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LSB. X A. Massive Star Formation: Recent Results from the Submillimeter Array. I. M. Author, CfA, U. R. Author, ASIAA, and SMA Team. Abstract
LSB X A Massive Star Formation: Recent Results from the Submillimeter Array I. M. Author, CfA, U. R. Author, ASIAA, and SMA Team Abstract The Submillimeter Array (SMA) is an ideal facility to study the warm, dense dust and gas surrounding massive young stars, through (sub)arcsecond resolution observations of continuum and molecular line emission over a 2x2 GHz bandwidth. We will summarize recent results on massive star formation obtained with the SMA. Topics include characterization of deeply embedded protoclusters, evidence for disks around massive young stars, the morphologies and kinematics of energetic bipolar outflows, and the complex chemistry of "hot core" regions. Figure 1. (left) 225 GHz continuum emission from the high-mass protostellar cluster AFGL 5142. (right) Line spectra over 2 GHz toward the three continuum peaks and outflow position A. The Submillimeter Array is a joint project between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics