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Achieving optimal aspect ratio in burning plasma Tokamaks poses challenges due to interplay of design drivers. The lack of criteria for fusion reactor design includes burn demonstration, viability, reliability, and materials. Machine parameters and design solutions must meet physics and engineering criteria to ensure practicality and success. System code studies and Nb3Sn SC design criteria show complex scaling relationships and uncertainties. Different aspect ratios affect machine cost, magnetic energy, plasma current, and more. System analysis considers radial build, shielding, elongation, triangularity, safety factors, and confinement for successful Tokamak design.
Aspect Ratio Optimization of Burning Plasma Tokamaks Pietro Barabaschi ITER International TeamGarching Prepared for IEA Workshop on Optimization of High-b Steady-State Tokamaks February 14-15, 2005 General Atomics
Introduction • The ITER EDA.. developed -needed design solutions, -enabling technologies, -and knowledge base • BUT, the Tokamak is a complex system and for its optimisation it requires a detailed understanding of all interplays of design drivers (and the devil is in the details!) • We do not have the basis and criteria to design (or even more to optimise!) a fusion reactor today, most notably we are missing: • Plasma burn demonstration • Adequate understanding of Plasma • Practical viability of fusion • Beta (device optimisation) • Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (R.A.M.) • Materials • Divertor power exhaust • Higher performance structures/SC • Until we understand and develop all these points the cost optimisation of a reactor may not be realistic
Tokamak Design: Machine parameters • For a SC Tokamak, given: -Desired Plasma “performance”: Q, burn time, # of shots -Plasma Boundary conditions: q, ngwmax, bNmax, k, d, HH -Physics Criteria: t, ngw, PLH, Beta -Engineering Criteria: Stress, loads, SC criteria, times and solutions for maintenance, Access to Plasma (diags, H&CD), Nuclear criteria, Design solutions… • Only Aspect ratio (or Peak Field in magnet) is left ‘free’ • However, allowable k and d are function of R/a for divertor space, plasma shape and position control. Access to plasma is function of ripple requirements and R/a • NB:In the case of Steady State tokamaks also the safety factor may be an optimisation parameters. • A System code is normally used to study options combining physics rules with engineering design knowledge. It can only be used if a more detailed design of a particular type of machine has been done and the experience / knowledge has been implemented
Example : Nb3Sn SC Design Criteria • Temperature Margin from the max predicted T at any point to the local current sharing T. Tmarg>1K with FP plasma • Stability (Heat transfer to Helium) • Hot Spot Temperature<150K • 1 and 2 determine the amount of SC strand, 3 determines the amount of additional copper and overall conductor size • Main significant system interactions with: Magnet (local cost, System size and cost, VV (stress due to Fast Discharge) Strand 1 < Cu:nonCu < 1.5 RRR 100 Tcom= 18K Bc=28T Jc (12T,4.2K,-0.25%) = 650 A/mm2
Plasma Performance Criteria q95 • BUT…. • All 3 main scaling relationships have little real physics basis!! Optimisation have big limitations and uncertainties! • It is likely that there’s an interplay between H, shaping, q, nGW, …
Typical results from the System Code Study • The main machine parameters and the cost change with increasing aspect ratio in the following way: • The toroidal Field, the Magnetic Energy increase with Aspect Ratio • The minor radius and the Plasma Current decrease with Aspect Ratio • However, the cost of the machine stays ~constant over most of the Aspect Ratio range investigated
System Analysis: Design Drivers • Radial Build: D 10cm R 18cm C 60kIUA • Shielding (heating, damage, reweldability) • CS Magnet • TF Magnet • Assembly and tolerances • Elongation: k95 0.1 R 17cm C 80kIUA • BUT …(Stability, VDE’s, SN-DN control, Divertor space, flexibility) • Triangularity: d95 0.1 R 10cm C 100kIUA • BUT …(SN-DN control, Divertor space, Sawtooth R, Magnet loads) • Safety Factor: q95 0.1 R 5cm C 50kIUA • BUT …(HH degradation, Disruptions loads, Magnet loads) • Confinement: H 0.1 R 12cm C 130kIUA (Note: DC/DR not constant)
A Power Reactor Where is a Power Plant quite different from an experiment? • Additional problems • In physics : • Beta(density, peaking), • Steady State • In engineering : • Remote Maintenance • Current drive efficiency • Reliability • Availability • Power exhaust • Materials • With some simplifications • In physics : • Experimental Flexibility • In engineering: • Disruptions/VDEs? • Diagnostics • Heating methods • Fatigue
Aspect Ratio related issues • Relation between shape and density „limit“ is far too simplified. Effects of shaping must be included. • Beta limit is NOT an invariant of aspect ratio • limit = f(A) • At low A the relative distance between plasma and wall is less (RWM) • Achievable shaping is NOT an invariant of aspect ratio • Natural elongation increases at low A • Available space for divertor at given d increases at low A • Relative (and absolute) distance between plasma and PF magnet reduces at low A. This impact shape control (in particular in SN) as well as plasma vertical controllability. • In steady state tokamak q95 is also a „free“ optimisation parameter (HH=f(q95) ?) • All these effects are crucial for the „optimisation“ of steady state tokamak and when included point to reduction of value of optimal A
Important (but often forgotten) Engineering Issues • Access to plasma for H&CD (and maintenance of internals) . In particular tangential for NBI (ans shinethrough issues). Check carefully at High A!! • Space available for divertor • Thermal and EM loads on Blanket a function of A (PF almost constant but TF not!) • Cost and replacement reqs of internals is a function of complexity (thermal and mechanical loads) • TF discharge parameters is important for VV stresses (and cost) at high A. • Space for water cooling and pipe extraction Again all the above issues, when included, tend to benefit low A (note: for Cu devices with limited pulse duration – e.g. FIRE – High A benefits largely from reduction of required pulse length with reduced a)
Conclusions • We cannot optimise a steady state tokamak today. • First we must understand the underlying PHYSICS and gain experience in construction, operation, and MAINTENANCE of a large super-conductive tokamak. • Warning: Simple scaling optimisation of steady state tokamak typically points to relatively high A (e.g. 3.5 - 4) due to low current requirements and high IBS fraction. This may be well be an illusion. Real engineering and more accurate physics basis may well reverse this conclusion.