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Preserving Mangroves: Importance, Issues, and Action

Learn about the unique mangrove habitat, its food chain, interdependence, issues like pollution and overfishing, and interesting facts. Take action to spread awareness and protect mangroves. Targeting PYP 6 teachers, students, and online sharing platforms.

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Preserving Mangroves: Importance, Issues, and Action

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mangrove Matthew 6A

  2. What is it? • A mangrove is an habitat that exist in the tropics and the sub-tropics, between the latitude of 25N and 25S. This habitat has various large and extensive type of trees up to a medium height that has shrubs growing out of the saline coastal sediment habitats. And also this habitat is very special because it adapts to low oxygen, limits salt intake, limits water loss, nutrient uptake and increasing survival offspring.

  3. Food chain in mangrove • So the food chain of the mangrove is first the dertritus is eaten by the detrivores then the detrivores is eaten by the small carnivorous then the small carnivorous is eaten by the large carnivorous. And also the detrivores, small carnivorous, and the large carnivorous is eaten by man or humans.

  4. Interdependence happen in mangrove • The animals use the mangrove ecosystem as an shelter ( trees, and others). And also the animals use the mangrove as an food source ( fruits, vegetables, meat, and others). • Humans use the mangroves to protect themselves from natural disasters such as tsunami, and floods. • Humans also use one of the mangrove trees called the buyuk tree for their houses or shelter. • Humans also use the mangrove to get profit and also to do their daily lives or for food. • Humans need the beach and the land if the mangroves to build their houses, or balle because they need shelter also to protect themselves from the heavy rain or storms.

  5. Problems • So the problem is the mangrove in Indonesia has trash because people who visit the mangrove maybe doesn’t know if there is a rubbish bin or don’t care about the mangrove and throws the trash and it would effect the growth of the mangroves. • People in Indonesia also cut the mangroves and used it for profit and replaced it with palm trees, shrimp farms, buildings, and marinas for tourism. • People use the mangrove but they do overfishing and it reduces the population of the animals inside the river of the mangrove. • And also because in the mangrove many people hunt the land and sea species of the mangrove for profit, hobbies or destroyed most of their shelter inside the mangrove, and because of that most of the mangrove’s land and sea species is endangered or extinct and it could have an big impact on the biodiversity of the mangrove and the food chain.

  6. Interesting facts about mangrove in Ekowisata Mangrove Wonerejo • So for me the interesting facts about Ekowisata Mangrove Wonerejo is when the staff explained about this place it actually has a large amount of area but because of illegal logging it lost half of it’s area and one of the animals called babihutan or others is extinct because their shelter is destroyed for profit.

  7. Interesting facts about mangrove 2 • See the map when I saw the map I think Indonesia has the most mangrove species that any countries like Africa, the Americas, and others.

  8. Action • So my action is I will make a power point about mangroves and I will explain them what is mangroves, the food chain, the interdependence, the issues in the mangroves, interesting facts, my action, and the bibliography.

  9. The detail • So the detail is I will put the explanation about them what is mangroves, the food chain, the interdependence, the issues in the mangroves, interesting facts, my action, and the bibliography.

  10. Target audience • So my target audience is the PYP 6 teachers, students, my friends at Edmodo, and people at slide share because I want them to know that the mangroves is very important and there are many issues and interesting facts that they must know

  11. Strong reasons of choosing this action • I choose this action because it is very fast and easy to do and also it is more effective because I could spread it to the internet and all people would know that the mangrove is important and they would know the interesting facts and issues in the mangroves.

  12. Place and time to do the action • Place: Edmodo, Slide share, SekolahCiputra • Time: Wednesday December 17th 2014

  13. Primary resouces • My primary resources is from the Mangrove excursion we PYP6 had in Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo.

  14. Secondary resources • My secondary resources is I searched on the internet by using my laptop.

  15. Bibliography • www.wwf.panda.org • http://www.globalchange.umich.edu/globalchange1/current/lectures/kling/ecosystem/ecosystem.html • http://lovegeography.wordpress.com/harm-to-mangroves/ • http://www.globalchange.umich.edu/globalchange1/current/lectures/kling/ecosystem/ecosystem.html • www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/interdependence • http://mangroveactionproject.org/endangered-species/ • http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0010095

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