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AS IF / AS THOUGH. Look / seem / sound gibi fiillerle çok sık kullanılır. There are dark clouds in the sky . It seems as if / as though it is going to rain . The travel agent praised the holiday resort a lot. It sounds as if we are going to have a nice holiday .
Look / seem / sound gibi fiillerle çok sık kullanılır • Therearedarkclouds in thesky. Itseems as if/ as though it is goingtorain. • Thetravelagentpraisedtheholidayresort a lot. Itsounds as ifwearegoingtohave a nice holiday. • Look at Sue ! Sheisn’twideawakeenoughtoday. Shelooks as ifshedidn’tsleepwelllastnight.
Eğer temel cümledeki fiil V2 ise as if / as though dan sonra gelen cümlenin fiili V1 veya Future olamaz. • Thereweredarkclouds in thesky. Itseemed as if / as thoughit wasgoingtorain. • Shelooked as ifshehadn’tsleptwellpreviousnight. • Thestreetswerequiteclean. Itseemed as ifthey had justcleanedthem. • Shehadn’tpromised me, but it seemed as ifshewouldhelp me.
Gerçekteki izlenimizi ifade etmiyorsak, sadece benzetme yapıyorsak, geçmiş zaman ve ‘be’ fiilinin past biçimi were (bütün öznelerle) kullanılır. • I am not theirdaughter, but theytreat me as if I weretheirdaughter. • Shespeaks as ifshekneweverything. • Sometimesshetalksto her husband as if he were a child. • I’m exhausted. I feel as if a truckhad runover me.
Bu tür cümlelerde fiil past tense olduğundan as if / as though’lu cümlenin tensi değişmez. • Theytreated me as if I weretheirdaughter. • Shespokeas ifshekneweverything. • Shewasalwayscomplaining as ifshe had nomoney.
Real ya da unreal olması, konuşmacının o konuda sahip olduğu bilgiye bağlıdır. • A: Shelooks as ifshe is rich. • B: She is ! She is thedirector of a largecompany. (REAL) • He’stryingtoimpresspeoplebyspendingmore Money thansheshouldspend. He acts as if he wererich, but I knowthat he onlyearnsenoughfor a modest life. (UNREAL)
Unreal durumlardan söz ederken, özellikle konuşmacı kendisinin o anki duygularını ifade ediyorsa, hem present hem de pasttense’lerikullanabilir. • I’m completelyexhausted. I feel as if a truck had / has runover me. • I’m sohappy ! I feel as though I were / am floating on air ! • What’sthematter ? Yourface is allwhite ! Youlook as ifyou had / haveseen a ghost !
Informal (US English) as if / as thoughyerine like kullanımı yaygındır. • I’m reallytired. I feellikeI’vebeen hit by a truck. • What’swrong ? Youlooklikeyou’veseen a ghost! • BUT!!!! • Bu kullanım yazı dilinde doğru kabul edilmez. Çoktan seçmeli sorularda her ikisi de varsa dilbilgisi kuralları geçerlidir. • LIKE + NOUN Itlookslikerain. • AS IF /AS THOUGH + SENTENCE Itlooks as if / as thoughit’sgoingtorain.