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Table of contents. 虛擬實境. In Chinese   虛擬 實境的基本原理在於利用電腦產生並控制一個虛擬的世界,在此虛擬世界中,可以感受到如同處於一個真實的環境 。 Textbook Definition

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  1. Table of contents Communications & Multimedia Lab

  2. 虛擬實境 In Chinese   虛擬實境的基本原理在於利用電腦產生並控制一個虛擬的世界,在此虛擬世界中,可以感受到如同處於一個真實的環境。 TextbookDefinition a medium composed of interactive computer simulations that sense the participant's position and actions and replace or augment the feedback to one or more senses, giving the feeling of being mentally immersed or present in the simulation (a virtual world). The Ultimate Display The ultimate display would be a room within which the computer can control the existence of matter. Such a display could literally be the Wonderland into which Alice walked. • Ivan E. Sutherland [1965] 電腦繪圖之父 Cyberspace a location that exists only in the minds of the participants, often as a result of technology that enablesgeographically distant people to interactively communicate. Augmented Reality a type of virtual reality in which synthetic stimuli are registered with and superimposed on real-world objects; often used to make information otherwise imperceptible to human senses perceptible. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  3. Terminologies Used • Virtual Environment • Micro Worlds • Virtual Worlds • Telepresence • Virtual Reality Communications & Multimedia Lab

  4. V.R. Conditions to Meet I. Sutherland[1965] • Look real • Move realistically • Feels real • Sounds/Smells real • Real-time Response What is "Digital Content" industry? Communications & Multimedia Lab

  5. 3D TV and Animation 所謂3d影像,也就是影像除了平面的x和y軸之外,還要有明顯的深度。最真實的3d影像是全像式3d投影,就如電影星際大戰中所看到的方式。不過此種技術目前發展仍然有相當大的困難,所以一般所採用的乃是利用人類左右眼所視角度略有不同,因而所接收影像有小幅差異的視差效果,在大腦中自動相互補償融合而形成的立體影像,並且在靜止以及移動的狀況下均能維持。也就是說技術的基本要求是要能讓左、右眼所看到的影像能有些許的不同。目前的3d技術大致可區分為眼鏡式和裸視3d技術: ◇眼鏡式技術(stereoscopic ◇偏光眼鏡(polarizing glasses ◇快門眼鏡(shutter glasses ◇裸視3d技術(autostereogram ◇光柵式(parrallax barrier ◇柱狀透鏡式(lenticular lens Communications & Multimedia Lab

  6. Virtual RealityResearch Directions and Future Trend Few Technologies in recent years have evoked such fiery discussions in thetechnical community, and fewer still have sparked such passionate involvement ofthe humanities and the cultural sector. --- Carl Machover. VR: The quality of the experience is crucial. To stimulate creativity and productivity, the virtual experience must be credible. The "reality" must both react to the human participants in physically and perceptually appropriate ways, and confirm to their personal cognitive representations of the micro world in which they are engrossed. --- Carl Machover CG&A 1994. Ivan Sutherland at the console of the TX-2- Sketchpad Project, MIT, 1963 In 1963, his Ph.D. thesis, "Sketchpad: A Man-machine Graphical Communications System," used the lightpen to create engineering drawings directly on the CRT. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  7. Basic Equipment • visual display • helmet-mounted display • see-through helmet • mounted display • liquid-shutter glasses  • acoustic display • 3D sound  • haptic display • force-feedback joystick or arm • force feedback data-glove • 6D tracker & data-glove  • robot • camera Ivan Sutherland, Born:1938, Hastings, Nebraska Profession:Engineer, Entrepreneur, Capitalist, Professor Position:V.P. and Fellow, Sun Microsystems, Inc. Education:Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyM.S. EE California Institute of TechnologyB.S. EE Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) Patents & Publications:See list Honors & Professional Societies (partial list):Smithsonian Computer World Award, 1996AM Turing Award, Association for Computing Machinery, 1988First Zworykin Award, National Academy of Engineering, 1972 Member, National Academy of Sciences, since 1978Member, National Academy of Engineering, since 1973Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery Latest Accomplishment:Became a historical relic in the Smithsonian • Proudest Accomplishment: Four Grandchildren Communications & Multimedia Lab

  8. Scientific Visualization • Evolution • 2D display • 3D display • stereoscopic display • stereoscopic display with haptic display • Visualization of planetary surfaces(NASA) • Virtual wind tunnel (NASA NAS project) • Molecular synthesis (UNC, GMD, U.York) Communications & Multimedia Lab

