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Department of Energy Real Estate Certification Program CRS, RECO, ACMP, Training Mark Price Senior Realty Officer May 2

Department of Energy Real Estate Certification Program CRS, RECO, ACMP, Training Mark Price Senior Realty Officer May 21, 2013. How It Was…. DOE O 430.1B: CRS reviews and approve all real estate actions Real Estate Desk Guide describes CRS program SRO chairs certification committee

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Department of Energy Real Estate Certification Program CRS, RECO, ACMP, Training Mark Price Senior Realty Officer May 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Department of EnergyReal Estate Certification Program CRS, RECO, ACMP, Training Mark Price Senior Realty Officer May 21, 2013
  2. How It Was… DOE O 430.1B: CRS reviews and approve all real estate actions Real Estate Desk Guide describes CRS program SRO chairs certification committee SRPO issues certificates Uncertain CRS authority to execute
  3. Why It’s Changing… DOE O 541.1B: authorizes COs for RE (RECO) HCA issues warrants DOE O 361.1B: RECOs part of acquisition workforce Certification programs to be in ACMP Handbook
  4. What’s Changed/What’s the Same CRS program in ch. 6 of ACMP Handbook Levels I, II and III CRS certificate and RECO warrant Substantively same as ch. 10 of Desk Guide “Simplified” I and II CRS certificate
  5. CRS Levels Old: Simplified Leasing only SLAT ($150k/yr.) Level I $500k Level II Unlimited New: Level I All specialty areas SLAT ($150k) Level II $500k Level III Unlimited Q: Why the change? A: Levels I,II,III align with other DOE COs
  6. CRS Migration Current CRSs: New CRS certificates will be issued Automatically (don’t need to apply) Level I, II or III matching current level Simplified = Level I Level I = Level II Level II = Level III
  7. The United States Department of Energy Acquisition Career Management Program Real Estate Certification Under authority invested in the undersigned and the Department of Energy Real Property Management Order, and in recognition of outstanding achievements, commitment and continuing contributions to the realty mission of the Department of Energy Your Name Here! is designated a CERTIFIED REALTY SPECIALIST in the fields of: Acquisition - Level II Certification Leasing – Level II Certification Land Management and Disposal – Level II Certification for the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Carmelo Melendez Senior Real Property Officer Director, Office of Property Management Date
  8. CRS Migration – RECO Current CRSs: RECO warrants may be issued when requested NNSA has own warrant authority Authority level, transaction types based on program/site need Not necessarily same as CRS level Warrant authority cannot exceed CRS level
  9. The United States Department of Energy Certificate of Appointment Under authority invested in the undersigned and Department of Energy Order 541.1B Your Name Here! is designated a REAL ESTATE CONTRACTING OFFICER And is authorized to approve and execute realty actions, subject to the following limitations: for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Carmelo Melendez Senior Real Property Officer Director, Office of Property Management Date
  10. Disposal Authority Limits Based on CRS level Fair market value, or RPV, of property Not $ value of transaction E.g., level I CRS can’t approve $0 transfer where FMV is $1.0M
  11. ACMP Handbook On-line at MA website Sec. I.3: CO requirements (incl. RECO) Sec. II, Ch. VI: CRS Program Eligibility (1170s) Levels (I, II, III) Requirements (exp., educ., training) Application process Continuous learning requirement
  12. Training Requirements Leasing: Fed. Real Prop. Leasing Techniques of Negotiating Fed. Real Prop. Leases Fed. Real Prop. Lease Law Cost & Price Analysis of Lease Proposals Basic Appraisal Principles Disposal and Land Management: Fed. Real Prop. Utilization & Disposal No substitution/waiver for required courses All other courses are optional!
  13. Training, cont. Optional courses can be used for: Substitute for portion of experience requirement 6 courses = 1 year experience Continuous learning requirement 3 courses every 5 years This workshop counts as 1 “Approved” courses list Maintained by SRO Posted on Powerpedia
  14. QUESTIONS? Mark Price Senior Realty Officer, MA-651 mark.price@hq.doe.gov 202-586-5422
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