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word research of unit 5

word research of unit 5. Group 5 Class 4 郑高强 林子扬 柯韬 吴延鸿 张膺钊 陈耀宗. candid. Adj. 1. Free from prejudice; impartial.公正的:不囿于偏见的;公正的 2. Characterized by openness and sincerity of expression; unreservedly straightforward: 坦率的:以开朗和诚挚为特征的;毫无保留地开朗直率的:

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word research of unit 5

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  1. word research of unit 5 Group 5 Class 4 郑高强 林子扬 柯韬 吴延鸿 张膺钊 陈耀宗

  2. candid Adj. 1.Free from prejudice; impartial.公正的:不囿于偏见的;公正的 2.Characterized by openness and sincerity of expression; unreservedly straightforward: 坦率的:以开朗和诚挚为特征的;毫无保留地开朗直率的: In private, I gave them my candidopinion. 私下里,我对他们直言相告 3.Not posed or rehearsed:偷拍的:未摆好姿势的或事先未安排好的: a candid snapshot.一张偷拍的快照

  3. clap v. intr.(不及物动词) To strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden explosive sound, as in applauding. 拍手,鼓掌 v. tr.(及物动词) • To strike (the hands) together with an abrupt, loud sound, usually repeatedly: 鼓掌,拍手 clapped hands in time to the music.听音乐时恰时的鼓掌 • To arrange hastily: 匆忙地安排: clapped together a plan. 急忙安排一个计划 n.(名词) • The act or sound of clapping the hands. 拍手声:拍手的动作或声音

  4. deceptive adj.(形容词) likely to deceive; misleading 可能欺骗的; 导致误解的: Appearances are often deceptive. ==Things are not always what they seem to be. 外表往往是靠不住的.

  5. definite adj.(形容词) 1. Having distinct limits: 明确的:有清楚的限制的: definite restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages. 关于销售酒类有明确的限制 2. Indisputable; certain: 肯定的:不容置疑的;一定的: a definite victory. 确定的胜利 3. Clearly defined; explicitly precise: 确切的:解释清楚的;非常精确的: a definite statement of the terms of the will.

  6. (all) of a piece • Belonging to the same class or kind. • 相似的,同类的;属于同种属或同种类的 • all of a piece with sth. • Consistent with sth.与某事物一致 • The new measures are all of a piece with the government’s policy. • 新措施和政府的政策完全一致。 • Extra: • a piece of (one's) mind • Frank and severe criticism; censure. • 指责:坦白而严厉的指责;严苛的批评 • piece by pieceIn stages:逐步地: • took the clock apart piece by piece. • 一点一点地把钟表拆开 • a piece of cake容易的事

  7. down and out adv. Having no home , money , etc; destitute 无家、无钱等;穷困潦倒 He looked completely down and out. 他看上去已穷困潦倒。 down-and-out , homeless people 穷困潦倒、无家可归的人

  8. go broke Meaning: 破产(口语) broke: adj. having no money ; penniless ;bankrupt; 没有钱;破产。 Could you lend me 10? I’m completely broke. flat / stony broke completely broke 穷困到极点 go for broke risk everything in one determined attempt at sth.孤注一掷

  9. spicy • adj. (spicier, spiciest) 1、Having the flavor, aroma, or quality of spice. 芳香的:具有香料的味道、香味或性质的 2、Piquant; zesty:辛辣的;有滋味的: a spicy tomato sauce. 辛辣的蕃茄酱 3、High-spirited; lively.兴致高的;生动的 4、Slightly scandalous; risqué:粗俗的;淫猥的: a spicy Hollywood romance. 一部粗俗的好莱坞浪漫故事片

  10. stroke v.(stroked, stroking, strokes) 1、To rub lightly, with or as if with the hand or something held in the hand; caress. 用手或如同用手一般对手掌内的东西轻轻地摩擦;抚摸 He stroked her hair affectionately. 2、Informal To behave attentively or flatteringly toward, especially in order to restore to confidence or win over. 【非正式用语】 奉承:对…表现殷勤或迎合,尤指为了重新获得或赢得信任 n. A light caressing movement, as of the hand. 用手轻抚的动作