  9. Medical applications • Virtual stereotactic surgery • from CTs • from MRIs • Ultrasonic imaging: A virtual environment perspective • Pathological tremor investigation • Radiation treatment planning Communications & Multimedia Lab

  10. Virtual Cockpits • Virtual Coupled Airborne System Simulator (USAF)  • Virtual Environment configurable training aid(Brough, British Aerospace)  • Real and virtual environment configurable training aid(Brough) • mix a virtual world with a real world. • concept:  mount a color TV camera onto a HMD and couple the result into HMD via a chroma processing system. The Stewart Motion Platform, Consists of a fixed base and a moving platform connected by six extensible actuators. Provide sensation of motion by tracking desired trajectory. Currently in Professor L C Fu’s lab. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  11. Telepresence • control a robot by remote control • especially in hazardous environments • Virtual environment remote driving experiment(ARRL) • Man in virtual space (ESA) • Astronaut simulation (TNO-FEL, NASA) • Conduction robots (Fujita) • connect overseas construction sites via ISDN • control in Japan, action in America • problem: long-distance communication's delay Communications & Multimedia Lab

  12. CAD/CAM • Rover 400 car interior design(Brough) • 3D CAD shape model(NEC) • Operations with virtual aircraft(Boeing VSX) • Positioning clothing in 3D(Switzerland) • Hair style design(NTU CML) • Software analysis(Tepco) • Maintenance systems(Brough) Communications & Multimedia Lab

  13. Entertainment • Star Wars, Lucasfilm (USA) • Sega, Nintendo (Japan) • W Industries (UK) • Evans & Sutherland (USA) • Virtual DOOM (id Software & CML) Communications & Multimedia Lab

  14. Virtual RealityResearch Directions and Future Trend • Market Now: (BusinessWeek 2005, February 28)   • Games: US24.5 billions revenue in 2004, larger than the movie box-office business • Game software sales: 7.3 billion,            • EA (Electronic Art): $3 billion, and top five game developers accounted for 56% of the revenue. • Likely winners:  SONY, EA  (Consoles, games, movies, only Sony has it all) • At risk: Nintendo, Activision (second largest independent game developer), Walt Disney  • 2004: game consoles: Sony (56.4%), Microsoft (24.9%), Nitendo(18.7%)    39% of video gamers are women. • Compared to past predictions:$250 million worth of VR products and services will be shipped in 1994.  • One billion dollars by 1997 (IEEECG&A, p15, Vol 14, No 1, Jan 1994) • S.E.Tice, President of S.E.Tice Consulting, Inc. • Carl Machover, President of Machover Associates.  • VR is growing at annual rates on the order of 60% (twice the growth rate graphics experienced 25 years ago) Communications & Multimedia Lab

  15. Three company’s revenue and profits in 1994:  • Nintendo has $3.2B in sales, approximately $850M net(1/4)  • Sun Microsystems has $2.47B in sales, approximately $110M net(1/24). • Intel has $3.92B in sales, approximately $650M net 1/6). Communications & Multimedia Lab

  16. Virtual RealityResearch Directions and Future Trend Entertainment SEGA. David Rosen started SEGA in 1954 in Japan.(4 billion 1993; 2.2 billion 1992; 1.2 billion 1991)  SEGA will exploit the efficiency of electronics over iron and steel to creat a new entertainment form: virtual-reality theme parks. Parks packed with VR will occupy perhaps 3% of the land area of Florida's Disney World, so they can be put in densely populated areas. Nintendo(任天堂) Market share in Japan 78%, in US 51%, in Europe 41% Revenue distribution:(SEGA) 1/6 for ARCADES 1/6 for Home-use software 1/3 for Home-use game machines VR related games are already approaching 1/2 of ARCADES. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  17. Virtual RealityResearch Directions and Future Trend 3D graphics & VR games worth 2/3 of 8 billion dollars business => (Nintendo + SEGA) Data from Business Week. Feb 21, p38-44 Nintendo & SEGA plus others expect to make 40 million video-game machines over the next five years Communications & Multimedia Lab

