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"Today, We will read the Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly & Event based Compliances required to be made by the Listed Companies as per SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE"<br>TaxGuru is a platform that provides Updates On Amendments in Income Tax, Wealth Tax, Company Law, Service Tax, RBI, Custom Duty, Corporate Lawu00a0, Goods and Service Tax etc.<br>To know more visit https://taxguru.in/sebi/compliances-listed-companies-sebi-listing-obligations-disclosure-requirements-regulations-2015.html
COMPLIANCES BY LISTEDCOMPANIESAS PER SEBI (LISTING OBLIGATIONS & DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS) REGULATIONS,2015 https://taxguru.in/sebi/compliances-listed-companies-sebi-listing-obligations-disclosure-requirements- regulations-2015.html Today, We will read the Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly & Event based Compliances required to be made by the Listed Companies as per SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA (LISTING OBLIGATIONSANDDISCLOSUREREQUIREMENTS)REGULATIONS,2015!!Hopeitwillhelpyou out!! QUARTERLYCOMPLIANCES: HALF YEARLYCOMPLIANCES:
Particulars Compliance Certificatecertifying maintaining physical & electronic transferfacility Sr. No. ApplicableRegulation 1 Regulation 7(3) Frequency Halfyearly YEARLY/ANNUALCOMPLIANCES:
certifying that all certificates have beenissued within thirty days of the date of lodgementfor Yearly 2 Regulation 40(9) transfer, sub-division, consolidation, renewal, exchange or endorsement of calls/allotment monies Copy of the annual report shall be sent tothe 3 Regulation34 shareholders of the Company along with the Yearly notice of the annual generalmeeting. EVENT BASEDCOMPLIANCES:
Notice for Board Meeting to consider prescribedmatters. 2 Regulation29 the EventBased 3 Regulation30 Disclosure of Price-SensitiveInformation. EventBased 4 Regulation30 Outcome of BoardMeeting EventBased 5 Regulation42 Notice of the Corporate Action or RecordDate. EventBased 6 Regulation43 Declaration ofDividend. EventBased Dividend Distribution Policy.(Applicable totop 7 Regulation43A 1000 listed entities capitalization) VotingResult CompanyWebsite on the basis of market EventBased 8 9 Regulation44 Regulation46 EventBased EventBased
Disclaimer: This article is written merely for informational purposes, and it should not be taken as a piece of legaladvice.