1. C-TELL Connecting Teachers of English Language Learners
2. Funding through OELA Through a grant from the Federal Office of English Language Acquisition and in partnership with your school district, Edgewood College is excited to offer this professional development opportunity!
3. Background of the Project Given: a grant priority to focus on professional development for secondary teachers working with bilingual learners
Given: a collaboration between eight very different school districts, Edgewood College, and DPI
Given: an end goal of improving instruction for bilingual students in order to increase academic success
4. We knew we needed to provide professional development that was long-term and in depth
was on-site and directly connected to practice
allowed for teacher collaboration and choice
that involved administrator learning and support
That built school capacity
that connected specifically with secondary content areas
5. The Edgewood Fit
6. Primary Goals of the Project Improve content teachers understanding and skills related to content-specific scaffolding to support bilingual learners in mainstream secondary classrooms
Join ESL teachers and content teachers to create ongoing collaborative and reflective communities of practice
Describe Summer Institute Highlights:
1. Bring your curriculum and apply everything you learn to your own lessons; 2. Collaborate with others who teach in your content area (some ESL teachers and some global); 3. Describe Summer Institute Highlights:
1. Bring your curriculum and apply everything you learn to your own lessons; 2. Collaborate with others who teach in your content area (some ESL teachers and some global); 3.
7. How do we achieve those goals? Bring your curriculum and apply everything you learn to your own lessons;
Collaborate with others who teach in your content area (incl. ESL teachers);
Develop online e-portfolios to display your work and collaborate with others online through curriculum sharing, reflections on the realities of implementing new strategies and thinking through language and culture lenses
8. Secondary Goals Increase teacher capacity for curriculum sharing and collaborative curriculum development through online technologies
Increase teacher knowledge of the role of ESL/bilingual education within the wider socio-cultural and socio-economic contexts of educational equity and schooling in a democratic society
9. Participating teachers join cohorts in their school and other schools to: Participate in a summer institute (5 days)
Complete collaborative online modules and e-portfolios for curriculum sharing and collaboration
Share and learn with other school cohorts during school year release days guided by online curriculum modules
Receive tuition support for graduate credit (6 credits upon completion)
10. What the program offers Professional development in socio-cultural theory, socio-linguistics, and culturally relevant curriculum for ELLs within specific content areas.
Professional development in effective instructional practices for ELLs applied to specific core content areas.
Six graduate credits, with full tuition support, upon completion of the project.
11. The program also offers Project coursework aligned with PDP and professional portfolio requirements.
Tuition support for participants who choose to continue coursework to receive their ESL or bilingual license.
Teachers who receive their ESL or bilingual license may continue coursework toward completion of a Masters Degree.
Access to professional resources to support site team collaboration.
12. Required commitment from teachers: Participation in five days of instruction at the Summer Institute
Participation in six day-long site team meetings at teachers school site during the school year with release time and sub paid for by the grant.
Attendance at three full Saturday face-to-face course meetings during the Spring Semester of the school year.
13. Comments from Summer Institute participants: The summer institute was one of the best classes I have taken. I love the socio-linguistic focus, the higher level discussions, the respect shown by the professors to the students and the general appreciation for how difficult the work can be in the schools today.
14. Comments from Summer Institute participants: It would be so valuable for every teacher in our schools to have the information from this course!
The opening activity, the presentations, and the discussions were all incredibly helpful. The real classroom application ideas were key.
15. Comments from Summer Institute participants: It was wonderful and informative.
For me, one of the main highlights was developing an understanding of the language levels and strategies for working with all levels in the classroom.
16. E-portfolioslets take a look! http://sites.google.com/site/maryclassenctelleportfolio/case-study-interview---page-2/home
17. 2010-2011 Cohort Open to all schools and teachers within core content areas
Six on-site release days to complete coursework during the school year (with district permission)
CTELL participants complete Ed 604B, C, D or E and 605B (6 credits total)
18. Application process CTELL application and letter of interest turned in to Rebecca Zambrano or Erin Teksten (contact info below).
All CTELL participants must also apply to the graduate school. Those seeking professional development must complete only the non-degree seeking requirements.
19. Application process Pick up an application and flier today!
Visit our website for more information:
20. Contact information Rebecca Zambrano
rzambrano@edgewood.edu C-TELL Project CoordinatorEdgewood College
1000 Edgewood College Drive
Madison, WI 53711
Erin Teksten
eteksten@edgewood.eu C-TELL Project AssistantEdgewood College
1000 Edgewood College Drive
Madison, WI 53711