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Myers’ PSYCHOLOGY (7th Ed). Chapter 4 The Developing Person James A. McCubbin, PhD Clemson University Worth Publishers. Developmental Psychology: Branch of psych. that studies physical , cognitive & social change throughout the life span
Myers’ PSYCHOLOGY (7th Ed) Chapter 4 The Developing Person James A. McCubbin, PhD Clemson University Worth Publishers
Developmental Psychology: Branch of psych. that studies physical, cognitive & social change throughout the life span • Considers the 3 big developmental ?’s: A) nature/nurture? B) stability/change? C) continuity/stages?
Prenatal Development and the Newborn: Conception: As sperm enters, a barrier forms Life is sexually transmitted
Prenatal Development & the Newborn • Zygote: fertilized egg; less than ½ survive! • enters a 2 wk period of rapid cell division • = embryo after it attaches • Embryo: the developing human organism from 2 weeks thru 2nd month • Fetus: developing human organism from 9 wks after conception birth
Prenatal Devel. & Newborns 40 days 45 days 2 months 4 months
Prenatal Devel. & the Newborn • Teratogens (“monsters??):agents, such as chemicals & viruses: reaches embryo or fetus during prenatal devel. & cause harm • Sci. still trying to determine how much harm… …smoking in preg. & male violent crimes? • Can be drugs, diseases, radioactivity, or chemicals • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS): physical & cognitive abnormalities in kids caused by heavy drinking during pregnancy (1/750) (See t-138, Judges quote) • symptoms include mis-proportioned head • The leading cause of retardation
Prenatal Development and the Newborn • Rooting Reflex • tendency to open mouth, & search for nipple when touched on the cheek; aids survival • Requires “tongue, swallow, breathe…” coordination In Notes: Explain each reflexes as we go over it… a) grasping : b) Moro (startle): c) Babinski: (Digi. Med. Arch. #1 )
Newborn Preferences: • human voices & faces • face-like images *Which below do they prefer? • smell & sound of mother (see 138)
Prenatal Development & the Newborn • Habituation (boredom?) • Decreasing responsiveness w/ repeated stimulation • Novel (new) stimulus gets more attention, stronger response • Indicates memory & familiarity…using senses to gain knowledge & experience (Note: Stimulus: something that causes a reaction
Prenatal Development and the Newborn Once habituated to old stimulus, newborns preferred gazing at a new one (New experience…)
At birth 3 months 15 months Cortical Neurons Infancy & Childhood: Physical Devel. • Maturation • biological growth processes that enable orderly (in particular order) changes in behavior • Programmed: is like a genetic blueprint • relatively uninfluenced by experience…just happens b/c it is time…”wired in”
Infancy & Childhood: Physical Development • 3 month-old baby learns kicking moves a mobile--& can retain that learning for a month (Rovee-Collier, 1989, 1997).EFFICACY! I can have effect! • This helps them to learn that they can affect their world
Neural sequence of develop.: • Birth: have most brain cells you’ll ever have • 0 – 2: growth spurt (wiring) allowing us to walk, talk, & remember stuff • 3-6: networks sprout rapidly in frontal lobe: allows rational planning (If I do this, this will happen…) • Into puberty: pathways for language & agility developing, “polishing up” • After puberty: “pruning” process: trims out unused, strengthen those being used **Prior to 3yrs., can’t remember much at all b/c haven’t connections for it Known as “Infantile amnesia”
Infancy & Childhood:Cognitive Development • Schema: Jean Piaget’s word fora concept or framework we use to organize & interpret info -“mental molds into which we pour our experiences” (neural netwks.?) EX: cats…vs. dogs; love; motherhood, etc. Piaget said 2 ways we deal w/ new experiences: Assimilation vs. Accommodation: • Assimilation:interpreting one’s new experience in terms of one’s existing schemas --we have a set of ideas about 1 thing EX: a doggie -dogs have 4 legs, are furry, & have a tail -so a cat = a “doggie”…pony = BIG doggie… Accommodation
Infancy & Childhood:Cognitive Development • Accommodation:adapting (adjusting) our current understandings (schemas) to incorporate new info EX: we learn the cat is not a doggie…but a new category—or schema—a “cat” or kitty • Cognition: All the mental activities associated w/ thinking, knowing, remembering, & communicating -as kids have more experiences in their world, they adjust existing schemas& accommodate to bring in new schemas…& they use these to develop Meta-cognition: What we know about HOW we know Piaget: Cognition goes thru 4 major developmental stages…
Typical Age Range Developmental Phenomena Description of Stage Birth to nearly 2 years Sensorimotor Experiencing the world through senses and actions (looking, touching, mouthing) • Object permanence • Stranger anxiety About 2 to 6 years Preoperational Representing things with words and images but lacking logical reasoning • Pretend play • Egocentrism • Language development About 7 to 11 years Concrete operational Thinking logically about concrete events; grasping concrete analogies and performing arithmetical operations • Has Conservation • Mathematical transformations About 12 thru adulthood Formal operational Abstract reasoning • Abstract logic • Potential for moral reasoning Piaget’s 4 Stages of Cognitive Develop.:(see p. 144) KNOW these!!
Infancy & Childhood: Cognitive Devel. Sensori-motor stage: (birth- 2 yrs.) Object Permanence: Awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived (able to see, hear, etc.) • Games: Peek-a-boo? Where’s the bunny? • Develop this during Piaget’s sensorimotor stage: what ages do not? Most are getting by what age? (start p. 144) • Difference betwn. Piaget’s view & present day view? -How does this show “continuity vs. stages?” (top 145)
4. Possible outcome: Screen drops, revealing one object. 3. Object is removed. 1. Objects placed in case. 2. Screen comes up. 4. Impossible outcome: Screen drops, revealing two objects. Infancy & Childhood: Cognitive Devel. • “Baby Math”: Shown a numerically impossible outcome, infants stare longer (Wynn, ‘92) --Explain the 2 EX’s of “baby logic” on p. 145 -How do psy. measure how kids notice something different or odd? (i.e., what is the operational definition?)
Infancy & Childhood: Cognitive Devel. Preoperational stage (2-6): Conservation: the principle that properties such as mass, volume, and number remain the same despite changes in the forms of objects… EX: Tall thin glass vs. short fat glass= same amt.? Pla-doh They don’t have at beginning…get toward end of stage… Egocentrism: the inability of the preoperational child to take another’s point of view EX: TV viewing? My brother? Abusive parents often don’t realize this & they tend to see this as “ornery” behavior
Infancy & Childhood: Cognitive Devel. Theory of Mind: “A not B” (Note: still in pre-operational stage) Just beginning to form this People’s ideas about their own & others’ mental states.. …about their feelings, perceptions Also thoughts & the behavior these might predict Still tend to be egocentric, but improving on this Gaining empathy; learning thoughts = feelings When you show the kid these pictures & tell the story, how will they respond?
Theory of Mind & Autism Autism: Disorder that appears in childhood & marked by deficiencies in communication, social interaction & understanding of others’ states of mind Extremely egocentric; little or no “theory of mind” formed Can’t read emotions in others Can’t see that others do not know what they know EX: fig. 4.10 + text (147) B/C of communication limits, deaf kids may have problems w/ theory of mind also
Asperger’s Syndrome is a specific form of “high-functioning” autism Syndrome
Cognitive Development: Reflecting on Piaget’s Theory • Influential theory • Development is more continuity rather than stages as Piaget believed • Larger emphasis on social factors • Vygotsky • Zone of proximal development
Work of Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) has become the foundation of much research and theory in cognitive development over the past several decades, particularly of what has become known as Social Development Theory. • Vygotsky's theories stress the fundamental role of social interaction in the development of cognition Vygotsky, 1978), as he believed strongly that community plays a central role in the process of "making meaning."
Pre-op:learning to think in symbols: EX’s? -Again: a steady, continuous process (continuity) -Private speech (Vygotsky):Pre-operational kids talking to themselves to “think things out” -allows them to process cognition… How can this help w/ math? (c-148) • Concrete operations stage (7-11): now understand conservation (see “joke”) -Understand things we have experience w/ -Beginning to understand math transformations: 8+4=12…so what is 12 – 4?Then…4 x 6 = 24, 24 div.by 6 = ? • Formal operations stage (12 +): beginning abstract thought… -can theorize & plan various possibilities (If this is true, then …) BUT…again, Piaget underestimated abilities (t-149)
Piaget: Father of cognitive psych.” What he got right & wrong: (p.149…Reflecting…) • “What he…got right: • “ “ ..missed… • Who can use this info? • How can they use this today?
Inf. & Ch-hd.: Social Develop. (150) • Stranger Anxiety • fear of strangers infants commonly display • begins about 8 mos. • Purpose: keep child close to care-giver…why could this be important at this age? • is cross-cultural, so…what does that indicate? • Attachment • Strong emotional tie w/ another person • We attach to ppl w/ which we are comfortable, familiar…& who are responsive to needs • young kids show by seeking closeness to the caregiver & showing distress on separation • “home-base:” a secure base (safe haven) • is it just those who give food? Or is it more?
Social Development • H. Harlow’s Surrogate Mother Experiments (Harlow vid.) • Preferred contact w/ comfortable cloth mother, even though feed from the nourishing wire mother • Humans tend to attach to those soft, warm, who rock, pat, feed… (contact comfort) a secure base • As we grow, attachment changes from parents to peers to partners
Social Development • Monkeys raised by artificial mothers were terror-stricken when placed in strange situations without their surrogate mothers. Note: ethics no longer allow such studies • ATTACHMENT: secure attachment is important for later relationships • Involves trust & expecting responsiveness… (t-153)
Social Development • Critical Period • best period shortly after birth when an organism’s exposure to certain stimuli or experiences produces proper development (EX: lang. & Genie) • “window of opportunity”…if this is missed, will not develop that aspect…either at all…or not completely • Imprinting • process by which certain animals form attachments during a critical period very early in life • Konrad Lorenz: studies w/ ducklings & 1st moments after hatching…he was 1st creature they saw; they attached to him • will also attach to other things that move…bouncing ball, etc.
Attachment: Deep, caring, close, & enduring (long-lasting) emotional bond between infant & care-giver; forms in humans at about 6 mos. --used Harlow’s “wire-mom” study for this info Stranger anxiety: fear of stranger--even if mom there --is this normal? Separation anxiety: upset if mom goes away suddenly ”Strange situation” experiment: Mary Ainsworth 1st : mom & kid in room w/ stranger & mom leaves 2nd: no stranger in room when she leaves -measures levels of attachment in kids:
Psychologists have ID’ed 4 attachment patterns: a) secure b) avoidant c) resistant d) disorganized 1. Secure: need to explore, but have mom close; mom leaves, they cry, but OK when she returns; no anger; most kids (at least 70-80%) are securely attached 2. Avoidant : cry when mom leaves; but avoid or ignore mom when she returns 3.Resistant: not upset when she leaves, but angry & reject her when she returns 4.Disorganized: often confused or act different ways; don’t always act the same, but often not angry if leaves, but avoid her when she returns; this is the least “secure” type **Most sensitive, responsive moms have securely attached kids (well over 70% of all kids)
Fathers & children: Just a “mobile sperm banks?” ?: Elian Gonzales…Would the situation been the same if it were reversed as to mom/dad? Read & note the 3 studies on 153: a) “pregnant dads”? b) kids health & well-being & mom + dad love c) non-married parents, separation, divorce: increases risk for social & psychological pathologies (“diseases”) ”Separation from parents”: home-care vs. day-care? No major difference RE: stranger anxiety -starts 6-8 mos., peaks (+ -) 13 mos. …then declines -at that point it eases (especially if we are securely attached) & we can open to other people…especially peers…
Here is the link to log onto the Companion Website for Myers Psychology, 8th edition: http://bcs.worthpublishers.com/hspsych8e/default.asp?s=&n=&i=&v=&o=&ns=0&uid=0&rau=0 Log on as "Students". Give yourself your own Password & User ID and include MY email so that I can view quizzes if I decide to do for Ex Cr. or something....
