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MyFloridaMarketPlace. Vendor Performance Tracking Overview: Requestor Interface February 23, 2006. Agenda. Welcome / Introduction Vendor Performance Tracking (VPT) Overview VPT – Requestor/MA Contact User Interface Download Trending Vendor Data File. Vendor Performance Tracking (VPT).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendor Performance Tracking Overview: Requestor Interface February 23, 2006

  2. Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • Vendor Performance Tracking (VPT) Overview • VPT – Requestor/MA Contact User Interface • Download Trending Vendor Data File

  3. Vendor Performance Tracking (VPT) • Monitoring application for rating vendor performance on a per transaction level • A VPT Survey will be generated after an Invoice Reconciliation status is updated to ‘Paid’ • VPT Surveys will be generated for the following transactions: • All State Term Contracts (STC) • All State Purchasing Agreements (SPA) • All Agency Term Contracts • All Other transactions equal to or above $2,500 (including governmental entities)

  4. VPT Email Notifications • Email notification will be sent to the Requestor or MA Contact associated with the transactions • Purchase Orders - user listed in the ‘On Behalf Of’ field • Master Agreements - user listed in the ‘Contact’ field • Contains link directing Requestor or MA Contact to go to VPT to complete survey • Receive one email per day for all “new” pending surveys • Sample email notification screenshot

  5. Sample Email Notification

  6. VPT Surveys – Buyers • Surveys pre-populated with transaction-specific information • Vendor rated across four categories with scoring range from 1 (Fails to Meet Most Requirements) to 5 (Exceeds Most Requirements): • Performance to Specifications – e.g. compliance to contract specs • Delivery – e.g. on-time delivery • Invoicing – e.g. accurate billing • Customer Service – e.g. prompt/courteous customer service • Comments may be entered for a survey • If entered, vendors may view comments relating to their ratings • Completion of VPT survey is optional • Vendors’ performance tracked and displayed in Ariba Buyer • Vendor Location Chooser – Ratings (screenshot)

  7. Ariba Buyer – Vendor Location Chooser A new column has been added to display the overall vendor rating by location. Ratings can also be used as a search criteria. Users may view the overall rating for each category by clicking the rating score.

  8. Ariba Buyer - Review Details for Overall Rating The vendor location overall rating for each category is displayed. The number of completed surveys and potential surveys are also captured in Buyer.

  9. VPT Surveys – Additional Information • Vendors can access VPT to view survey responses for their company only • Monthly listing of vendors and their performance scores will be provided • Scores across the four categories • Requestor and MA Contact names and comments will not be provided to the general public • Survey scores will be discarded after 5 years (consistent with record retention requirements) • Current DMS State Term Contract survey tool (Survey Monkey) will continue to be available for non-MyFloridaMarketPlace requestors to provide vendor performance feedback

  10. Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • Vendor Performance Tracking (VPT) Overview • VPT – Requestor/MA Contact User Interface • Download Trending Vendor Data File

  11. Agenda Users will navigate to the Vendor Performance Tracking application via the shortcut menu option ‘Access VPT’’. The Vendor Performance section and link will be displayed for all users.

  12. VPT Welcome Home Page A new web browser windows opens and a new session is created. The VPT Welcome page will display these three options to the user. Users can view their unrated surveys by clicking the Submit Pending Vendor Rating link.

  13. Pending Surveys Requestors and MA Contacts can only submit vendor rating surveys for transactions completed in MyFloridaMarketPlace. Pending surveys are listed by the Vendor Name in alphabetical order.

  14. Performance Rating Form The Vendor Invoice Summary section displays header level information for the invoice associated with the survey. All categories must be rated prior to submitting the survey form.

  15. Performance Rating Form If a category is assigned a rating other than ‘3’, a popup box will appear requesting a comment be provided. Comments are restricted to a maximum of 1000 characters. The Invoice Detail section displays the dollars invoiced at the split accounting level.

  16. Survey Confirmation Page The user will be directed to the Vendor Transaction Rating Confirmation page once the rating has been successfully recorded. The completed rating will be factored into the vendor’s overall rating within the next 24 hours.

  17. Search for a Vendor Page The user will be directed to the Vendor Search page after clicking the ‘Search for a Vendor’ link on the VPT Welcome screen. Users can use any combination of the search criteria to view ratings at the vendor level.

  18. Vendor Search Results If no search criteria is defined the system will return a maximum of 25 records. The search results will not list duplicate FEINs. You can click the vendor name to view the summary ratings for each location.

  19. Vendor Detail Page – High Level The Vendor FEIN Rating Summary section displays the same rating information as the search results page. Users can view the rating information for each registered location which has a completed survey.

  20. Vendor Location Detail Page The vendor location level will list each transaction which has a completed survey. If desired, users can view the comments entered by the Requestor/MA Contact.

  21. View Comments Page The comments will be displayed in a new browser window. If reviewing multiple comments, a new browser window will open for each.

  22. Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • Vendor Performance Tracking (VPT) Overview • VPT – Requestor/MA Contact User Interface • Download Trending Vendor Data File

  23. Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • Vendor Performance Tracking (VPT) Overview • VPT – Requestor/MA Contact User Interface • Download Trending Vendor Data File

  24. Download Trending Vendor Data File In addition, the Vendor Performance Tracking System will provide users with the capability for deeper analysis of rating trends.

  25. File Download – Trending Vendor Data File After clicking the ‘Download Trending Vendor Data File’ link, a file download popup box will display. Users can either open the data file or save it to a desired location before continuing.

  26. Trending Vendor Data File – MS Excel A user can review trends for a specific vendor and for a specific time period using a MS Excel spreadsheet that contains all submitted vendor survey data.

  27. Trending Vendor Data File – Sample Graph MS Excel can be used to graph trends by date range (if desired).

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