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UML MARTE Time Model for Spirit IP-XACT. Aoste Project INRIA Sophia-Antipolis. Outline. IP-XACT metamodel overview Component, Bus definition, Abstraction definition, Design , Abstractor, Generator chain, Configuration UML/MARTE elements reused Structural transformation rules: ATL
UML MARTE Time Model for Spirit IP-XACT Aoste Project INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
Outline • IP-XACT metamodel overview • Component, Bus definition, Abstraction definition, Design, Abstractor, Generator chain, Configuration • UML/MARTE elements reused • Structural transformation rules: ATL • Behavior and timing
IP-XACT Standard • SPIRIT (Structure for Packaging, Integrating and Re-using IP within Tool flows), a consortium of over 50 companies • IP-XACT is the language-independent specification of IP meta-data. • Uses XML syntax to describe structure • Parameterized and configurable components • Communication buses • Memory mappings and address spaces • Interoperability between various IPs at different levels of abstraction.
IP-XACT Standard • Consists of several concepts/parts: • Component Used to represent individual IPs • Bus Definition Inter-Component communication specific resources • Design Overall integration and connectivity of the system • It relies on HDLs to describe IP behavior (SystemC, VHDL, …) • IP-XACT designs should also come with • An abstract behavioral description (early functional validation) • A description of timing requirements (early temporal validation)
UML Profile for MARTE • Supports modeling of • Application, execution platforms, allocation • Its time model can provide • an abstract timed behavioral description • At Programmer View (PV) or Communicating Processes (CP) levels • Timing requirements: wave forms (Timing diagrams) • Benefits from all tried and tested UML graphical editors • Low development costs, lots of trained engineers
Our proposition • Use UML as a modeling framework • UML Profile for IP-XACT based on MARTE • Use IP-XACT as an interchange format • Generate IP-XACT files from UML Models • Using model transformation • Extend IP-XACT with advanced timingcapabilities
MARTE Hardware Resource Profile • Basic support to describe IP-Xact components, but it must be refined for domain-specific applications (e.g. IP-Xact) • VLNV (Version, Library, Name, Vendor) • Wire/transactional ports • Mirrored interfaces, … • UML Profile for IP-Xact was built on top of Marte
MARTE stereotypes Example from processor Leon2 • Marte HwResource => IP-Xact components Provided interface Required interface VLNV Mirrored ports Transactional ports Wire ports
Bus/Abstraction definition « refine » « refine »
IP-XACT Behavior Representation • RTL vs. TLM Designs • RTL design, behavior in terms of the flow of signals between hardware registers, and the logical operations performed on those signals. • TLM design, behavior in terms of transactions between functional units. Its fast thus making possible the early simulation and error detection. • Currently IP-XACT standard provides partial SystemC and VHDL code files for behavior representation of IP Components. • Not an integral part of the IP-XACT standard. • Code/Simulation mostly addresses RTL behavior.
Comparing RTL and TLM implementations Timing Requirements in CCSL UML/MARTE
Comparing RTL and TLM implementations UML/Marte
Comparing RTL and TLM implementations UML/Marte
Comparing RTL and TLM implementations Timing Requirements in CCSL UML/Marte
Timing Requirements in CCSL • CCSL = Clock Constraint Specification Language • Example : • sel alternatesWith eoa • eoa = sel delayedFor 2 on clk • twoCycles = sel countFor 2 on clk // timer • addr forbidden if twoCycles isActive
Example: AMBA APB Bridge Timing Specification Diagram • RTL simulation • Alternating read and write patterns (W-R-W-R) • One of the behavior abstraction can be the representation of low level Address & Data bus signals in terms of Start and Stop triggers. • The time slots, when the transaction is not occurring, are the ones when clock is not present.
{ // Input Patterns HWClk = clk filteredBy 0b000_0110001100010(0); HWs = clk filteredBy 0b000_0101000000000(0); HRs = clk filteredBy 0b000_0010000100000(0); HWf = clk filteredBy 0b000_0010000100000(0); PRf = clk filteredBy 0b000_0000001000010(0); // Clock Constraints PRs isSubClockOf clk; PWs = HWf delayedFor 1 on clk; PWf = HWf delayedFor 2 on clk; temp1 = PWs union PWf; temp2 = temp1 union PRf; temp3 = clk minus temp2; PRs = HRs sampledOn temp3; PRs alternatesWith PRf; HRf = PRf; temp4 = PWs union PRs; temp5 = PWf union PRf; PClk = temp4 union temp5; } Example: AMBA APB Bridge
IP-XACT Behavior Integration UML Representation Proposed IP-XACT Component