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Tree seeds and seedling system (private/community/public)

Tree seeds and seedling system (private/community/public). Group 1. Main Actors in the seed system. Higher learning institutions Seedling production, community service FRC Seed source id & establishment, collect , test & distribute Gene bank Collect for conservation BoAs

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Tree seeds and seedling system (private/community/public)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tree seeds and seedling system(private/community/public) Group 1

  2. Main Actors in the seed system • Higher learning institutions • Seedling production, community service • FRC • Seed source id & establishment, collect , test & distribute • Gene bank • Collect for conservation • BoAs • Collect for public nursery & dissemination • State forest enterprises (Amhara/Oromia…) • Collect for own nurseries /give support to farmers for seed production • NGOs • Buy & distribute seeds • Seedling: support and produce • Private vendors • Buy & sell • Farmers (coops) • Collect for own use & also sell (seedling) • Regional seed centers (SNNP, Amhara, Oromia, Tigray) • Potential role players in the making

  3. Current status and gaps • Haphazard management of seed and seedlings • No feedback loop between seed suppliers and users • Compromised quantity and quality of seed and seedlings (sources not known or documented) • There is good indigenous knowledge on the use of trees among farmers but a gap on the knowledge of propagating trees • Mostly exotic forestry –quick economic benefit oriented • National demand and supply unbalanced • State, community , private and youth involved in seedling production • Active seedling production including in urban areas but seed sources unknown • State run nurseries are under budgeted

  4. Current status and gaps cont… • There are more public and private nurseries as compared to community ones • Private sector not engaged as much as in crop seed systems • Economic drive alone should not dominate • Focus on some (mainly exotic) is undermining the biodiversity • Collected tree seeds and seedlings represent a very few proportion of the native tree and shrub species • In drylands, nursery sites for trees are not as favored compared to nursery sites for fruit trees because of the scarce resource, water • Lack of capacity in terms of inputs (seeds/nursery sites/management manuals for trees ) …

  5. Suggestion • Focus should be given to demand creation • Need assessment is necessary before production, hence planting purposes should be clearly known before seed and seedling production • Forestry extension system should be strengthened • We need a holistic approach/a value chain approach

  6. Suggestions cont… • Tissue culture capacity should be enhanced • We should trigger more the tree planting at homesteads • The seed system needs to be market oriented • There is need for decentralized management • More research should also be done on propagation of certain species • Species production should follow agroecologies and economic importance • Training and inputs needed for improved seedling production • Technical manuals for each forest tree species should be produced • Proper tree seed, seedling and nursery database and information system should be in place

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