Percentage of infants who cried when their mothers left 100 80 Day care 60 40 Home 20 0 3.5 5.5 7.5 9.5 11.5 13.5 20 29 Age in months Social Development • Groups of infants left by their mothers in a unfamiliar room (from Kagan, 1976)
Soc. Devel. • Basic Trust (Erik Erikson): a sense that the world is predictable & trustworthy • formed in 1st yr. by good experiences w/ responsive caregivers • Debated, but most psy. say later has effect on success in relationships • Deprived of attachment: -withdrawal -easily frightened -or v. aggressive (?) -permanent emotional scars - “unloved become unloving”--abused can be abusers -BUT…most abused do not b/c of resiliency…(tough) • Disruption of attachment: v. upset, even despairing --most recover…foster kids? • Day-care & attachment? If quality day-care, should be no difference ”It takes a village…” …But kids alone? NO
“Quality day-care”: What is this? & How can you ID it? • Discussion topic: Briefly discuss w/ a partner… Think about kids’ different temperaments, etc. -How could this allow a parent to do well w/ 1 kid…& not as well w/ another?
Self-Concept (pp.156-7): Into notes… • A sense of one’s identity & personal worth • According to Charles Darwin, when does self-awareness begin? • How psych’s test when kids can do this… • Happens about when___ (age)? • Fairly stable by _____ (age) • Kids view of themselves affects what? So how can parents help? Soc. Devel.: Child rearing practices…
Parenting styles: 1st 3: too hard, too soft …& just right 1) Authoritarian (aka dictatorial): parents impose rules & expect obedience • EX: “My way or hi-way!!” “Because I said so!!” 2) Permissive (aka laissez faire): give in to kids, make few demands, use little punishment -No structure, no consistent rules, which kids NEED EX: “I said NO!....Well, OK…ummm, just this once…” 3) Authoritative: Both demanding but responsive • set rules, but explain reasons & encourage discussion • Allow kids to make some (limited) choices to give practice… Best way… 4)Newer type…Unresponsive = the worst: no attention, no caring, no involvement = resentment, anger, & often social problems
Idea that loving, authoritative parenting style = best is confirmed by many correlational studies in more than 200 cultures worldwide…BEST chances for kids….Below
Adolescence (p. 159) • Adolescence: transition from childhood adulthood… begins w/puberty…goes to independent adult status RITES of PASSAGE: Ceremony for a step into adulthood How is it differ. now than say 1850 or so? • G. Stanley Hall: “strum und drung” ...& are some stresses, but _ out of _ HS seniors checked “on the whole, I am satisfied w/ myself.”See Dave Barry p. 160 • Puberty: period of sexual maturation when capable of reproduction --avg. ages? (b-159—some F earlier…possibly “whys”?) • Primary Sex Characteristics: Body structures allowing for sexual reproduction: • Gonads: ovaries—female testes--male • external genitalia in both
Secondary Sex Characteristics: Non-reproductive sexual characteristic F: breast & hips M: voice quality & body hair F: Menarche(meh-NAR-key): 1st menstrual period M: “spermarche”: 1st ejaculation • Avg. ages for these: F: 11-13 M: 13 --Know problems & advantages for… -early maturing M’s? -early maturing F’s? How does this shows interaction of heredity & environment? Adoles. brain development: Childhood: brain cells are __?__ ...In adoles. they begin to __?__ Use it or lose it! Frontal lobe devel. vs. emotional limbic system: How does this affect behavior…& how/when does it change?
1890, Women 7.2 Year Interval 10 20 10 20 Age 1995, Women 12.5 Year Interval Age Adolescence • 1890’s: Average interval between a woman’s menarche & marriage: just over 7 years • Now: Over 12 years! • Why is this significant?
Height in centimeters 190 170 150 130 110 90 70 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age in years Boys Girls Adolescence Thru childhood, M & F are similar in height. At puberty, F surge ahead briefly (11-13), but then M overtake them at about 14. • Sequence(1st 2nd…) of changes is more predictable than the timing… • Onset time varies w/ kids
Kohlberg’s Moral Ladder • As moral development progresses, focus of concern moves from the “how it affects ME” to the wider social world. • Piaget’s formal operations allows this • “Heinz’s Dilemma” 164 - 2 ?’s • Results vary cross-culturally -Depends on collectiv. vs. individualistic societies Postconventional Level 3rd Morality of abstract principles: to affirm agreed-upon rights and personal ethical principles Conventional Level 2nd Morality of law and social rules: to gain approval or avoid disapproval Preconventional Level 1st Morality of self-interest: to avoid punishment or gain concrete rewards