  18. Virtual RealityResearch Directions and Future Trend Related areas of technology: multimedia, HDTV, information superhighway, 3D graphics, video games, arcade, theme parks. America's entertainment economy (Business Week, March 14, 1994) As consumers spend big bucks on fun, companies are plowing billions into theme parks, casinos, sports, and interactive TV. The result: Entertainment is reshaping the U.S. economy. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  19. Virtual RealityResearch Directions and Future Trend A prediction made in 1994, Future trends:  • The applications market will dominate the technology and research directions. • Low cost high performance graphics engine, even reaching 1 million Gouround or Phong shaded polygons per second. • High precision body suit/sensors, 6D trackers, 3D mouse, data glove. • Low cost force feedback joystick, tactile glove. Authoring tools for VR packages. • Light weight HMD, eyeglasses, stereo LCD. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  20. Force Feedback Joystick  (1995),   patented in Taiwan Molecular visualization Virtual Drum Communications & Multimedia Lab

  21. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  22. In Epcot Center, Disney Worlds, Florida, USA, 1996 In Pasteur Research Center, Strasbourg, France, 2005 Communications & Multimedia Lab

  23. Remote Robot Surgery Laparoscope(內視鏡顯微手術) Large number of medical doctors were trained in this way in France Sewing simulation: tie knots Communications & Multimedia Lab

  24. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  25. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  26. Just Noticeable Difference To estimate the Details Visibility Change between two images of signifcantly different dynamic range, knowledge of the hypothetical HVS response to given physical contrasts under given adaptation conditions is required. A reasonable prediction for a full range of contrast values is given by the following transducer function that is derived and approximated by Mantiuk et al. [MMS06]: T(G) = 54:09288 G0:41850; (6) with the following properties: T(0) = 0 and T(Gthreshold ) = 1;(7) The transducer function estimates the HVS response to physical contrast in Just Noticeable Difference (JND) units. Thus for a given contrast threshold, Gthreshold, a transducer value equals 1 JND. It is important to note that this measure holds for suprathreshold measurements, since it not only estimates the detection, but also the magnitude of change. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  27. Just Noticeable Difference The approximation given by Equation (6) has been derived with the assumption of 1% contrast detection threshold, i.e. Gthreshold=log10(1:01). Although such an assumption is often made in image processing for LDR, the detection threshold depends on an adapting luminance level and is described by the Threshold Versus Intensity (TVI) function [CIE81]. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  28. NTU CML Tape Demo • 藥劑分子模型結合測試:在此系統中,使用者可以看到放大的立體分子模型,並藉著調整位置與視角,來測試結合的可行度。 • 力回饋搖桿:沒有力回饋的搖桿,無法表現出實際操作時的力量感,如拿起重物的重量感,或射擊的後座力。這次所展現出的力回饋搖桿,配合射擊遊戲,可以讓玩者感受到開槍時的後座力,及遭受攻擊的震動 • 夢幻鼓手:一套虛擬樂器演奏系統。當使用者拿著鼓棒在空中敲擊時,經由音源產生器可以產生真正的鼓聲,再配合立體眼鏡和繪圖工作站產生的影像,會讓使用者產生正在使用一套打擊樂器的幻覺。 Communications & Multimedia Lab

  29. VR Game in an Arcade Communications & Multimedia Lab

  30. SEGA SATURN by SEGA SEGA Saturn was shipping in Nov. , 1994. It is the next generation of SEGA TV-game machine. Its existence acclaims the new age of 3DCG, and brought this age into your house ! Let's see what it is : • CPU : Sega Saturn uses a pair of SH2 , a kind of 32-bit RISC processor by Hitachi, for computing and video output, and one M68000 for audio output. The total computing ability is about 56 MIPS. • RAM : Sega Saturn uses 2MB as main RAM, 1.5 MB as V-RAM, 512 KB as Audio Output and another 512 MB as CD-ROM buffer. Total RAM used is 4 MB! • 3DCG : Sega Saturn has build-in hardware supporting 3DCG, of course. It is able to display ( compute ) about 200,000 polygons, including flat-shading, gouraud-shading, and texture-mapping. It uses Z-sort to solve the problem of Z value, and about 3 light sources. • 2DCG : Sega Saturn also supports 2D image processing. It can display 1 layer of sprite in front of 5 layers of BG, including scaling, stretching, and rotating (by 3 axis). In addition, SS could support animation of its own format (about 2/3 screen sized). • CD-ROM : Double-speed CD-ROM driver. Of course it can be used to display normal CD(usually used as BGM), Photo CD, CD-G, and video CD(MPEG1,optional). Communications & Multimedia Lab

  31. Sony PLAYSTATION Specifications Graphics Synthesizer Emotion Engine'128bit CPU' 音聲處理 (SPU2+CPU) I/O Processor 儲存媒介 Communications & Multimedia Lab

  32. SEGA SATURN 主機性能介紹 Communications & Multimedia Lab

  33. Nintendo 64 Specs 聲音: ‧ Stereo 16-bit ‧ ADPCM Compression ‧ 100 PCM channels possible 。Each PCM channel takes 1% of the CPU time ▪Average 16-24 channels ‧ Wavetable Synthesis ‧ Sampled at 48 KHz max ‧ Internal Special Effects 。Voice (w/ Pitch Shifting) 。Gain and Pan 。Reverb and Chorus ‧ External (software) Effects Supported 影像: ‧ Video Output 。RF、Stereo A/V、S-Video、HDTV ‧ Video and Resolution: 。256 x 224 to 640 x 480 ▪Limited by TV Standards ▪Flicker Free Interlace Mode 。21-bit color output 。32-bit RGBA Pixel Color Frame Buffer Controller Ports: ‧ Four Controller Ports ‧ Three-prong Feed Controllers: ‧ Digital joypad at left ‧ Analog stick in middle ‧ Six buttons on the right 。'B' and 'A' buttons 。Four "C Group" buttons 。'L' and 'R' buttons on top 。One "Z Trigger" button on the bottom ‧ Memory card port on back 。Initial controller paks start out at 256k 。Paks(up to 2 MB) will be available 。Supports other 'paks' such as a "Jolt Pak" 擴充槽: ‧ Cartridge Slot ‧ Controller Ports ‧ Extension Port (bottom) ‧ Memory Expansion option (top front) N64 Console Games: ‧ Games begin at 32-128 Megabits ‧ Uses JPEG image format for pre-rendered images ‧ Produces polygon graphics on the fly ‧ On-board hardware decompression; software optional ‧ 256 Megabit carts max; (four 64 meg ROMs)Downward Compatible 實體體積: ‧10.25" x 7.5" x 2.57“ ‧ 2.42 lbs Custom CPU: ‧ Custom 64-bit MIPS R4300i-class RISC CPU (93.75 MHz)    。64-bit data path, registers, buffer 。5-stage pipeline ‧ CPU Benchmarks 。125 Dhrystone MIPS (93 million operations/sec) 。60 SPECint92 。45 SPECfp92 Co-Processor: ‧ Custom 64-bit MIPS RISC "Reality Immersion" RCP (62.5 MHz) Built-in Audio/Video Vector Processor (RSP) ‧ RCP Benchmarks 。Over half a billion (500,000,000) vector operations/sec       ▪10 times more than some Pentium engines 。Built-in Pixel Drawing Processor (RDP) takes care of: ▪Advanced Texture-Mapping - Detail Texturing - Tri-linear Mip Map Interpolation - Perspective Correction - Environment Mapping - Depth Buffering ▪Color Combiner       ▪Anti-Aliasing and Blending       ▪Rasterizing       ▪Z-Buffering       ▪Automatic LOD Management       ▪Vertex positioning and transformations       ▪Depth, color and texture clipping       ▪Transparency (256 levels max)       ▪GouraudShading Processor/Co-Processor Engine: ‧ Contains Over 4 Million Transistors Total ‧ Manufactured by NECBased on .35 Micron Process Memory: ‧ 4 Megabytes (36 megabits) total RAM ‧ Rambus DRAM subsystem 。Transfers up to 562.5 MBytes/sec ‧ Custom 9-bit Rambus Bus (to the DRAM) 。Runs at 500 MHz max ‧ Internal data bus to the RCP is 128-bit Communications & Multimedia Lab

