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CERN Technology Transfer Activities. Enrico Chesta Head of CERN Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management Section. Knowledge Transfer. CERN Mission. Push back the frontiers of knowledge in nuclear research Develop new technologies for accelerators and detectors
CERN Technology Transfer Activities Enrico Chesta Head of CERN Technology Transfer and IntellectualProperty Management Section
Knowledge Transfer CERN Mission Push back the frontiers of knowledge in nuclear research Develop new technologies for accelerators and detectors Train scientists and engineers of tomorrow Unite people from different countries and cultures Quarks Knowledge Transfer Proton Electron Nucleus Atom Molecule Matter
CERN Main Areas of Excellence Accelerating particlebeams Detecting particles Large-scalecomputing (Grid)
Example: Medical Applications Photons Protons Particle accelerators for hadron therapy Particle detectors for medical imaging Grid computing for medical data management and analysis
FP-KT-IP Technology Transfer and IP Management Section Inspired by CERN’s principle of maximizing the benefits for society, the section acts in support to the valorization and transfer of CERN technologies to external partners and provides the Organization with services related to the management of Intellectual Property. Implementing an effective “Balanced Innovation Model” Pure Open Science Vision Market Driven Approach Foster and show CERN technologies impact on society Support competitiveness of Member States industry Dissemination of knowledge generated at CERN
Internet Infrastructure World Wide Web Grid computing Science for society: ICT Web infrastructure Internet infrastructure World widedistributedcomputing
WWW : Technology What was the need of CERN… Physicists needed to share computer-stored information to answer tough questions about the Universe and to network within the R&D community WWW: Society … and what it became 1989 - Sir Tim Berners - Lee created an information management system using hypertext to share data, documentation and news to help the Physicists community; 1990 - The World Wide Web was running at CERN; Info.cern.ch – world’s first web-site and web server running @CERN 1991- 1993 – Several Institutes in Europe and US were making use of the www; 1993 – 2001 – Growth of usage of the www among users / Free commercialization of the www / “Dot-com” Boom US and Europe;
Grid: Technology What was the need of CERN… Physicists needed to manage large amounts (gigabytes) of data produced by high energy physics (HEP) experiments. Grid: Society … and what can become • The WWW is a service for sharing information over the Internet. The Grid is aservice for sharing computer power and data storagecapacity over the Internet. • Via Grid computing large amounts of data are distributed around the globe and accessible to all the 5000 scientistsof the LHC experiments. • Business applications: • Financial modeling in the banking and insurance businesses (running large scale simulations) • Drug design (e.g. modeling DNA structures) in the pharmaceutical sector • Earth observation satellites data processing
CERN Open Hardware Licence The CERN Open Hardware Licence (CERN OHL) governs the use, copying, modification and distribution of hardware design documentation, and the manufacture and distribution of products. The CERN–OHL is to hardware what the General Public Licence (GPL) is to software. It defines the conditions under which a licensee will be able to use or modify the licensed material. Principles: anyone should be able to see the design documentation, study it, modify it and share it. If modifications are made and distributed, it must be under the same licence conditions – this is the ‘persistent’ nature of the licence, which ensures that the whole community will continue benefiting from improvements, in the sense that everyone will in turn be able to make modifications to these improvements.
Technology Transfer to External Partners: Implementation Ways (1/2) TT PartnershipApproach Market Pull Concept: Setting-up collaborations withindustry (withpreference to Member States industry) to use CERN competences in support of new developments and innovative applications in their main business fields PracticalImplementation: - Collaborative R&D - ContractResearch - Service and Consultancy Limitations: • Compatibility with CERN scientific program • No commercial entity in the Member States must be capable to offer an equivalenttechnology
CERN Core Competences Super-conductivity (13kA, 7MJoules) Vacuum (10-12Torr) Cryogenics (1.9 K) Magnets (10 T) Very high performance detectors and electronics Data processing (15 PB/year)
Technology Transfer to External Partners: Implementation Ways (2/2) TT LicensingApproach Technology Push Concept: Givingaccess to CERN mostinnovative technologies to externalpartners (withpreference to industry and institutions in the Member States) for scientific and commercial purposes PracticalImplementation: • - Non-exclusive Licensing agreement (preferred option) • Exclusive Licensingagreements (only for companies in the MS) • Alwaysincludingtechnical support duringimplementation phase Limitations: • General restrictions (e.g., no military applications) • « Fair-share » return ruleapplied on revenues generatedthrough the commercialization of the technology
CERN Technology Portfolio Some numbers and statistics: • ~170 TT cases (60 open) • ~10 invention disclosures per year • 37 patent families (50% exploited) New invention disclosures are presented once per year to the External Network of Technology Transfer Officersdelegated by everyMember State to ensureEqualOpportunities for exploitation
Generic Classification and “Exploitation Level” Average global KTT technology portfolio « exploitation » level: 50%
Technology Readiness Levels and “Exploitation Level”
Hadron Therapy (1/3) tumour target charged hadron beam that loses energy in matter X rays protons or carbon ions Photons Protons Hadron beams: new treatmentopportunities for deep-seatedtumours C ions: 24 times more energythan protons GSI
Hadron Therapy (2/3) CNAO - Pavia Centro NazionalediAdroterapiaOncologica
Hadron Therapy (3/3)
