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CAPRI Training Session: Agricultural Policy Regional Impact Modeling Exercises

Join the CAPRI Training Session in Warzaw to learn mathematical programming models for analyzing the impact of Agricultural Policy on regional economics. Explore linear and quadratic programming, examine aggregate LP models, shadow prices, and Kuhn-Tucker conditions. Understand revenue exhaustion and reactions to changed margins through practical exercises. Experiment with resource constraints, dual values, and calibrated models using exogenous supply elasticities. Gain insights into optimizing activities, margins, and constraints in farm management. Enhance your modeling skills and decision-making abilities in agricultural policy analysis.

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CAPRI Training Session: Agricultural Policy Regional Impact Modeling Exercises

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  1. Torbjörn Jansson* CAPRICommon Agricultural Policy Regional Impact Mathematical programming and exercises CAPRI Training Session in Warzaw June 26-30, 2006 *Corresponding author +49-228-732323www.agp.uni-bonn.de Department for Economic and Agricultural Policy Bonn University Nussallee 21 53115 Bonn, Germany

  2. Session outline: • A linear programming model • A quadratic programming model • Experiments with a linear and a quadratic model (exercise)

  3. An aggregate LP model Margins m(yield*price-variable cost) Endogenousvariables,here activity levels Objective value ObjectiveFunction Constraints Shadow pricesof constraints I/O coefficients Constraint vector

  4. Theory: Linear programming Lagrange function First order conditions (Kuhn - Tucker) Revenue Exhaustion (margin = opportunity costs) Constrains must hold Programming model

  5. Three activities {1,2,3} and two resources {l,c} Kuhn-Tucker conditions: At most two of the inequalities on the left can be satisfied with equality (if matrix A has full rank) At most two activities can be non-zero At least one activity will have too small a margin m to pay for the fix resources at least as good as the other activities. Reaction to changed margins (I)

  6. Numerical example DATA Activities: CERE, SUGB, POTA Resouces: Land, Capital Margins: CERE 575 SUGB 1000 POTA 500 Resource use matrix A = CERE SUGB POTA Land 1 1 1 Capital 100 300 280 Resource constraints B: Land = 10, Capital = 2540 FOC CERE: 575 - l - c100 ≤ 0  xc ≥ 0 SUGB: 1000 - l - c300 ≤ 0  xs ≥ 0 POTA: 500 - l - c280 ≤ 0  xp ≥ 0 (solve with algorithm…) l = 362.5 c = 2.125 CERE: 0 ≤ 0, xc = 2.3 SUGB: 0 ≤ 0, xs = 7.7 POTA: -457.5≤ 0, xp = 0.0

  7. At m0POTA only SUGB and CERE take place Raise margin of the “zero activity”(POTA) and observe behaviour At mPOTA < m’ POTA only SUGB and CERE take place. At mPOTA> m’ POTA only activities POTA and CERE take place, a.s.o. Dual values change DEMO: Tuesday\LPQP.gms Reaction to changed margins (II) x SUGB POTA CERE m0POTA m’POTA mPOTA Land Capital

  8. Conclusions LP • If there are k constraints, at most k activities will non-zero in the optimal solution • A linear model responds discontinuously (semicontinuously) to changes • Generally, it is not possible to set up the model to exactly reproduce observed activity levels

  9. Theory: Quadratic programming I Programming model Lagrange function

  10. Theory: Quadratic programming II Revenue Exhaustion (margin = opportunity costs) Constrains must hold Kuhn - Tucker conditions

  11. How determine PMP-terms? • Howitt 1995  works, but wrong dual values, no information on price effects • Heckelei 2003  Estimate first order conditions. Difficult. • In CAPRI: Use exogenous supply elasticities.

  12. A calibration method for a QP using exogenous own price elasticities If only non-zero activities are considered Solving for x yields Assumption 1: jk = 0 for j  k Assumption 2:  is constant and known  /m= 0 (with mj=pj-cj) and

  13. Calibrate to own price elasticities of unity Raise price of output of POTA and observe behaviour DEMO: Tuesday\LPQP.gms Reaction to changes (III) x SUGB POTA CERE mPOTA

  14. Exercises • Use tuesday\LPQP.gms • Task 1: Type the Kuhn-Tucker conditions of the NLP-model and solve them.Hints:- assume that all activities are non-zero,- define an equation z = 1 and solve system by max. z. • Task 2: Plot the relationship between exogenous exasticities and point elasticities of model.Hint: Use the existing loop and parameters to calibrate the QP to different own price elasticities, simulate a 1% margin-increase, compute the point elasticity and plot the results.

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