  34. Nintendo Wii Specs • System specs Central Processing Unit (CPU) IBM Broadway 729MHzGraphics Processing Unit (GPU) ATI Hollywood 243MHzSupported Resolution Up to 480pSystem Memory 88MBInternet Connectivity WiFi 802.11 b/g • Media Internal Storage 512MB Flash Memory Optical Drive 12cm Wii Disc & 8cm GameCube Disc. Discs will self-load into the bay.12cm Disc Capacity 4.7Gb (or 8.5Gb Dual Layer)Memory Expansion 1 x SD Memory • Backward Compatibility Downloadable Games NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, Neo-Geo, TurboGrafix16 (and CD)Disc Compatibility GameCube • Connectivity Wii Controller Ports 4 x WirelessGameCube Controller Ports 4 PortsGameCube Memory Expansion 2 PortsUSB 2.0 2 PortsInternet Wireless IEEE802.11b/g or a USB LAN adaptor. WiiConnect 24 persistant connection, even when powered off.Output ports AV Multi-output port, allowing Composite, S-Video and Component. • Controller Connection method Bluetooth (wireless)Wiimote Buttons 3 axis motion sensor, + Direction pad, A, B, Minus, Home, Power button, 1 and 2Nunchuck Buttons 3 axis motion sensor, Analog stick, C and ZForce feedback (rumble) YesOther features Wiimote has a speaker and an expansion port Communications & Multimedia Lab

  35. Nintendo Wii • First six weeks of sales volume in Japan: • PS3: 310K, Xbox360: 110K,Wii: 1130K • Why is it successful? • Human Computer Interface breakthrough VS. Graphics rendering power • Make the player pie bigger: including the traditional non-game players: such as grandparents and grandchildren, not just youth groups. • Traditional game players are usually lonely in one room, with networking connected to outside world only, while the Wii includes everyone in one game in one room (a social medium). • Single-handed remote control, much less buttons and control. • Good to "PLAY" vs. Good to "LOOK“ • 3D orientation and location control, added force feedback: vibration and sound, • My own experience: DEMO • SIGGRAPH2006_EmergingTech: 3D_DDR • VR: The quality of the experience is crucial. To stimulate creativity and productivity, the virtual experience must be credible. The "reality" must bothreact to the human participants in physically and perceptually appropriate ways, and confirm to their personal cognitive representations of themicroworldinwhich they are engrossed.--- CarlMachoverCG&A 1994. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  36. Nintendo Wii Communications & Multimedia Lab

  37. Microsoft Xbox 360 Communications & Multimedia Lab

  38. Microsoft Xbox 360 Specs Communications & Multimedia Lab

  39. Microsoft Xbox Kinect Kinect is a motion sensing input device by Microsoft for the Xbox 360 video game console and Windows PCs. Based around a webcam-style add-on peripheral for the Xbox 360 console, it enables users to control and interact with the Xbox 360 without the need to touch a game controller, through a natural user interface using gestures and spoken commands. The project is aimed at broadening the Xbox 360's audience beyond its typical gamer base. Kinect competes with the Wii Remote Plus and PlayStation Move with PlayStation Eye motion controllers for the Wii and PlayStation 3 home consoles, respectively. A version for Windows was released on February 1, 2012. Microsoft released a non-commercial Kinect software development kit for Windows 7 on June 16, 2011, with a commercial version following at a later date. This SDK will allow .NET developers to write Kinecting apps in C++/CLI, C#, or Visual Basic .NET. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  40. Microsoft Xbox Kinect Specs SensorColour and depth-sensing lensesVoice microphone arrayTilt motor for sensor adjustmentFully compatible with existing Xbox 360 consoles Field of ViewHorizontal field of view: 57 degreesVertical field of view: 43 degreesPhysical tilt range: ± 27 degreesDepth sensor range: 1.2m - 3.5m Data Streams320×240 16-bit depth @ 30 frames/sec640×480 32-bit colour@ 30 frames/sec16-bit audio @ 16 kHz Skeletal Tracking SystemTracks up to 6 people, including 2 active playersTracks 20 joints per active playerAbility to map active players to Live Avatars Audio SystemLive party chat and in-game voice chat (requires Xbox Live Gold Membership)Echo cancellation system enhances voice inputSpeech recognition in multiple Communications & Multimedia Lab

