Tara Medium

Clairvoyant Medium, Tara Medium

On an ocean liner traveling from the United States to Brazil, a woman prematurely gave birth to a daughter who would become the seer Tara Medium. Five years later, that girl received her first psychic vision. Her godfather flew across the Rocky Mountains in his personal aircraft but lost contact with the tower one hour before he was scheduled to land. After three days, nobody had received any indication as to his location, and authorities declared him missing. Still a young child, Tara Medium was not privy to any of these details, yet on the third night of his disappearance, she envisioned her godfather standing next to her bed with a message: “I cannot lift you up this time, little Tara, for I have a broken arm. But we will meet on Sunday.” Although the young seer explained the occurrence to her parents, they failed to believe her. Then on Saturday, a group of mountain guides found her injured godfather, and when she went to see him that Sunday with her family, his arm was in a sling. This convinced the girl of her powers, which grew significantly as time went on. Today, Tara Medium offers her psychic services to many across the world. Her special, powerful talent enables her to read people’s auras and understand their futures without the parties being physically present. With concentration, she can visit anyone via astral paths and cosmic currents. Although she possesses training in conventional methods of psychic reading, such as tarot cards and numerology, she has refined her skills to the point where she no longer needs them. Many come to her for advice on significant life decisions including love, employment, and emotional problems. By focusing on a person, Tara Medium obtains a full comprehension of the individual and his or her future and gives guidance based on what she sees.


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