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Proposed Tuition & Fee Changes 2012-2013

Proposed Tuition & Fee Changes 2012-2013 . Purpose/Process: Tuition & Fees--2012-2013. Annual process to develop recommendation for Campus Initiated Tuition Increase (CITI) tuition and fees proposal Chancellor to the WSSU Board of Trustees (BOT ) UNC publishes guidance

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Proposed Tuition & Fee Changes 2012-2013

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  1. Proposed Tuition & Fee Changes 2012-2013 1

  2. Purpose/Process: Tuition & Fees--2012-2013 • Annual process to develop recommendation for Campus Initiated Tuition Increase (CITI) tuition and feesproposal • Chancellor to the WSSU Board of Trustees (BOT) • UNC publishes guidance • Approval authority--UNC Board of Governors 2

  3. Tuition & Fees Working Group • Brenda Allen, Provost & VC Academic Affairs—Co-chair • Avery Andrews, Student Representative • Carolynn Berry, Assoc. Prov. Instit. Planning/Assess/Grad Studies • Owen Cooks, Assoc. VC Facilities • Trae Cotton, VC Stud. Affairs, Co-chair • Letitia Cornish, Asst. Provost Admin/Planning • Leah Darby, Student Representative • Devon Davis, Student Representative • Kristopher Glenn, Grad. Student Representative • Austin Grier, Student, SGA Pres.—Co-chair • Gerald Hunter, VC Finance & Admin. • Jonathan Jackson, Student Representative, Past-President, SGA • Tomikia Legrande, Assoc. VC Enrollment Mgmt • Justin McKenzie, Assoc. Provost/CIO • Randy Mills, Assoc. VC Financial Plan/Budget • Robert Muhammad, Dir Financial Aid • Olivia Sedwick, Student Representative • Nathan Thompson, Assoc. Controller, Dir. Business Finances 3

  4. Tuition & Fees– BOG Guidance • Undergraduate Tuition: Tuition increases for undergraduate resident students limited to 6.5% of current tuition. • Campuses with significant unfunded needs may submit proposal for Tuition increases above 6.5%---must fully document significant need and provide detailed plan, and tuition is the only viable funding. • At least 25% of new tuition revenues must support need-based financial aid. • Campuses whose Tuition & General Fee rates differ significantly from those charged by similar UNC institutions or public peer institutions may consider one-time adjustments to tuition/fees to “catch up”—must be fully justified and consideration should be given to phasing in the increase over a multi-year period to reduce impact on students. • Combined Tuition, General Fees, and Debt Service Fees must continue to remain in the bottom quarter of WSSU’s public peers. 4

  5. Tuition & Fees– BOG Guidance (cont) • Non-resident Tuition: Tuition for non-resident students at all levels …higher than the rates charged residents of NC and comparable to the rates charged nonresident students by comparable public institutions. • Graduate Tuition: Although tuition ceilings have not been established for graduate schools, campuses encouraged to review all revenue sources before recommending increases higher than the undergraduate rate increase. • General Fees (Athletics, Student Activities, Student Health, and Ed Tech) increases must not exceed 6.5% overall. • Special Fees, Those that apply to students in particular programs such as nursing, are permitted this year. • Miscellaneous Service Charges, such as transcripts, ID replacements, and diplomas, are also permitted. 5

  6. Proposed Tuition Changes 2012-2013 6

  7. Tuition Revenue • Tuition New Revenue: $919,599 • Financial Aid (25%): $229,900 • Retention of students, faculty, staff (75%): $689,700 7

  8. Proposed Fee Changes 2012-2013 8

  9. Education & Technology Fee • Current fee: $406.46 • Proposed: + $25 (6.2%) • Resulting Fee: $431.46 (Generates: $130,500) • Supports technology upgrades and sustainment in classrooms/labs 9

  10. Student Health Fee Proposal • Current Fee: $207 • Proposed: $40 (19.3%) • Resulting Fee: $247 (Generates $208,800) • Funds critical staffing needs—part-time physician, full-time pharmacist, nurse practitioner, and health educator. • Permits on-campus pharmacy support at convenient location 10

