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Dive into C++ sequential containers, iterators, properties, and rules of thumb. Understand vector, list, deque, and forward_list containers to leverage the power of C++ in data structures and algorithms.
Basic C++ Sequential Container Features • Contain elements of a parameterized type • Ordered (non-overlapping) ranges of elements • A location can’t be within more than one container • Adding and copying elements is by value • A container owns the elements in it • Container’s destructor destroys what it contains • Provide interfaces to contained values • Functions to add/remove values, e.g., push_back • May provide other container-specific operations, e.g. some have operator[] for random access • Obeys “principle of least surprise” (no []for list)
Containers Provide Their Own Iterators • Containers declare various associated iterator types • // try to use const_iterators whenever you can • vector<int>::iterator i; // iterator over non-const • vector<int>::const_iterator ci; // iterator over const • They also give iterator accessor/factory methods for beginning of and just past the end of container range • // v is previously declared as vector<int> v; • auto ci = v.cbegin(); // use a const_iterator • while (ci != v.cend()) { // compare to const_iterator • cout << *ci << endl; // does not modify v • ++ci; • }
More About Container Iterators • Iterators generalize different uses of pointers • Most importantly, define left-inclusive intervals over the ranges of elements in a container [begin, end) • Interface between algorithms and data structures • Algorithm manipulates iterators, not containers • An iterator’s value can represent 3 kinds of states: • dereferencable (points to a valid location in a range) • past the end (points just past last valid location in a range) • singular (points to nothing) • What’s an example of a pointer in each of these states? • Can construct, compare, copy, and assign iterators so that native and library types can inter-operate
Properties of Iterator Intervals • valid intervals can be traversed safely with an iterator • An empty range [p,p) is valid • If [first, last) is valid and non-empty, then [first+1, last) is also valid • Proof: iterative induction on the interval • If[first, last) is valid • and position mid is reachable fromfirst • and last is reachable from mid • then [first, mid) and [mid, last) are also valid • If [first, mid) and [mid, last) are valid, then [first, last) is valid • Proof: divide and conquer induction on the interval
The forward_list Container • Implements a singly linked list of elements • Elements not have to be contiguous in memory • No random access, can only iterate forward • Can only grow at front of forward_list • Insertion at front is constant time, but many other operations are linear in number of elements • Insertion into the middle of the list is constant time, but finding a position within the list is linear time
The vector Container • Implements a dynamically sized array of elements • Elements are (almost certainly) contiguous in memory • Random access and can iterate forward or backward • Can only grow at back of vector (reallocates as needed) • Many operations are constant time, such as whether or not the container is empty, how many elements it currently holds, etc. • Pushing at the back is “amortized” constant time (occasional reallocations averaged over all pushes)
The list Container • Implements a doubly linked list of elements • Elements do not have to be contiguous in memory • No random access, but can iterate forward or backward • Can grow at front or back of list
The deque Container • Implements a double-ended queue of elements • Elements do not have to be contiguous in memory • But must be accessible in constant time (random access) • Still can iterate forward or backward • Still can grow at front or back of deque
Rules of Thumb for Sequential Containers • Use a vector most of the time (if you can) • Often balances simplicity, efficiency, flexibility well • But, use a list (or maybe a forward_list) instead if you need to insert in the middle of a container • Or use a deque to insert at both ends • Watch out for when iterators may be invalidated • Use specialized containers only when needed • E.g., an array if you need a fixed sized container • E.g., a string if you’re only working with characters • E.g., a stack or queue container adapter if you want to restrict the container interface that can be used
An Advanced Topic: Emplacement • Insertion may involve extra overhead for copying • vector<string> courses; • courses.push_back (“cse332”); // 2 constructor calls • If the compiler and STL library you are using supports emplacement, it may be more efficient (if that matters) • vector<string> courses; • courses.emplace_back (“cse332”); // 1 constructor call • // due to forwarding