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Scottish Pathology Network (SPAN) The First 6 Months

Scottish Pathology Network (SPAN) The First 6 Months. Where?. Travelled 15000 miles Darlington Newcastle Gateshead Edinburgh London. Lothian - WGH and NRIE Glasgow North – WIG and GRI Glasgow South Yorkhill Neuropathology SGH Inverclyde Royal Alexandra Paisley Crosshouse Stirling

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Scottish Pathology Network (SPAN) The First 6 Months

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Scottish Pathology Network (SPAN)The First 6 Months May 06

  2. Where? Travelled 15000 miles Darlington Newcastle Gateshead Edinburgh London • Lothian - WGH and NRIE • Glasgow North – WIG and GRI • Glasgow South • Yorkhill • Neuropathology SGH • Inverclyde • Royal Alexandra Paisley • Crosshouse • Stirling • Raigmore • Dumfries & Galloway • Aberdeen • Fife • Lanarkshire – Monklands, Wishaw & Hairmyres Clydebank May 06

  3. Why? • Scoping Pathalba • Scoping the quality of the pathology infrastructure • Communication • Gaining perspectives and viewpoints from Herceptin to colorectal screening from specialist reporting to accreditation May 06

  4. The Reception? • Professional and cordial • Questions about where the network was going and its function • Some dismissive • No Department seemed disinterested May 06

  5. May 06

  6. Overview • The majority of departments seemed to have secured significant investment in laboratory upgrade and new technology • Vacancies anecdotally did not seems as bad as 3 years ago • CPA status varied although 2 Departments had significant long standing problems. • No evidence of significant backlogs of work. • Evidence of pressure to deliver under a significant backdrop of change May 06

  7. What? • Cervical cytology- Briefing paper • Herceptin – Questionnaire, S. Exec Briefing paper and status report • Pathalba – Scoped need, Board decision paper and tender • Colorectal screening roll out • Launch meeting • Web site • Developed communication strategy • Developed a framework and initial workplan for SPAN • Facilitated plans for movement of work • Consulted on National Clinical Datasets • Scotland/Malawi partnership • In conjunction with National Procurement negotiated additional discount of £40k with Dako • Provided advice to organisations and management on pathology issues May 06

  8. Benchmarking • Kerr and Delivering for Health • All Laboratories in Scotland to Keele Benchmark by 2006 • Why? • How do we compare? May 06

  9. Histopathology Turnaround times Scotland Wide May 06

  10. Cytology Health Improvement Public Expectation Drivers for Change May 06

  11. Pathalba Project Plan • Scoping exercise Oct/Nov 05 • Paper agreed at Pathalba Board Jan 06 • Tender for Phase 1 Issued Mar 06 • Tender Closing Date 08 May 06 • Delivery of systems by Summer 06 • Phase 2 delivery by Late 2007 May 06

  12. Herceptin May 06

  13. Status Nov 2005 May 06

  14. ICC/FISH May 06

  15. Questionnaire May 06

  16. Resources May 06

  17. Role Extension May 06

  18. Conclusions from Dec SPAN Paper • Any site must meet the published guidelines and EQA requirements • In line with ‘Delivering for Health’ FISH to be provided on 3 or 4 centre model • Pathology testing is unlikely to be a constraint to timely treatment (Funding Dependant) • Testing where regionalised needs to provide a standardised timely service to meet local MDT needs. May 06

  19. May 06

  20. Web Site Development May 06

  21. National Clinical Dataset Development Programme May 06

  22. Major Incident Recovery Plan • Backup computer systems • Retain partial functionality on site where possible • Labs in other centres/regions • Plans for staff movement • "sift carefully through rubble; reassemble specimens and staff; process as normal..." May 06

  23. What next? • Steering Group • Scoping major areas of development • Prioritising the development through workplan • Encouragement of current advisory structures/committees to feed through SPAN • New groups where appropriate • Develop further initiatives in histopathology, cervical cytology and molecular pathology May 06

  24. Possible Structure? SEHD Planning Groups Pathology Departments Osteo GI Others Skin Head BMS Scottish Pathology Network Neuro Paed Breast Gynae Cervical Lymphoma May 06

  25. HDL (2006) 12 Nationally May 06

  26. Regionally Locally May 06

  27. The Final Slide • ‘Roll-out of successful initiatives and the sharing of best practice remains piecemeal’ Scottish Parliament Audit Committee May 2005 • ‘Rapid advances in automation mean that consideration should be given to rationalisation of some non acute and screening functions’ Kerr Report May 2005 May 06

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