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The General Education Teacher’s Role in the IEP Process. Courtney Stockton. “…no one with a disability can be excluded from participating in federally funded programs or activities, including elementary, secondary or postsecondary schooling.” -Terri Mauro. Matty Finishes the Race Video.
The General Education Teacher’s Role in the IEP Process Courtney Stockton
“…no one with a disability can be excluded from participating in federally funded programs or activities, including elementary, secondary or postsecondary schooling.” -Terri Mauro Matty Finishes the Race Video
GenEd Teacher’s Responsibilities • 1) Know the area of disability • A) Note the actual qualifying disability • B) Ask the case manager about typical characteristics, strengths and weaknesses 2) Information for General Education Classroom • 3) Accommodations/Modifications A) If it is written in the IEP you MUST attempt to provide • B) Can be held personably liable
GenEd Teacher’s Responsibilities • 4) May have to work on goals and PBSP in class • 5) Other forms A) Surveys • B) Rating scales • C) Questionnaires • -These help fill in the PLAAFP page • -Really helps case manager too 6) Attending meetings
What To Do At An IEP MeetingBefore You Go • A) Review the accommodations/modifications • 1) Be able to demonstrate how you are providing them in your class • 2) This is the main area in which GenEd teachers get “questioned” • B) Review all grade categories • 1) Homework • 2) In Class Work • 3) Test Grades • 4) Other Relevant Information • C) Determine the student’s strengths, weaknesses, • behavior and social skills
What To Do At An IEP MeetingBefore You Go • D) Decide how the student learns best in your class • E) Consult with case manager *This is optional but recommended • F) Prepare documentation of how s/he is performing on the goals relevant to your class • G) Plan to stay for the whole meeting
What To Do At An IEP MeetingWhen You’re There 1) Be an active participant 2) Ask questions 3) Make sure any accommodations/modifications discussed are appropriate in your class…but be creative and flexible!
What To Do At An IEP MeetingWhen You’re There 4) Always remember the student • A) Need to be able to access the curriculum • B) Fair does not mean equal -Ex. Use of Glasses • 5) Sign the IEP • *If you leave before the end of the meeting, make sure IEP Team Member Excusal Form is completed.
What To Do At An IEP MeetingAfter It’s Over 1) Get a copy of the IEP • A) Accommodations/Modifications • B) Goals C) STAR Participation • D) Behavior Plans 2) Discuss your role in implementing the IEP with the case manager 3) Ask for demonstrations of the accommodations
Practical Tips • 1) All students are expected to master the standards BUT can show mastery in different ways • 2) Individualized Instruction • HALO Planning • (High, Average, Low, Other) B) Alternative Assessments • 3) Accommodate needs not mandates
Practical Tips 4) Do simple things to accommodate A) Allow standing B) 59% vs. 0% C) Take pictures of homework D) iPods? 5) Use technology when possible • A) iPad/Tablet Apps • B) Web Quests • C) Edmodo.com • D) Cell Phone Survey Websites
Practical Tips 6) Miscellaneous A) Patience B) Creativity C) Focus on Organization 7) Try co-teaching 8) Accommodations Cheat Sheet-Appendix A 9) Accommodations Checklist-Appendix B 10) Information for General Education Classroom -Appendix C 11) Student Progress Check-Appendix D
Appendix AAccommodations Cheat Sheet Small Group-Means Sped classes or small groups for standardized testing. Preferential Seating-A seat that will most benefit the student’s learning (In front, close to the teacher, in the back, close to the door. Extra Time on Tests-Students can finish a test later, either at lunch, after school, or in a directed studies/study hall class. Student needs to tell the teacher that they have not finished at the end of the allotted time and make arrangements as to when they will finish. Extra Time on Assignments-Usually for long term assignments. Students need to arrange the details BEFORE the due date. Often, an extra percentage of time is agree upon. Directions Given in a Variety of Ways-Explain the directions in a way the student understands or until they understand how to do the required task. This could mean the student will need to come back later for further clarification. Written Directions-Step by step directions that are pre-written for the student.
Appendix AAccommodations Cheat Sheet Test Directions Simplified or Clarified-Tell the student what they need to do on that question or section. On Task Reminders-Keep the student focused on the assignment by giving cues. Could be as simple as pointing to the paper. Test Directions/Items read to Student-Read the test directions or questions to the student. Test in Sped/Resource Room-Work with the student’s case manager to determine a time and method for delivering and taking the test so the student can take it in a quiet place. Increased Verbal Response Time-Allow the student longer to respond before moving to another student.
Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)
References • Bing Images. “Checklists” (Picture Slide 1) Retrieved from http://www.jfmaccountants.com.au/individual-checklists.htm 11/3/2012 • Bing Images. “Checklist 2” (Picture Slide 2) Retrieved from http://www.testically.org/2012/05/15/keep-checklists-for-your-projects/ 11/3/2012 • Bing Images. “Glasses” (Picture Slide 5) Retrieved from Retrieved from http://www.clker.com/clipart-light-skin-smiling-lady-with-glasses.html 11/3/2012 • Bing Images. “Glowing Halo” (Picture Slide 8) Retrieved from http://frbederowe.blogspot.com/2011/09/missing-halos.html 11/3/2012 • Bing Images. “Graded Work” (Picture Slide 3) Retrieved from http://briasocialstudies.blogspot.com/2011/09/test.html 11/3/2012 • Bing Images. “Meeting Invitation” (Picture Slide 2) Retrieved from http://betapreview.charthouse.com/charthouse/content.aspx?nodeid=20305 11/3/2012 • Bing Images. “Music” (Picture Slide 9) Retrieved from http://wafiq1999.blogspot.com/2011/02/16th-february-2011.html 11/3/2012 • Bing Images. “Question” (Picture Slide 5) Retrieved from http://www.123rf.com/photo_4752322_waving-in-hovering-futuristic-chair.html 11/3/2012
References • Bing Images. “Teacher” (Picture Slide 9) Retrieved from http://www.montana.edu/ttt/school_admin.php 11/3/2012 • Bing Images. “Thinking Man” (Picture Slide 37) Retrieved from http://thinkseo.us/Think-SEO-Search-Engine-Optimization-Analysis-Consultation-Development-Maintenace/Denver-Colorado-SEO-Anaysis-Consulting-Development-Maintenace-webhosting-website-creation/Think-SEO-Search-Engine-Optimization-Analysis-Consultation-Development-Maintenace.html 11/3/2012 • Murawski, W. W. (2009). Collaborative Teaching in Secondary Schools. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. • Samples, M. (2012). Putting the IEP Into Practice. FAPE Monthly, 1(2), 1-2. • Mauro, Terri. About.com. “What is a 504 Plan?”. Retrieved from http://specialchildren.about.com/od/504s/f/504faq1.htm 8/15/2012 • United States Department of Labor. Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 29 U.S.C. §794(a). Retrieved from http://www.dol.gov/oasam/regs/statutes/sec504.htm#.UJIQTRzW7rw 10/31/2012 • Ventura County Special Education Local Plan Area. All IEP forms were developed by the V.C.S.E.L.P.A. and are used by permission. • YouTube.com. “Boy Inspires Kids - Kids Inspire Us All (Amazing Finish)”. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/o6Alt2DssYc 8/15/2012