  11. instinct n.(名词) 1.An inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific environmental stimuli: 本能:一种天生的行为方式,其因物种不同而各异, 通常是对某一具体环境刺激的反应: altruistic instincts in social animals. 群居动物的本能 2.A powerful motivation or impulse. 冲动:一种强烈的动机或冲动 3.An innate capability or aptitude: 天资:天生的能力或才能: an instinct for tact and diplomacy. 在机智和外交方面的天份 adj.(形容词) Deeply filled or imbued: 深深地充满着: words instinct with love. 充满爱意的言辞

  12. mild adj.(形容词) mild.er,mild.est 1.Gentle or kind in disposition, manners, or behavior. 温和的:性情、举止或行为文雅或善良的 2.Moderate in type, degree, effect, or force: 和缓的:型号、程度、作用或力量适中的: a mild pipe tobacco; a mild sedative. 味淡的烟草;平和的镇静剂 3.Not extreme: 不强烈的: a mild winter storm. 温和的冬季风雪 4.Warm and full of sunshine; pleasant: 暖和的:温暖且充满阳光的;宜人的: a mild spring day; mild weather in June. 温暖宜人的春天;六月宜人的天气 4.Not severe or acute: 轻微的:不严重或厉害的: a mild fever. 轻度发烧

  13. be/go (all)to pieces 身体(或精神)垮下来;失去自制能力; 身心崩溃;沮丧至极; 区别 fall to pieces: (东西)变得破旧不堪; (人、机构、计划等)停止运作,崩溃,瓦解;

  14. for sb.'s(own)part/the part of 至于…;对…来说 与 as for sb. / sth. 类似 As for Jo, she’s doing fine. 至于乔,她现在过得不错。 As for food for the party, that’s all being taken care of. 关于聚会要用的食物,都在置办当中。

  15. in accordance with 依照,依据 in accordance with legal requirements 根据法律要求 We acted in accordance with my parents’ wishes. 我们遵照我父母的意愿行事。

  16. Hitherto Adv. Until now    迄今,到目前为止 e.g. a woman referred to hitherto as Mrs. X 迄今称之为X夫人的女子 a hitherto unknown species of moth 至今尚不知属何种类的蛾

  17. insane Adj. not sane; mad; senseless, very fool 精神失常的;疯狂的;愚蠢的,荒唐的 e.g. an insane person/the insane 精神错乱的人 an insane desire, idea, decision, policy    疯狂的欲望,想法,决定,政策  an institution for the insane 精神病院 Adv.Insanely n.insaneness

  18. shave Vt. 1.Cut (hair) off the face, etc. with a razor; cut hair off the face, etc. of (sb) in this way (用剃刀)刮(胡须等);为(某人)剃毛发 e.g. Why don’t you shave your beard off?      你怎么不把胡须刮掉? 2.Pass very close to (sb/sth), or touch slightly in passing 掠过,擦过 The bus just shaved me by an inch.   那辆公车从我身边掠过,离我只有一英寸.

  19. 3.Remove (a thin layer) from the surface of sth by cutting of scraping   从某物表面削去或刮掉(薄薄一层) shave sth off sth n. 1. Act of shaving  剃,刮 e.g. A sharp razor gives a close shave.      剃刀锋利刮得就干净. 2. (idm 习语) a close shave   剃光头发,侥幸的脱险

  20. sip v. Drink (sth), taking very small quantities each time 小口喝,抿: e.g. drink one’s tea, sipping noisy  喝茶时小口抿出声 sip one’s coffee     一小口一小口喝咖啡 n. Act of sipping ;amount sipped 小口喝,一小口的量 e.g.Take a few sips of brandy 抿了几口白兰地.

  21. oddly enough Adv. Used to say that sth seems strange or surprising:   说来奇怪 e. g. Oddly enough, we were just talking about the same thing.   说也奇怪,我们刚谈的正是这件事. Oddly: [adv] in a strange or peculiar manner e.g. She looked at him very oddly.     她怪模怪样地看着他.

