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ADR company control activities. Kristof SCHOCKAERT. Safety of transport of dangerous goods and security. Reglementation: international, European, national Training: drivers + safety advisors examination and recognition organisations Inspection:
ADR company control activities Kristof SCHOCKAERT
Safety of transport of dangerous goods and security • Reglementation: international, European, national • Training: drivers + safety advisors examination and recognition organisations • Inspection: road and train (in land navigation, maritime) schools, road, companies ADR Company control
ADR Company Check Procedure • Key points: • Company selection based on market impact and road side reports • DGSA key person • Administrative and physical control of the company • ADR company check includes evaluation of internal controls and training by the company + incident procedures • Specific control items per sector • Fixation of deadlines for corrective measures in the report 6 augustus 2014 ADR Company control 3
ADR Company Check Procedure • Key points: • Enforcement in the case of infringements focus on corrective measures • DGSA responsibility to report on corrective measures taken • Evaluation of feedback • Reminders are sent in case of inadequate or no feedback • Sanctions are imposed after two reminders 6 augustus 2014 ADR Company control 4
Audited ADR Companies Validation and follow-up of the tasks and responsibilities of a DGSA Permanent exchange of know-how between DGSA and company auditor 6 augustus 2014 ADR Company control 5
Safety Advisor: inspection Database: 2300 companies + 1025 DGSA (legal obligation) Focus on loader in stead of transporter X> 2.000 vehicles ADR // 2.000> X >200 vehicles // X < 200 vehicles Appointment – year report § 1.8.1 and § 1.8.3 6 augustus 2014 ADR Company control 6
Company checks Identity and activities of the company Role and functions safety advisor Training staff Procedures : classification / documents / loading / unloading / vehicle control / incident and accident reports Report and follow up Checklist: § (before loading) 6 augustus 2014 ADR Company control 7
Company checksBranches Chemicals Liquid carburants Inflammable gas Storage Waste Port terminals 6 augustus 2014 ADR Company control 8
Win win operation Constructive atmosphere: direct interaction between the FPS M&T and the Safety Advisor Rapport M&T : the safety advisor has to position himself towards the direction of the company Construction of a network with more then 200 safety advisors Very good practical field knowledge in order to amend the ADR Mediation et clarification between FPS M&T when there is an incident or infraction 6 augustus 2014 ADR Company control 9
Safety of transport of dangerous goods and security 6 augustus 2014 ADR Company control 10
ADR § ADR: The loading shall not be carried out if an examination of the documents and a visual inspection of the vehicle and its equipment show that the vehicle or the driver do not comply with the regulatory provisions RID: Vor dem Beladen muss der Wagen von innen und aussen untersucht werden um sicherzustellen dass keine Beschädigungen voorliegen 6 augustus 2014 ADR Company control 11
Checklist in the companies (developed by M&T: 14.4 / 14.5 / 14.6) Before loading an in house control takes place by the company or the extern safety advisor Proactive action Supplementary action to road control Available on the website Feedback M&T 6 augustus 2014 ADR Company control 12
Proactive action • Classification and mentioning on the transport document by the consignor • Equipment driver/vehicle (set available) • Tank/packaging OK? • Stability of the cargo? • Labelling? • 100% control:certificate driver+ certificate of approval of the vehicle ADR Company control
Additional actions Declaration cleaning tank or visual control Condition of the cargo? Condition of the tires? Condition of lights and signalisation? 6 augustus 2014 ADR Company control 14
ADR Company check results 2010Feedback from 75 companies about 135.526 in house controlled vehicules Equipment: 955 Marking: 547 Fire-fighting equipment : 520 Vehicle condition: 442 Tank condition: 226 Documentation, written instructions:145 Certificate of driver: 138 Load stability: 126 Certificate of vehicle:85 Cargo manipulation:74 State of the container: 63 Degree of filling of the tank: 14 6 augustus 2014 ADR Company control 15
ROAD AND COMPANY CONTROLS Catalogue fines in function risk categories I/II/III View on the real situation on the road, including transit Serious infringement, followed by a company inspection Road control and valorisation of the tasks of the safety advisor Interdiction of loading makes immobilisation impossible Proactive and additional action HR cost ( ½ FTE and 40 companies on yearly basis) Direct contacting FPS M&T and the company by means of the safety advisor 6 augustus 2014 ADR Company control 16