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MIGRATION POLICY OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC AND THE NEW SECURITY STRATEGY. Piotr Sieniawski I nstitute of Political Science C ardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. Migration in Slovakia Residence permits in Slovakia 2015 - 2017 (Ministry of Interior of the SR). Migration in Slovakia
MIGRATION POLICY OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC AND THE NEW SECURITY STRATEGY PiotrSieniawski InstituteofPoliticalScience CardinalStefanWyszyńskiUniversity in Warsaw
Migration in Slovakia Residence permits in Slovakia 2015 - 2017 (Ministry of Interior of the SR)
Migration in Slovakia Illegal border crossings 2015 - 2017 (Ministry of Interior of the SR)
Asylum policy of the Slovak Republic (Ministry of Interior of the SR) “The Slovak Republic shall grant asylum to aliens persecuted for the exercise of political rights and freedoms. Such asylum may be denied to those who have acted incontradiction with fundamental human rights and freedoms. A law shall lay down the details.“ (Constitution of the Slovak Republic, Art. 53)
Migration in Slovakia Quotas • 1st year: 612 asylum seekers (Greece) + 190 asylum seekers (Italy) • 2nd year: 656 asylum seekers • altogether – 1458 persons - in reality: 149 persons/29 families (Christian religion) from Iraq as of November 2015 • 21 persons left back to Iraq – “cultural difference”, family bonds • relocation of 500 asylum seekers from Austria to Slovakia (Gabčíkovo) • 550 scholarships to be granted by the government by 2021 • 500,000 € for humanitarian projects
Lawsuit against “compulsory quotas” Proposal: - to claim the Decision of the Council of the European Union no. 2015/1601 invalid • to put the Council of the European Union under obligation to compensate the legal charges Claims: • principle of the institutional balance violated • principle of proportionality violated • principle of legal certainty violated • no legal grounds for the Decision 6 September 2017 – actions brought by Slovakia and Hungary dismissed by CJEU (Ministry of Justice of the SR)
“Antiterrorist law“ Art. 17 (3) A person charged with or suspected of a criminal offence may be detained only in cases provided by a law. Adetained person must be immediately informed ofthe grounds thereof, and after interrogation at the latestwithin 48 hours, or at the latest 96 hours in case of being suspected of a crimminal offence of terrorism, must be eitherreleased or brought beforea court. A judge must within 48 hours and, for especiallyserious criminal offences within 72 hours from bringing the detained person beforehim or her, hear the person anddecide on his or her detention or release. (Constitution of the Slovak Republic)
New Security Strategy • sudden increase of irregular illegal migration • results: increase of extremism, populism, intolerance, organized crime, threat to Schengen system • migration seen as a destabilizing factor • “possible infiltration of people attracted by radical and terrorist organizations into migrants or refugees wave” • anti-Western propaganda spread on social media • taking measures against irregular illegal migration • sustainable migration and asylum policy • solutions based on solidarity, sustainability and taking into account specific potential of each Member State • specific importance of V4