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Codename: DBEXii

Codename: DBEXii. Preview. Next>>. NEW Architecture. Codename: DBEXii. DBEXii Core in User Application. Compile Executable. Future of DBEXform, What’s new in the Year 2010. Designer/Player. + User Extender Data Connections. User Extender Components. User Mo. DBEXii

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Codename: DBEXii

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  1. Codename:DBEXii Preview Next>>

  2. NEWArchitecture Codename:DBEXii DBEXii Core in User Application Compile Executable Future of DBEXform, What’s new in the Year 2010 Designer/Player + User Extender Data Connections User Extender Components User Mo DBEXii Core Module Oracle O r A F MySQL SOAP Http,Intranet Grid Edit Access MSSQL Components Databases New platforms .NET 2.0 Framework Compact Framework Mono .NET 3.0 3.5 4.0 Next>>

  3. Codename:DBEXii * NEW Architecture for the Application designer * New Databases * New Component libraries * C#, VB, Delphi programmable * Create Executable applications * Include in existing applications http://www.willmansoft.com Close

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