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Proje ct “Adjustment of Rokiskis Manour House to the needs of tourism, II period ”

Proje ct “Adjustment of Rokiskis Manour House to the needs of tourism, II period ”.

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Proje ct “Adjustment of Rokiskis Manour House to the needs of tourism, II period ”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Project“Adjustment of Rokiskis Manour House to the needs of tourism, II period”

  2. In the XVIII-XX centuries ansemble of Rokiskis Manour House was composed of 14 buildings.With the support of the European Union and Rokiskis District Municipality 4 manour house buildings were reconstructed (northern and southern officines, gatekeeper house, small farm-hand building), fence, networks (water, electricity etc.), technical projects for the rest of non-reconstructed buildings were prepared.

  3. Central Mansion of Rokiskis Manour House

  4. Southern officine after reconstruction

  5. Small farm-hand building No.2 after reconstruction

  6. Project objectives: ►To implement the reconstruction works, partial regenerative works for the rest of non-reconstructed buildings and the park, and adjust them for the needs of public tourism; ►To create modern complex of tourism service: museum, halls for exhibits, concerts, theatre, educational premices, crafts center, guest rooms and other service for tourists; ►To promote the development of small and medium business, creation of new jobs, increase the private investments to the region.

  7. What has already been done Technical projects for the rest of non-reconstructed buildings of Rokiskis Manour House have prepared. Project activities: Reconstruction of Rokiskis Manour House buildings and the park, and adjustment to the needs of tourism:

  8. Farm-hand building No.1(676,28 sq.m) reconstruction and adjustment to the center of exhibitions, cultural heritage and education;Total value (without networks)– about 9150,5 thousand Litas

  9. Reconstructionof icehouse(38,34 sq.m) and adjustment to the exposition of old crafts; Total value (without networks)– 335,8 thousand Litas

  10. Reconstruction of orangery (49,56 sq.m) and adjustment to exposition of variable greenery and small architecture; Total value (without networks) – 2867,8 thousand Litas

  11. Reconstruction of housekeeper building (501,86 sq.m) and adjustment to the hotel; Total value (without networks) – 5706,2 thousand Litas

  12. Reconstruction of the barn(216,34 sq.m) and adjustment to theatre, exposition of old crafts. Total value – 1701,1 thousand Litas

  13. Reconstruction of cellars and adjustment to exposition of ceramics, pottery, educational room of lively crafts; Total value (without networks)– 341,1 thousand Litas

  14. Castle of Krosinskiai. Technical documentation is not prepared, the total value of reconstruction is unknown.

  15. Restoration of the park of Rokiskis Manour House (installation of paths, restoration of fences, greenery, illumination of the territory, installation of drainage system, fencing of the territory, installation of children’s playgound, setting of small architecture), total area of the park – 32,01 hectares Total value – 14572,9 thousand Litas

  16. According to technical documentation total amount reaches34,6 mln. Litas for the adjustment of Rokiskis Manour House for the needs of tourism, II period

  17. For more detailed information about investment projects of Rokiskis District Municipality please contact: Rokiskis District Municipality Administration Department of Strategic Planning and Investments Respublikos str. 94, LT-42136 Rokiškis phone.: 8 458 71407 email:verslas@post.rokiskis.lt v.meciukoniene@post.rokiskis.lt

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