Vacuum technology: Non Evaporable Getter (1/2) Description Thin film coatings to achieve and obtain ultra-high vacuum at low temperatures based on thin layer coating applied by sputtering. Recover chemical reactivity (i.e. pumping function) by heating at temperature as low as 180 C Advantages Ultra-high vacuum is achieved (10 -13Torr) Reversible process for hydrogen atoms (with palladium) Up to 50 venting cycles possible with marginal performance loss [Picture]
Vacuum technology: Non Evaporable Getter (2/2) Advantages • Diffuse light • 350 0C • Easy to produce • High performance • NEG Application: Solar flat panel collectors • Proof of concept developed at CERN by the NEG inventor • NEG technology used to reduce thermal losses • A new prototype of the solar flat panel collector has been developed with a Spanish start-up company for further industrial large scale production. Suitable for industrial heating: heat of tar tanks, paint oven, plastic injection molds…
Power converter with integrated energy storage (1/3) Patent details: Ownership: -50% CERN, 50% EPFL (managed by CERN) Status: - PCT Patent WO 2007/143868 A1 granted in Europe (F, D, CH, UK) - March 2010 - Extensions requested in US, Ca, Ja
Power converter with integrated energy storage (2/3) • POPS (Power to the Proton-Synchroton) Project status: • POPS pulsed power system: ±60MW - 0.5 Hz • Contractor: Converteam (CVT - Fr) • Successful delivery in May 2010 • Currently connected with PS Contractor relations: -CVT has generated new IP in the frame of POPS developmentactivities: innovative interleaving strategy will be used on DSVC (Distribution Static VAR Compensation) applications for EAF (Electric Arc Furnace) systems (ex. of TT through procurement) -CVT is interested in taking a license on CERN-EPFL patent if business opportunities are identified
Power converter with integrated energy storage (3/3) • POPS technology is competitive for applications requiring: • High max active power (factor 4 btw average and peak power) • High voltage and high current (up to ±10 kV / 6 kA) • Short repetition time (cycling frequency ~1Hz) • Long lifetime (> 106 cycles, 15 years) Identified Applications currentlyunderstudy: -Industrial manufacturing: electromagneticforming, high power injection moulding, pressing, bending, stamping -Medical applications: X-ray cinematography power generation for cardiological exams -Renewableenergies: energystorage on a medium voltage bus -Electric/hybrid cars: battery modules management • ResearchFacilities: • HEP Laboratories (BNL, J-Parc) • High Power Pulsed Laser Facilities • ExperimentalPlasmatrons • Marx Generators
System and Method for Positioning and Fixing Objects Relative to Each Other Technique using a stack of identical washers with different orientations to center and clamp inserted items with respect to each other Inventor: Mr. Albert Ijspeert Main identified application: glueless fixation of permanent magnets in IPM electricalmotors
CERN Technology Offer: Portfolio http://technologytransfer.web.cern.ch/TechnologyTransfer/ Accelerators, Magnet & Cryogenic Technology Cryogenic Saving Unit - a novel configuration for the cooling of superconductive magnets used for testing magnets and training. Pulse Tube Refrigerator/Cryo-cooler - a new design of a single stage Pulse Tube Cryo-cooler (PTC). Power Supply Based on Capacitive Storage – a device based on energy storage capacitors, suitable to supply a load requiring relatively low mean power on the one hand and sharp peaks of power on the other hand. Detectors & Instrumentation 3D Magnetic Sensor Calibrator - an innovative device for calibrating magnetic field with high resolution. Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) - a proven amplification technique for position detection of ionizing radiation such as charged particles, photons, X-rays and neutrons, in gas detectors. PHOSWICH - a gamma camera with DOI reconstruction for PET scanners. Quantum Dosimetry - a novel invention comprising a method, software and apparatus to determine dose, dose rate and composition of radiation. Materials Science Micro Chemical Vias - is a new chemical method to make microvias for high density printed multilayer circuits. Non-Evaporable Getter (NEG) Thin Film Coatings - a technology developed to realize ultra-high vacuum at low temperatures. Palladium Thin-film Coatings - allows obtaining reversible pumping without a thick passivation layer is formed. Titanium polishing - a process to polish titanium and titanium alloys to a high degree of surface smoothness, typically of a nanometer level.
CERN Technology Offer: Portfolio http://technologytransfer.web.cern.ch/TechnologyTransfer/ Electronics Fast Front-end Readout Electronics for Photon and Electron Counting Applications - is a high performance readout chips for a potential use in medical imaging, life science applications and material research. High Performance Time to Digital Converter (HPTDC) - a high performance time to digital converter ASIC chip for use in applications requiring precise time-tagging of electronic signals, e.g. for electron and photon detection in medical imaging, laser ranging, life science or material research. Medipix2 Chip - is a high spatial, high contrast resolving CMOS pixel read-out chip working in single photon counting mode. NINO - a low power front-end amplifier discriminator ASIC chip for use in applications based on electron and photon detecting in medical imaging, life science or material research. Information Technology CDS Invenio - a suite of applications providing the framework and tools for building and managing an autonomous digital library server. CRISTAL - a Java description-driven system to manage data and process information for business process life cycle management. It provides a radically new strategy to implement new or to adapt existing business process systems in real time. MammoGrid- an application of Grid technology with the aim to develop an European-wide database of mammograms and to support effective co-working between EU healthcare professionals. NiceAdmin - In order to improve computing security on Windows Desktops, the NiceAdmin software enables users to run Windows XP without administrative privileges.