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EL INGENIOSO HIDALGO DON QUIJOTE DE LA MANCHA WRITTEN BY Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Genre : Novel Narrator : Obtrusive and external . He intervenes directly using a first person narration . Plot and fabula: they coincide, time is used in chronological order .
Genre: Novel Narrator: Obtrusive and external. Heintervenesdirectlyusing a first personnarration. Plot and fabula: they coincide, timeisused in chronologicalorder. Cervantes inventsboth the protagonist Don Chisciotte , and anotherArabauthor, CideHamete, thathewilluseas a source.
The protagonistis a country gentleman. Heliveswithhisniece and the housekeeper in a placesomewhere in “La Mancha”. Helikesspendinghistimereadingchivalrynovels.
The passionforthesestoriesleadshimto the distortionofhisperception and so hethinkstobeanerrantknight todefend the highestideals. Herenameshimself “Don Chisciotte” And nameshisskinnyhorse “Rocinante”
Hechooses a farm lady tobe in love with Aldonza Lorenzo whobecomes Dulcinea del Toboso
Don Chisciotte startshisdeeds. Hefightsagainstwindmills, Heisvictimof some muletteers and a host, heisbeatenby some shepherds……everywherehegoes, Everythinghedoes, heonlymakesmattersworse And heis more and more Depressed.
Sancho Panza himself, hissquire, isvictimofhis master’s crazyactions .
The characters Are directlypresented By the narrator. They are characterizedby Physiognomical, social and cultural Elements.
Place and time The descriptions aren’t so detailed, The author is more interested in describing the events.is no time reference at the beginning of the story, we only have some historical references • There ( the decline of Spain after Carlo V and Filippo II) make us understand that the action takes place towards the end of 1500. Place and time The descriptionsaren’t so detailed, The authoris more interested in describing the events. Thereis no timereference at the beginningof the story, weonlyhave some historicalreferences ( the declineofSpainafter Carlo V and Filippo II) makeusunderstandthat the actiontakesplacetowards the end of 1500.
Language Not elevated with thepresenceof Spanishwords. Differentkindsofstylisticregisters are usedbyboth Don Chisciotte and Sancho Panza.
Themes Man’s madness and disappointmenttowards a reality thatcancelsimagination, fancy , expectations, and the Fulfilmentofhisownprojects. Don Chisciotte , considered a madbyeveryone, refuses reality tryingtotransformitaccordinghisideals.
Values Freedom Justice Solidarity Love Dignity Courage Loyalty Defenceof the weak
Watch and listento the song “ Don Chisciotte” by F. Guccini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUR2QxLJRE8&feature=related
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