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World Bank: PRSP Source Book TFSCB StatCap initiative PARIS21 Task Team on Strategic Statistical Development Plan (SSDP) 15 October 2002. Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers.
World Bank: PRSP Source Book TFSCBStatCap initiative PARIS21 Task Team on Strategic Statistical Development Plan (SSDP)15 October 2002
Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers • Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) are designed to help prioritize interventions at the country level according to their impact on poverty outcomes, which will form the basis for World Bank (IDA) and IMF concessional assistance to low-income countries including debt relief under the HIPC Initiative.
Key Steps of PRSP • Understanding the nature and locus of poverty • Choosing public actions that have the highest poverty impact • Selecting and tracking outcome indicators
Principals of PRSP • Country-driven • Results-oriented • Comprehensive • Partnerships • Long-term Perspective
PRSP and Statistics • It is recognized that developing a PRS in any country will inevitably be a data and information intensive process. • There will have to be a number of trade-offs between what is desirable and what is possible. • It is also important to ensure that the opportunity provided by the PRS process, to highlight deficiencies in information systems and to mobilize resources for investment and capacity strengthening, is taken.
STATCAP • STATCAP is a new WB lending instrument to support statistical capacity building in developing countries, system wide or in particular statistical areas if needed • STATCAP is an Adaptable Program Loan (APL) and based on a sector wide approach. • It is designed to be a simple, user-friendly lending facility to initiate, design and operate the statistical capacity building projects
STATCAP • STATCAP, as other WB projects, requires a preparation of a Project Appraisal Document (PAD). • The template PAD will be based on a STATCAP Master Plan (SCMP) for the country • The SCMP will cover the entire national statistical system, even if the project is to finance SCB in only one area
STATCAP Master Plan Will build on existing strategies and processes, identify existing strengths and weaknesses, and propose an action plan, normally based on the following components: • statistical policy and the regulatory and institutional framework: independence and confidentiality, legislation, the dialogue with data users, management and organization; • the development of statistical infrastructure: the business register, sampling frames, classifications, database structures and geographic information systems; • statistical operations and procedures; • physical infrastructure and equipment.
STATCAP M&E basis • Identification of specific targets and indicators of success, according to goals set out in the SCMP • International standards such as the IMF’s GDDS and DQAF and the UN’s fundamental principles of official statistics • PARIS21 Indicators of statistical capacity building
Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building and SMP preparation • One of the TFSCB Country-specific activities is the Development of Statistical Master plans • At present 2 countriesare preparing SMPs under the TFSCB and 6 more have applied for TFCB Grants to finance this activity • The TFSCB may play a crucial role in realization of STATCAP projects by financing the preparation of the SCMP, which is a modification of a SMP
TFSCB and SMP preparation To facilitate the the process, we suggest: • Preparation of a Template application for SMP funding from TFSCB ($150,000) • Consultant’s Guidelines for the SMP preparation • Fast track approval of SMP application