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2013 Loveland Agri Products Trial Data

2013 Loveland Agri Products Trial Data. Nitrogen/NutriSync M Foliar Trial Donald, Vic. Trial Setup. Location: Donald Vic Co-operators: Rik Maatman & Kris Dixon Landmark Plot Size: 10m x 1.65m Replicates: 4 Sowing date: 29 th May 2013

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2013 Loveland Agri Products Trial Data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2013 Loveland Agri Products Trial Data Nitrogen/NutriSync M Foliar Trial Donald, Vic

  2. Trial Setup Location: Donald Vic Co-operators: RikMaatman & Kris Dixon Landmark Plot Size: 10m x 1.65m Replicates: 4 Sowing date: 29th May 2013 Soil Moisture & Type: Good, Clay loam Chemicals Applied: Glyphosate 450 1L/ha, Oxyflurofen75ml, Li700 0.3% knockdown. Trifluralin 2L/ha, Avadex Xtra 1.6L/ha IBS, Clopyralid 150ml + LVE MCPA 600mls applied 15/8 Cv: Scout wheat @ 70 kg/ha

  3. Trial Protocol

  4. Wheat Yield T/ha LSD (P=.05) = .184 CV = 6.06

  5. Wheat Yield T/ha LSD (P=.05) = .184 CV = 6.06

  6. Max N-Pact Wheat Yield T/ha LSD (P=.05) = .184 CV = 6.06

  7. Ranger Wheat Yield T/ha LSD (P=.05) = .184 CV = 6.06

  8. Sulsa Wheat Yield T/ha LSD (P=.05) = .184 CV = 6.06

  9. UAN Wheat Yield T/ha LSD (P=.05) = .184 CV = 6.06

  10. Donald Rainfall 2012 Total = 264 mm 2013 Total = 286 mm mm

  11. Maximum N Pact @ 10 lt/ha the best treatment in the trialreturning an increase in yield when compared to standard treatment UAN @ 40lt/ha. Nutrisync M applied outside of the ideal application window which would be closer to Z 25. Conclusions

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