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The Chewing Gum Story: From Soap to World Renowned

Discover how William Wrigley's accidental journey from soap to chewing gum led to a global phenomenon. Learn about the origins, flavors, and worldwide success of Wrigley's famous gum brand.

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The Chewing Gum Story: From Soap to World Renowned

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wrigley's chewing gum William Wrigley started his chewing gum company by accident. In 1891 his father had a soap factory in Chicago and William was a salesman; he sold the productsfrom the family’s factory. First, he naturally sold Wrigley’s soap. As a premium, he gave baking powder to his clients, and, strangely, the baking powder was very popular. Then he decided to sell baking powder and offered free chewing gum as a premium. Again the premium was a big success. He began making Wrigley’s chewing gum in 1892. After that, in 1893, came Juicy and Spearmint, the most famous flavours. Later, he built factories in Canada, Australia and Britain and Wrigley’s rapidly became an international company. Finally, during World War Two, the American soldiers went to Europe and Asia with Wrigley’s chewing gum in their rations and today, everywhere in the world, people chew that gum originally “made in the USA”.

  2. I- Fast reading 1- Read the text and choose a new title. Tick the right answer. The origins of chewing gum From soap to chewing gum The invention of chewing gum 2- Read the text again and pick out all the names of countries and continents. Write them in the following chart an complete it.

  3. I- FAST READING 3- Find, in the text, the simple past of the verbs below. Complete the chart.

  4. II- VOCABULARY 1- What’s the French or English for : en prime: gratuit: World war Two: Everywhere: Chew: Soap: Baking powder: 2- Find the equivalents for these phrases. d’abord: then: alors: after that: plus tard: finally:

  5. III- COMPREHENSION Right or wrong? Justify by quoting from the text. 1- William Wrigley had an accident. 2- William Wrigley worked for his father’s factory. 3- At the beginning, he sold chewing gum to his clients. 4- Wrigley’s chewing gum was known all around the world thanks to World War II.

  6. IV- SIMPLE PAST Retrouvez, dans la grille ci-dessous, le prétérit des verbes suivants et donnez leur traduction française.

  7. IV-The simple past

  8. Observation et déduction Comment ça marche ? 1- Quel titre pouvez-vous donner à la colonne 1 ? 2- Quel titre pouvez-vous donner à la colonne 2 ? 3- Comment conjuguer un verbe régulier et un verbe irrégulier à la forme affirmative au « simple past » ? 4- Qu’en est-il pour les verbes irréguliers ? Que cela nécessite-t-il de votre part ?

  9. EVALUATIONCompréhension écrite d’un texte court étudié en classe I- Vocabulaire. (4 points) Retrouvez, dans le texte, les synonymes des mots ou expressions suivants. • Began (§1) : • Famous (§2): • Quickly (§5): • All around the world (§6): II- Answer the following questions with complete sentences. (16 points) • Where did William Wrigley work at the beginning? • What did he sell? • What did he give as a premium? • What did he offer as a premium as he sold baking powder? • When did he decide to build a chewing gum factory? • Which flavours could we find? • Where did he build chewing gum fatories? • Why was chewing gum known everywhere in the world?

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