  11. Student Activities Proposal • Current fee: $460.70 • Proposed: + $35 (7.6%) • Resulting Fee: $495.70 (Generates: $182,700) • Supports Student Staffing for Thompson Ctr. Lobby—greeters, information, facility monitoring. • Adds Professional Staff for recreational functions in new Student Activity Center (two bball courts, game room, etc.), manage online registration and train students for officiating. • Funds co-curricular programs initiated by faculty. • Funds programs/activities for non-traditional and veteran students 11

  12. Special Indebtedness--Current • Currently two existing fees: • $115 issued to fund original construction of Thompson Center • Fee retires this year • $75 issued for improvements in Civitan Park • A previous fee committee and BOT approved $185/FTE for construction of the new Student Activities Center, but not implemented 12

  13. Summary New Special Indebtedness (cont) • “Restore the core”: $115/FTE (Net increase—Zero) • Student Activities Center: $60/FTE (Previously approved at $185) • South Campus Acquisitions/Improvements: $145/FTE • North Campus Acquisitions/Improvements: 115/FTE • Total Debt Service: $510 ($320 net increase) 13

  14. Special Indebtedness--New • Restore the core: $115/FTE (offset by elimination of $115 for Thompson) • $8M of capital expenditures to restore key academic infrastructure on campus • First project—Student Success Center • Previous Fee Committee and BOT have approved. • Student Activities Center: $60/FTE • $3.75M of capital expenditures on the new Student Activities Center • Proposed fee REDUCES previously approved fee from $185 to $60/FTE resulting in a savings of $125 per student • South Campus Acquisitions/Improvements: $145/FTE • $10M of capital expenditures to acquire and improve Civitan Park and Bowman-Gray Stadium • Key to development of the South campus • Will attempt to re-finance with the current Civitan fee to reduce overall cost • North Campus Acquisitions/Improvements: $115/FTE • $8M of capital expenditures for parking structures and north campus improvements • Key to development of the North campus • Investments in pedestrian safety and campus connectivity 14

  15. Total Change: Tuition, General Fees, Debt Service 15

  16. Tuition & Fees—Peers 16

  17. Tuition & Fees—Peers (cont) 17

  18. Full Peer Tuition/Fee “Catch Up” Scenario 18

  19. Special Fees • Education &Human Performance Prof/Grad Licensing Fee: $100/FTE • Software subscription for TK-20 and electronic portfolio s/w • Health Sciences Prof/Grad Laboratory Fee: $500/FTE • Funds high-cost consumables, certification exam preparation, virtual equipment maintenance • Late Registration Fee: From $50 to $100 • Deter late registration to permit adequate planning for courses, faculty, and enrollment projections • Lifelong Learning: Site-based Support Fee: $206 per student • Purpose is to offset cost of site-based instruction. • International Education Fee: From $10/year to $15/year: • Increase scholarships for international experiences 19

  20. Meal Plans Proposed Changes 2012-2013 20

  21. Meal Plans Proposed Changes 2012-2013 21

  22. Meal Plan Increase Usage: • Based upon Consumer and Producer Price indices (CPI, PPI) • Offsets increased costs of vendor and operations/maintenance 22

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  25. Housing Rate Increase Use • Offset increased operations and maintenance costs • Promote more equitable pricing structure • Assist with strategic plan for meeting long-term housing needs • Additionally: Request increase of Housing Cancellation Fee from $200 to $500. • Incentive for reasonable notification to prevent unused housing 25

  26. 2012-13 Tuition & Fee Summary Typical Student 26

  27. 2012-13 Tuition & Fee Summary Typical Student Total Cost 27

  28. May we address additional questions? 28


  30. WSSU Tuition History 2008 – 2013 30

  31. General Fee History 2007 - 2011 31

  32. Context: Tuition & Fees: 2010-2012 • Supplemental Tuition: The 2010 General Assembly provided guidance for up to $750 additional increase in tuition assessed across 2010-11, 2011-12: 32

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