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Signal-Responsive Hybrid Biomaterials with Built-in Boolean Logic

Signal-Responsive Hybrid Biomaterials with Built-in Boolean Logic. Evgeny Katz, Clarkson University, DMR 0706209. Objectives and Achievements.

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Signal-Responsive Hybrid Biomaterials with Built-in Boolean Logic

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  1. Signal-Responsive Hybrid Biomaterials with Built-in Boolean Logic Evgeny Katz, Clarkson University, DMR 0706209 Objectives and Achievements The overall objective of the proposed research is to develop an approach to the fabrication of “smart” signal-responsive materials with the build-in Boolean logic. The systems will be capable of switching physical properties upon application of the incoming chemical signals and according to the build-in logic gates. The logic gates will be composed of enzymatic systems integrated with responsive polymeric supports. The chemical reactions biocatalyzed by the enzyme-based systems will respond to the income chemical signals according to the Boolean logic and transfer the outgoing signal to the responsive polymeric support. Several multi-signal-responsive nano-structured materials with Boolean logic were developed including switchable membranes, nanoparticle ensembles and emulsions. AND/OR enzyme-logic gates producing pH changes to control signal-responsive materials

  2. Signal-responsive materials coupled with the enzyme-logic gates via proton exchange Evgeny Katz, Clarkson University, DMR 0706209 Membranes Nanoparticles ensembles Emulsions Publications: 1. V. Privman, G. Strack, D. Solenov, M. Pita, E. Katz, Optimization of enzymatic biochemical logic for noise reduction and scalability: How many biocomputing gates can be interconnected in a circuit? J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, in press. 2. T.K. Tam, M. Ornatska, M. Pita, S. Minko, E. Katz, Polymer brush-modified electrode with switchable and tunable redox activity for bioelectronic applications. J. Phys. Chem. C2008, 112, 8438-8445. 3. G. Strack, M. Pita, M. Ornatska, E. Katz, Boolean logic gates using enzymes as input signals. ChemBioChem2008, 9, 1260-1266. 4. G. Strack, M. Ornatska, M. Pita, E. Katz, Biocomputing security system: Concatenated enzyme-based logic gates operating as a biomolecular keypad lock. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2008, 130, 4234-4235. (paper was highlited by ACS and Chem. & Eng. News) 5. M. Motornov, R. Sheparovych, E. Katz, S. Minko, Chemical gating with nanostructured responsive polymer brushes: mixed brush versus homopolymer brush. ACS Nano2008, 2, 41-52. 6. M. Pita, E. Katz, Multiple logic gates based on electrically wired surface-reconstituted enzymes. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2008, 130, 36-37. 7. S. Vasilyev, M. Pita, E. Katz, Logic gates based on magnetic nanoparticles functionalized with a bioelectrocatalytic system. Electroanalysis2008, 20, 22-29. Education and Outreach • Trained graduate and undergraduate students, and postdocs. • Courses offered in academia. • International conferences reports (plenary invited lectures) • National security applications (US Army).

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