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Welcome to Curriculum Night! Please sit at your child’s desk and surprise them by writing a little note on the provided sticky sheet. Please sign up for a conference located on the table in the back of the room.
Welcome to Curriculum Night!Please sit at your child’s desk and surprise them by writing a little note on the provided sticky sheet.Please sign up for a conference located on the table in the back of the room.
Third grade is a BIG year. We learn a lot about personal responsibility and spend time talking about the importance of taking responsibility for our learning.For example, writing down homework in their agenda, asking a parent to sign agendas and the weekly folder sent home on Monday, as well as listening and following directions in the classroom.
Homework Our agendas are wonderful! We use them to relay information to and from school each day. Developing organizational skills is a major goal for third, fourth and fifth grade. Students are expected to bring their agenda home each night and back to school each day. Please review and initial the agenda with your child daily. You may also use the agenda as a means to communicate with me.
Homework Homework is assigned each evening and should only take about 30 minutes to complete. This time does not include the additional 15 minutes of reading each evening that I want your child to complete. Please try to allow for about 5 minutes of this reading time for your child to read aloud for fluency. I would suggest this to occur with what ever best fits your family’s schedule. Right after their regular homework is complete or at bedtime are most popular. This additional reading will be so beneficial to your child.
Miscellaneous • Reading – “cold read” test only, not a basal test • Math – mastery of multiplication facts 0 – 10. PLEASE practice with your child at home. • Writing – Narrative, Informational, Argumentative (Persuasive), grades on the report card will most likely reflect teacher assistance and guidance (2) for most students instead of independent grade.(3) This will come later for most students. Students must be able to do the entire writing process and meet the components on the rubric independently to receive a 4.
Miscellaneous • Weekly newsletters will be sent home usually by 4:00 on • Friday and can also be found on my school webpage. • All textbooks, except reading are online. You can find the • links and username and passwords on my school webpage. • Study guides with Science and Social Studies units. • Classroom discipline (warning, turn cards) Red tickets for good behavior, drawing for student choose a privilege at the end of the week. • CogAT – Sept. 10 - 12
IXL Math and RAZ Kids • Some of your children may have participated in the IXL math program on the computer last year. They wrote their user name and password at the front page of their agendas. I would like for your child to practice the current and past concepts we have learned/are working on in class. Scratch paper is encouraged! • Students have also received their new RAZ Kids account. The user name and password information is stapled in the front of their agenda for easy reference. Please note there is a password this year. Students will have to opportunity to work on this at school, but I also encourage use of this program at home.
Communication Parent/Teacher communication is very important. I may be reached by various ways including: Monday folders Note in Agenda Phone call (770)887-4584 ext. 710439 Email: toemig@forsyth.k12.ga.us
Wish List • We can always use: • Kleenex - we really need this ~ currently have 2 boxes • Bottles of Hand Sanitizer • Paper towels • Gallon and Quart size zip lock bags • Lysol or 409 spray • Candies – peppermint, Skittles, Starburst, Jolly Ranchers
K-3 Report CardStandards-Based Based on Common Core Curriculum Parent Rubrics shared each reporting period Grades now range from 1-4 4 (Complete Standard Mastery) 3 (Consistent Achievement toward Standard Mastery) 2 (Moderate Achievement toward Standard Mastery) 1 (Limited Achievement toward Standard Mastery)
Grading • We have a new grading scale in third grade which is now 4, 3, 2, 1. The following percentage perspectives will be usedas a guideline. • The 4 projects complete and total mastery of a skill. To put it in percentage perspective (95 – 100) all of the time. • The 3 is still as strong as it ever was in regards to successful understanding of concepts and should not be viewed as a negative at all! (85 – 94 consistently) • The 2 is not as broad as it was last year and will be a better assessment of student learning. Students who receive a 2 are learning successfully, but need more instruction and practice of the standard. (70 – 84). • The 1 indicates the student is struggling with the standard. (69 or less)
Please sign up for a conference before you leave this evening. The sign up sheet is on the table in the back of the room. Phone conferences are available too. Conferences