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TMF schemas NV. 30.08.00

TMF schemas NV. 30.08.00. General architecture. Abst. Struct . (TMF). DCS ref (ISO12620). Dialecte i Vocab. Style -abst. Struct. -DCS i. DCS i -subset 12620 -add. cat. XML. Virtual TML. TML i concret Martif, Geneter,. MARTIF-MSC example.

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TMF schemas NV. 30.08.00

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  1. TMF schemasNV.30.08.00

  2. General architecture Abst. Struct. (TMF) DCSref(ISO12620) Dialectei Vocab. Style -abst. Struct. -DCSi DCSi -subset 12620 -add. cat. XML Virtual TML TMLi concret Martif, Geneter,...

  3. MARTIF-MSC example <?xml version='1.0'?> <!-- MSC style --> <martif type='MSC' lang='en' xmlns="x-schema:MSCcsV04.xml"> <text><body> <termEntry id='ID67'> <descrip type='subjectField' datatype="noteText">manufacturing</descrip> <descrip type='definition' datatype="noteText">A value between 0 and 1 used in ...</descrip> <langSet lang='en'> <tig> <term>alpha smoothing factor</term> <termNote type='termType' datatype="picklistVal">fullForm</termNote> </tig> </langSet> <langSet lang='hu'> <tig><term>Alfa ...</term></tig> </langSet> </termEntry> </body></text> </martif>

  4. MSC to TMF transposition TE Id=ID67 subjectField=manufacturing definition=A value... [Attribut id=« ID67 »] [descrip[@type=$ATT]] [descrip[@type=$ATT] Lang=en [@$ATT] LS LS Lang=hu Term=... Term=alpha smoothing factor termType=fullForm TS TS [termNote[type=$ATT]] Struct. Abst Martif

  5. The TMF-converted example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <tmf> <struct type="TE"> <attr type="identifier">ID67</attr> <attr type="SubjectField">manufacturing</attr> <attr type="Definition">A value between 0 and 1 used in ...</attr> <struct type="LS"> <attr type="Language">en</attr> <struct type="TS"> <attr type="Term">alpha smoothing factor</attr> <attr type="TermNote">fullForm</attr> </struct> </struct> <struct type="LS"> <attr type="Language">hu</attr> <struct type="TS"> <attr type="Term">Alfa ...</attr> </struct> </struct> </struct>

  6. GENETER-MSC example (1/3) <geneter> <terminologicalEntry origin = 'UHB' collection = 'BTL' identifier = '11' > <lil> <lilAdminG> <Owner transliteratedForm='ISO 9:1995'>BTL</Owner> <OwnerSubset> MTW98</OwnerSubset> <EntryIdentifier> 11</EntryIdentifier> <Origination><act> <when><codedDate><yyyy>1996</yyyy><mm>05</mm><day>29</day><time><hh>09 </hh><mn>54</mn><ss>59</ss></time></codedDate></when> <who>agl03@hamesae</who> <who>hames </who></act></Origination> <Modification><act> <when><codedDate><yyyy>1996</yyyy><mm>09</mm><day>09</day><time><hh>16</hh> <mn>12</mn><ss>14</ss></time></codedDate></when> <who>agl03@bennero</who></act></Modification> <ReliabilityCode> 2</ReliabilityCode> <Source>OS/3211/95de</Source> <TargetLanguage target = 'fr'/> <FreeAdminLil type = 'entryClass'> 5</FreeAdminLil> </lilAdminG>

  7. GENETER-MSC example (2/3) <lilPropG> <subjectFieldGrp> <SubjectField>l'agriculture</SubjectField> <subjectFieldCpt><CodedValue>AG</CodedValue><Source>Lenoch</Source></subjectFieldCpt> </subjectFieldGrp> </lilPropG> </lil> <ldl language = 'de'> <tl formType='fullForm'> <Term> Futtervollerntemaschine </Term> <tlAdminG> <Source> OS/3211/95de </Source> </tlAdminG> </tl> </ldl>

  8. GENETER-MSC example (3/3) <ldl language = 'fr'> <tl formType='fullForm'> <Term> récolteuse-hacheuse-chargeuse de fourrage </Term> <tlAdminG> <Source> CEMAGREF, Dict. techn. machinisme &amp; équipements agricoles </Source> </tlAdminG> <tlPropG> <definitionGrp> <Definition>récolteuse effectuant toutes les opérations </Definition> <definitionCpt><Source> CNEEMA, Dict. techn. de la mécanisation agricole </Source> </definitionCpt> </definitionGrp> </tlPropG> </tl> <tl formType='fullForm'> <Term> récolteuse-hacheuse-ensileuse </Term> <tlAdminG> <Source> IMAG, Guide de mécanisation, p.223-224: groupe principal 35 </Source> </tlAdminG> </tl> </ldl> </terminologicalEntry> </geneter>

  9. GENETER to TMF transposition TE Id=ID67 subjectField=manufacturing definition=A value... [entryIdentifier] [subjectField] [definition] Lang=en [ldl[@language]] LS LS Lang=hu Term=... Term=alpha smoothing factor termType=fullForm TS TS [tl [@formType] Struct. Abst Geneter

  10. The TMF-converted example (1/3) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <tmf> <struct type="TE"> <attr type="origin">UHB</attr> <attr type="collection">BTL</attr> <attr type="identifier">11</attr> <attr type="type">conceptEntry</attr> <attr type="Owner">BTL</attr> <attr type="OwnerSubset"> MTW98</attr> <attr type="EntryIdentifier"> 11</attr> <brack type="Origination"> <attr type="OriginationDate">19960529 095459</attr> <attr type="Originator">agl03@hamesae</attr> <attr type="Originator">hames </attr> </brack>

  11. The TMF-converted example (2/3) <brack type="Modification"> <attr type="ModificationDate">19960909 161214</attr> <attr type="ModificationResp">agl03@bennero</attr> </brack> <attr type="ReliabilityCode"> 2</attr> <attr type="Source">OS/3211/95de</attr> <attr type="FreeAdminLil"> 5</attr> <attr type="type">entryClass</attr> <brack type="subjectFieldGrp"> <attr type="SubjectField">l'agriculture</attr> <attr type="subjectFieldCode">AG</attr> <attr type="subjectFieldSource">Lenoch</attr> </brack> <struct type="LS"> <attr type="Language">de</attr> <struct type="TS"> <attr type="TermType">fullForm</attr> <attr type="Term"> Futtervollerntemaschine </attr> <attr type="TermSource"> OS/3211/95de </attr>

  12. The TMF-converted example (3/3) </struct> </struct> <struct type="LS"> <attr type="Language">fr</attr> <struct type="TS"> <attr type="TermType">fullForm</attr> <attr type="Term"> récolteuse-hacheuse-chargeuse de fourrage </attr> <attr type="TermSource"> CEMAGREF, Dict. techn. machinisme &amp; équipements agricoles </attr> <brack type="DefinitionGrp"> <attr type="Definition">récolteuse effectuant toutes les opérations </attr> <attr type="DefinitionSource"> CNEEMA, Dict. techn. de la mécanisation agricole </attr> </brack> </struct> </struct> </struct> </tmf>

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