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Kingsway is Fun!

Kingsway is Fun!. By Kayleigh. Look How Our Schools Changed!!!. 1940-2010. Huff and Puff!.

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Kingsway is Fun!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kingsway is Fun! ByKayleigh

  2. Look How Our Schools Changed!!! 1940-2010

  3. Huff and Puff! Here at Kingsway we have many fun things to do. Every lunchtime our dinner man, Mr Olyett, gets out some equipment like balls an tennis rackets and each year group takes turns to play in it. We call this Huff and Puff.

  4. Lunch Time Ball Games Mr Olyett and the other dinner staff run some lunch time ball games. We get a opportunity to play football and many other games. It is very fun!!!

  5. Quiet Area In the playground we have a special place called the quiet area. In the quiet area you can read a book quietly, draw, play with jacks or chess. There is also a huge connect four game which you can play with a friend.

  6. Skipping Ropes In the playground there is also there is skipping ropes where you can play with your friends!

  7. Look At Our Field! In the summer we get to play on our very own field!

  8. Our School Is Fun!!!!!!!!!

  9. Thank You For Watching! By Kayleigh Photo’s Taken By Me and Hannah Smiley Face from http://www.animationfactory.com/en/search/close-up.html?&oid=4943972&s=1&sc=1&st=942&category_id=E1&q=Happy%20face&spage=1&hoid=b41e2d9ab46423b927f089aab8cd6992

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