  41. Microsoft Xbox Kinect Communications & Multimedia Lab

  42. Microsoft Xbox Kinect Communications & Multimedia Lab

  43. Sony PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 slim (PS3 CECH-2000 model) is the revamped version of Sony's seventh generation video game console - PS3, which was launched by Sony Computer Entertainment in 2009. Other than the new sleek design, these PS3 slim console also boasts of potent mix of new (such as the removable hard drive) and old features (such as online gaming, a high-definition optical disc format and Blu-ray Disc technology), which make gaming easier and interesting. While the first two consoles of these series were armed with 120GB and 250GB HDD, they were eventually discontinued to make way for the two existing models - the 160GB slim and the 320GB slim in 2010. (The 320GB PS3 slim though, is only available as a part of the PS3 bundle.) As with their predecessors, both models come with a Blu-ray drive which can be used for multimedia purposes as well. Some of the most popular PS3 games include Medal of Honor - Frontline, Far Cry 2, Demon's Souls, MAG, inFamous, Resident Evil, Kill Zone 2, etc. At the same time, the addition of PlayStation Move which facilitates motion gaming has also added to the popularity of PS3 slim console. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  44. Sony PlayStation 3 Specs CompactFlash:(Type I, II) x 1 Communication:Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) x3 (input x 1 + output x 2) Wi-Fi:IEEE 802.11 b/g Bluetooth:Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR) Controller: Bluetooth (up to 7) USB2.0 (wired) Wi-Fi (PSP®) Network (over IP) AV Output: Screen size:480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p HDMI:HDMI out x 2 Analog:AV MULTI OUT x 1 Digital audio:DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) x 1 CD Disc media (read only): PlayStation CD-ROM PlayStation 2 CD-ROM CD-DA (ROM), CD-R, CD-RW SACD Hybrid (CD layer), SACD HD DualDisc (audio side), DualDisc (DVD side) DVD Disc media (read only): PlayStation 2 DVD-ROM PLAYSTATION 3 DVD-ROM DVD-Video: DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW Blu-ray Disc media (read only): PLAYSTATION 3 BD-ROM BD-Video: BD-ROM, BD-R, BD-RE CPU:CellProcessor PowerPC-base Core @3.2GHz 1 VMX vector unit per core 512KB L2 cache 7 x SPE @3.2GHz 7 x 128b 128 SIMD GPRs 7 x 256KB SRAM for SPE * 1 of 8 SPEs reserved for redundancy total floating point performance: 218 GFLOPS GPU:RSX @550MHz 1.8 TFLOPS floating point performance Full HD (up to 1080p) x 2 channels Multi-way programmable parallel floating point shader pipelines Sound:Dolby 5.1ch, DTS, LPCM, etc. (Cell-base processing) Memory: 256MB XDR Main RAM @3.2GHz 256MB GDDR3 VRAM @700MHz System Bandwidth: Main RAM: 25.6GB/s VRAM: 22.4GB/s RSX: 20GB/s (write) + 15GB/s (read) SB: 2.5GB/s (write) + 2.5GB/s (read) System Floating Point Performance:2 TFLOPS Storage: HDD Detachable 2.5" HDD slot x 1 I/O: USB:Front x 4, Rear x 2 (USB2.0) Memory Stick:standard/Duo, PRO x 1 SD:standard/mini x 1 Communications & Multimedia Lab

  45. Sony PlayStation Move The PlayStation Move combines a video camera with a physical controller packed with motion-sensing electronics, making it the technological cross between Kinect and the Nintendo Wii. The Move Motion Controller, or "wand," combines a gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetic sensor (a sort of digital "compass" that uses the Earth's magnetic field to determine the controller's orientation) to track the controller in three dimensions, while the glowing ball at the end gives the PlayStation Eye camera a visual reference for handling aiming, cursor movement, and other motion. Like Kinect, PlayStation Move requires room to function; Sony recommends 5 to 9 feet between the player and the PlayStation Eye, but you can play anywhere from 2 to 10 feet of the camera. Communications & Multimedia Lab

  46. Sony PlayStation Move Specs • PlayStation Move Specifications and Details • Features"The latency for the Playstation Move is under one frame" - Scott Rohde, vice president of product development, SCEA. • PlayStation®Move motion controllerThree-axis gyroscopeThree-axis accelerometerTerrestrial megnetic field sensorColour-changing sphere for Playstation Eye trackingBluetooth® technologyVibration feedback • PlayStation®Move sub-controllerBuilt-in lithium-ion rechargeable batteryBluetooth® technology2 DUALSHOCK® or SIXAXIS® Wireless Controller replacement capability. • PlayStation® EyeBuilt-in four-capsule microphone arrayEcho cancellationBackground noise suppression • Price"Under $100" (£47) Communications & Multimedia Lab

  47. -The System Comparism Communications & Multimedia Lab

  48. -The Deal Comparism Communications & Multimedia Lab

  49. -The Games Comparism Communications & Multimedia Lab

  50. -pros and cons Comparism Communications & Multimedia Lab

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