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The VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a network that uses a public broadcast media (the Internet) because of its WAN links.
Virtual Private Networks (VPN’s) By: TelePacket www.telepacket.com
What is a VPN? T Th he e VP N Net etw wo ork rk) ) i is a u use ses a p s a pu ub bl li ic c b bro road m med edi ia (t a (th he I b bec ecau ause se o of f i it ts W VPN N (V (Vi irt rtu ual al P Pri riv vat ate e s a n net etw wo ork rk t th hat at adca cast e In nt ter ern net et) ) s WA AN N l li in nks ks st
Introduction:- Four Categories: Secure VPN Trusted VPN Provider-provisioned VPN Hybrid VPN
Types of VPNs :- Intranet VPN Remote access VPN Extranet VPN
Future of VPN VPN popularity Companies choosing VPN New way of communicating? cost savings and scalability
Contact Us:- Address 5764 N Orange, Blossom Trail, Orlando FL 32810 USA www.telepacket.com