDIO. Mrs. Andrews – Art I,II,III,IV, EM I&II, Photography. About me (outside of this classroom)…. Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open. Albus Dumbledore. I AM… recently married (July 10, 2010 woo hoo !)
Welcome to the ART STUDIO Mrs. Andrews – Art I,II,III,IV, EM I&II, Photography
About me (outside of this classroom)… Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open. Albus Dumbledore I AM… • recently married (July 10, 2010 woo hoo!) • the mother of two dogs, one cat, and no children. • an ACU graduate – B.A. in Fine Arts with an emphasis in Graphic Design • From Austin (Texas), Kansas City (Kansas), St. Louis (Missouri), Springboro (Ohio) and Austin again. • a lover of fishing, a hater of hunting. • a fan of traveling and have been to Africa, London, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Canada, Jamaica, Hawaii and many other states.
JAMAICA, MON Koby (husband, the guy in the picture with me) and I went to Montego Bay, Jamaica for our honeymoon and it was AWESOME.
Amelia the Cat This is Meli, my cat. She enjoys plastic bags, packing peanuts and houseflies.
Sophie (left) and Bonney (right) Sophie is my Baglehound (a mix between a Basset hound and a Beagle). She is very talkative. Bonney is Koby’s dog and her (yes, her) full name is William H. Bonney, named for someone better known as ‘Billy the Kid’. (Koby’s favorite movie is Young Guns.)
About me and you in this class… It is our choices … that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. Albus Dumbledore • I expect ALL my art students to: • 1. Be in class on time with materials needed for the day. You will ALWAYS need your sketchbook and a pencil. • 2. Respect the art studio and equipment/supplies, cleaning their workspace and returning supplies before they are dismissed. I’M NOT YOUR MAMA and this stuff is EXPENSIVE! • 3. Respect all rules of safety in the art classroom. • 4. Respect the teacher (that’s me) and their classmates. • 5. Create original work to the best of their ability.
About me and you in this class… • If you CHOOSE to ignore what is expected of you, you will experience the consequences as follows: • 1. Verbal Warning • 2. Clean-up duty / talk after class • 3. Detention • 4. Detention and a call home • 5. Meeting with the principal • NOTE: Violent or destructive behavior/language will result in IMMEDIATE dismissal from the art classroom and a referral to the office.
General Overview / Syllabus Reviewing the Syllabus and Important Info GET YER STUFF IN ON TIME! • What are we doing??? • Grading Breakdown • Sign the contract and bring it back by Wednesday, Sept. 1 for a FREE 100, Thursday, Sept. 2 for a free 90, Sept. 3 for an 80. After that you will be starting the year off with a 50 • Late work policy: 1 day = 10 points off 2 days = 20 points off 3+ days = 0 my friend
Something to think about… • If you are taking art as a blow-off class, you may need to think again… • I expect you to do your work and put effort into your work. There will be homework, projects, written assignments and written tests. • If you do not do your work or consistently turn in late work, you will fail. • By the same token, you will NEVER FAIL my class if you do the work and turn your work in on time. In fact you will probably make a very good grade.
Why am I here?? Where am I going? I don't quite know.What does it matter where people go?Down to the wood where the blue-bells grow-Anywhere, anywhere. I don't know. A. A. Milne • I want you to understand that you will have to work, but if you do you WILL become a better artist. Even if you don’t think you are ‘good at art’, with practice, you WILL become better! I promise. • We’ll learn to turn drawings into digital illustrations, what makes a good logo, create persuasive advertisements, how to edit them using software, we’ll learn about famous and contemporary artists, discuss our culture and world events AND our different ideas about life. It will be a FUN class if you do the work.
STUDENT HANDBOOK you gotta know. 1st period – Table of Contents to page 9 2nd period – Pages 9 – 19 3rd period – Pages 19 – 28 4th period – Pages 28 – 38 5th period – Pages 38 – 46 7th period – Pages 46 - 59