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EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10) “A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE”. INTRODUCTION: (1.)Families traveling to vacation spots often get lost BECAUSE THEY FAIL TO USE THE MAP THAT THEY HAVE! -People trying to get to Heaven get lost; NOT because we don’t have a map
EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10)“A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE” INTRODUCTION: (1.)Families traveling to vacation spots often get lost BECAUSE THEY FAIL TO USE THE MAP THAT THEY HAVE! -People trying to get to Heaven get lost; NOT because we don’t have a map #WE FAIL TO USE THE MAP THAT WE HAVE (BIBLE)!
EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10)“A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE” INTRODUCTION: (2.)Many people don’t know that they are lost because they have been in church (IN GOD’S HOUSE) all of their lives. -Luke 15:8-10 Jesus gives the parable of the lost coin. -The coin was lost IN THE HOUSE. #We can be in God’s House and still be lost.
EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10)“A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE” Body: (A.)VS.12 There is a man named Zacchaeus who’s the chief among publicans and he is rich. -VS.9He’s a son of Abraham -VS.10 He’s Lost! #Externally, Zacchaeus is well put together (rich, CEO of a well paying job, and he has a church lineage). #Many are like Zacchaeus; put together well externally but still lost without Jesus!
EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10)“A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE” Body: (B.)VS.3 Zacchaeus couldn’t see Jesus because of the press/ crowd. -Sometimes people can’t see Jesus because of the crowd at church. #We must make sure we aren’t part of the crowd blocking others from seeing Jesus! (C.)VS.3&5 Zacchaeus and Jesus are familiar with each other. WHY? -Perhaps it because Jesus has a disciple named Matthew who was once a Jewish tax collector like Zacchaeus. #Perhaps Matthew who was called out of that life, reached back and witnessed to Zacchaeus. #We are to minister to the people who are still in the life that God has delivered us from.
EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10)“A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE” Body: (D.)VS.4&5 Zacchaeus climbs a tree to see Jesus, BUT he has to come down (HUMILITY) to meet Jesus. -We can’t have a relationship with Jesus on our terms. #We must humble ourselves as little children (Mark 10:5). (E.)VS.8 Zacchaeus promises to give half of his goods to the poor and to restore four times what he’s stolen. -A relationship with Jesus requires repentance.
EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10)“A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE” Body: (F.)Zacchaeus’s name means pure/innocent. -Zacchaeus was a dirty tax collector who got rich by cheating people (the equivalent of a Wall Street Broker). -Zacchaeus becomes PURE when he receives Christ! #Our righteousness is in Christ (Rom.5:1). #We can never reach our God-given potential outside of knowing Christ!
EVANGELISM PT.1 (Luke 19:1-10)“A HEART FOR LOST PEOPLE” Close: (1.)VS.5&7 Jesus says he is going to Zacchaeus’s house and people complain that Jesus is going to hang with a sinner. -VS.10 Jesus says that he came to seek and save the lost. -Jesus cares about lost people and we should too! #If we have Eternal Life in Heaven, Peace on Earth, and Preservation From Hell, we should want others to have that too. *LET’S SHARE JESUS WITH OTHERS!