  22. turn up 1) (of shares, the stock market ,etc.) rise; increase; improve: (指股票,股市等)上扬,反弹,升值; e.g. Investment is turning up sharply. 投资额急遽增长. 2) make one’s appearance; arrive 露面,来到 e.g. We invited her to dinner but she didn’t even bother to turn up.     我们请她吃饭她都不露面. .

  23. 3)be found (esp. by chance) after being lost  (失去后)被发现      或找到 e.g. I’m sure your watch will turn up one of these days 4)(of an opportunity) present itself; happen e.g. He ‘s still hoping something will turn up.

  24. trifle noun. 1.Slightly…稍微,一点儿: She seemed a trifle anxious.她似乎有点着急。 2.Something that is not valuable or important…小事,琐事,不值钱的东西: There is no point to worrying over such trifles. 没必要为这些鸡毛蒜皮的小事担心。 3.A cold DESSERT (food) made from cake and fruit soaked in wine and/or jelly, covered with CUSTARD and cream…乳脂酸糕(一种食品) Verb (intr.). 1.PHR V: [trifle with sb./sth.] to treat sb/sth. without genuine respect…怠慢,小看: He is not a person to be trifled with.他这个人怠慢不得。 (Vtr.) 2.To waste (time or money, for example).浪费(时间或金钱),虚度: Do not trifle your time.不要虚度年华。

  25. trim Verb(tr.). 1.To make sth neater, smaller, better. etc, by cutting parts from it.修剪,修整: to trim your hair.理发。 to trim a hedge (back).修剪树篱。 The training budget had been trimmed by 10000 dollars. 培训预算削减了10000美金。 2.[~sth off(sth)] To cut away unnecessary parts from sth…切去,割掉,剪下,除去(不必要的部分): Trim any excess fat off the meat.把多余的肥膘从肉上割掉。 3.[~sth with sth ] To decorate sth, especially around its edges.装饰,修饰,点缀: gloves trimmed with fur.毛皮镶边的手套

  26. Verb (intr.) trim down. To become smaller in size; to make sth smaller.(使)变小,缩减。 By a combination of diet and exercise he has trimmed down from 90 kilos to 70.通过控制饮食结合 运动,他的体重从90公斤减到了70公斤 noun. 1.An act of cutting a small amount of sth, especially hair…(尤指毛发的)修剪 : how much is it for a wash and trim?洗头理发要多少钱? 2.Material that is used to decorate clothes, cars, etc, especially along the edges by being a different color ,etc…(衣服,汽车等)的饰物,边饰,装饰部件。 The car is available with black or red trim.这个汽车的座椅有黑红两种颜色 Adj. 1.Looking thin, healthy and attractive…苗条,修长,健康优雅的: she has kept very trim.她的身体保持得很苗条。 2.Neat and well cared for…整齐的,精心照管的,井然有序的: a trim garden.精心管理的花园

  27. Vacancy Noun. 1.[~(for sb/sth)] a job that is available for sb to do…(职位的)空缺;空职;空额 a casual/temporary vacancy.临时空缺 fill a vacancy.填补空缺。 2.A room that is available in a hotel, etc.(旅馆等的)空房,房间: I am sorry, we have no vacancies.对不起,我们这里客满。 3.(written)lack of interest or ideas…无兴趣;无主意;空虚: the vacancy of her expression.她那茫然若失的表情

  28. Wrinkle Noun. 1.A line or small fold in your skin, especially on you face, that forms as you get older…(尤指脸上的)皱纹: There were fine wrinkles around her eyes.她眼角上出现了鱼尾纹。 2.A small fold that you do not want in a piece of fabric or paper…(布或纸上的)皱褶,皱痕。 Verb. 1.~(sth) (up) to make the skin on your face tighten into lines or folds; to form lines or folds in this way…(使脸上)起皱纹,皱起: She wrinkled up her nose in distaste.她厌恶的皱起鼻子。 2.To form raised folds or lines in an untidy way; to make sth do this …(使)起褶皱: Her stockings were wrinkling at the knees.她长袜的膝盖处起了褶皱。

  29. Something of more or less…差不多: She found herself something of (=to some degree) a celebrity.她发现自己差不多成名人了。

  30. With (a) bad/good grace Unwillingly and rudely/willingly and happily… 勉强地/欣然地: With a bad grace, the U.S. army agreed to leave Iraq next month. 美国军队勉强同意下个月从伊拉克撤军。

