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Neem raw honey

Healthy roots provide the best and natural honey to boost your immunity in this pandemic era. For more details call us - 7208851114

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Neem raw honey

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  1. UNBELIEVABLE HEALTH BENEFITS OF NEEM HONEY Neem, known as a reliever of sickness,is one of the most recognized medicinal plants in the world. Honey,a sweet gifted by bees, is one of nature’s exceptional health offerings. When honey and neem hold healthy properties respectively and if combined both of them then obviously it becomes more powerful. Neem honey is simply honey made from one specific plant - the neem tree. This honey is known to have a much higher concentration of a natural antibacterial compound that offers benefits for the health of the digestive system. Keep antifungal properties that help the athlete's foot, jock itch and other fungi. PROS OF NEEM HONEY Good energizer Raise hemoglobin level

  2. Improve eyesight Cure skin wounds & infection Enhance body complexion One spoon of honey keeps 64 calories, 17.2 grams of sugar, and no fat, no fiber or no protein. According to researchers honey has a slightly acidic average pH level of 3.9 which helps to prevent the growth of bacteria. This versatile honey should be stored in a cool & dry place, don’t exceed a recommended quantity and if you are allergic then consult a medical expert. There is a local brand which is situated in Thane, Maharashtra, called healthy roots who assures you 100% purity of honey. It is 100% compliant with all testing parameters mandated by FSSAI for purity guarantee. In the market, a lot of honey is present but mostly honey is adulterated by sugar syrup. So be alert! Before purchasing your honey, you should go to their store to check it’s purity if possible. If it is not possible to go to their store then you can read reviews and see ratings by the customers. His team uses the best quality ingredients straight from the hive. Providing quality products is their strength and they rely on that. Helthy roots have hired experts in the field of extracting to help us maintain the purity of the products. You must trust this brand for natural honey.

  3. This honey is raw and there is no sub process involved. Natural taste, colour and texture that fill your life with sweetness. ➔ Unprocessed ➔ Unpasteurized ➔ No sugar syrup adulteration ➔ 100% pure and natural ➔ NMR tested Honey is the most valued,magical and nature’s gift for us. Add this honey and see its effective result. Healthy roots provide the best neem raw honey online and in store, call us - 7208851114

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