  31. commit vt. 1.To do, perform, or perpetrate:犯:作、实行或犯(罪): commit a murder.犯谋杀罪 2.To consign for future use or reference or for preservation: 交付,保管:为将来使用、参考或保存而寄存: commit the verse to memory.将诗句存入脑海中 3.To make known the views of (oneself) on an issue:表明:使对一个问题的观点被知道(某人自己): I never commit myself on such issues. 我从未对这些问题表示过意见

  32. constitution n. 1. (system of) laws and principles according to which a state is governed 宪法(的体制): Britain has an unwritten constitution, and the United States has a written constitution. 英国有不成文的宪法, 美国有成文的宪法. 2. action or manner of constituting 组织、 建立、 任命、 授权的举动或方式: the constitution of an advisory group 谘询小组的组成. 3.The physical makeup of a person:体质:一个人的身体特质: She was born with a strong constitution.她天生长就好的体格

  33. elderly adj. 1. Being past middle age and approaching old age; rather old. 上了年纪的:已过中年的,接近老年的;年岁大的,年老的 2. pl. elderly (used with a pl. verb)Older people considered as a group. Often used withthe : 【复数】 elderly (与复数动词连用)对老年人的总称:被当作群体看待的老年人,经常与定冠词the 连用: special recreational programs for the elderly. 为老年人设立的特殊娱乐计划

  34. evidently adj. 1. According to the evidence available:显然地:根据现有的证据地: The stranger approached the microphone, evidently intending to speak. 那个陌生人走近话筒,显然想发言 2. Obviously; clearly. 明显地;清楚地

  35. in bad/good condition 1. 情况良好 He's in good condition for a man of his age.他 就其年龄而言,身体极好。 2.情况很差 firemen having to operate in very bad conditions.须在极困难的情况下工作的消费队员

  36. stick to 1. 不放弃,不改变;坚持或维持 'Would you like some wine?''No,I'll stick to beer.'你喝点葡萄酒吗?不,我还是喝啤酒吧。 2.情况很差,但坚持完成任务 stick to a task until it's finished 坚持完成任务

  37. current adj 1.[usually attrib(常作定语)] of present time; happening now 现在的,现行的; her current boy-friend n. 2.[C] movement of water,air,ect flowing I a cerrtain direction through slower-moving or still water, air,ect 流, 流动 The swimmer was swapt away by the current. 3.[C,single] flow of electricity through sth or along wire or cable 电流 Turn on the current. 4.[C] course or movement trend 趋向,趋势 Nothing disturbs the peaceful current of life in the village.

  38. funk n. 1.[sing](also blue funk) fear or anxiety 恐惧;忧虑 She was in a funk about changing jobs. 2.[C](degrog贬义) coward 胆怯的人;点小鬼 V. [Tn 及物] avoid (sth or doing sth) because of fear (因恐惧)避开 He funked telling her he had lost his job.

  39. rub V. 1,[I, T] ~(sth) (with sth ) press against (a surface) with a to-and-fro sliding movement 擦,摸,揉 If you keep rubbing , the paint will come off. 2,[T] apply (sth) in this way 搽上,抹上或涂上 Rub the lotion on (to the skin). Useful phrase: Rub salt into the wound/sb’s wound 雪上加霜 Rub sth up 将某物擦亮

  40. transparent Adj 1,allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be seen clearly 透明的 A type of plastic that is as transparent as glass but stronger 2,about which there can be no doubt; unmistakable 明显的;无疑的 A transparent lie易识破的谎言 3.(approv 褒义) easily understood; clear 易懂的;清楚的;\ A transparent style of writing简明的文本

  41. take sb back Esp passive尤作被动语态 Shock or surprise I was taken back by his rudeness.

  42. drive at Idiom (always with what as the object 必须以what 作为宾语) be trying to do or say 意在;意指 I wish I knew what they were really driving at.

  43. in a way to a certain extent but not entirely 在某种程度上: The changes are an improvement in a way.

  44. thanks for your patience thank you

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