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VCS Grants Programme Engagement Event

Join us for an informative session about our Vision, Priorities, and Commissioning Intentions to enhance public health outcomes through collaboration. Learn how we aim to improve services and healthcare access in North Tyneside.

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VCS Grants Programme Engagement Event

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VCS Grants ProgrammeEngagement Event 10 June 2019

  2. Contributors Mary Coyle, Deputy Lay Chair (NTCCG) Anya Paradis, Director of Contracting & Commissioning (NTCCG) Tom Dunkerton, Commissioning Manager (NTCCG) Jeff Goldthorpe, Head of Finance (NTCCG) Heidi Douglas, Public Health Consultant (NTC) Felicity Shoesmith, Community and Voluntary Sector Liaison Manager (NTC) Robin Fry, Chief Executive (VODA)

  3. Welcome Mary Coyle Deputy Lay Chair North Tyneside CCG

  4. Agenda Our Vision, Principles and Priorities Key Activities Key Priorities (Commissioning Intentions) Public Health Outcomes Better Together The Grant Programme Q&A Next Steps

  5. What we do We are responsible for Commissioning (Planning and Buying) most health services for people in North Tyneside Led by North Tyneside’s 27 GP Practices Unique position to understand our patients’ needs and deliver high quality services for the 219,954

  6. North TynesidePopulation 219,954 with 27 GP Practices High quality care and services and strong performance but overuse of hospital care • North West • 24% of population • 64% access NUTH • Less deprived (IMD 20.1) • Higher life expectancy • Whitley Bay • 28% of population • 78% access NHCFT • Least deprived (IMD 14.4) • Highest life expectancy • Wallsend • 22% of population • 63% access NHCFT • More deprived (IMD 27.4) • Lower life expectancy • North Shields • 26% of population • 75% access NHCFT • Most deprived (IMD 28.4) • Lowest life expectancy

  7. Vision“Working together to maximise the health and wellbeing of North Tyneside Communities”

  8. Key Strategic Priorities Keeping people healthy Caring for people locally Hospital when it is appropriate to do so

  9. Health and Wellbeing System 3 Key Themes

  10. Future Care Transformation Programme Bringing together all partners in the health and social care system around these key principles: Population health and wellbeing High quality, coordinated care Improving quality of life and experience of services Supporting and empowering staff Effective stewardship of resources

  11. CommissioningIntentions Supporting Prevention Reduce smoking prevalence rates Reduction in alcohol attributable admissions Reduce prevalence of excess weight Long Term Conditions Diabetes prevention Respiratory Cardiovascular disease

  12. Commissioning Intentions Mental Health Services Children's Services (including SEND) Carers Frailty in older people Falls Dementia End of Life Care

  13. Commissioning Intentions Learning Disabilities Cancer Prevention Early identification Improving outcomes for people living with cancer

  14. CCG Spending

  15. North Tyneside- Health Outcomes 22yrs spent in poor health 20yrs spent in poor health 18yrs spent in poor health 16yrs spent in poor health 60.0 yrs 62.7yrs 78.0yrs 60.2 yrs 82.1 yrs 81.9 yrs 62.2 yrs 78.0yrs 2010-2012 2015-2017 9.3yrs gap in life expectancy 10.6yrs gap in life expectancy 11.9yrs gap in life expectancy 11.2yrs gap in life expectancy Onset of poor health is on average 14.5 years sooner in our least affluent areas compared to our most affluent (2009-2013)

  16. 1329 metres A Child born in the more deprived areas of North Tyneside can expect to live 11.5 years less than a child born in the least deprived area

  17. Smoking Alcohol Mental Health Physical inactivity Diet Unhealthy weight

  18. North Tyneside JSNA 2018

  19. North Tyneside Ward Profiles

  20. 90% Health influenced by wider determinants 10% Health influenced by access to health care Asset Based approach not a deficit model that is focussed on illness

  21. Better Together Last week NTSP agreed a Better Together Strategy about how LA, CCG & VCS could work together to improve North Tyneside increasing the capacity of VCS organisations to adapt and thrive in times of diminishing resources and increasing demand supporting residents to play a more active role in managing their own health and wellbeing, as well as the health and wellbeing of their local communities ensuring every resident has the opportunity to contribute to their community through volunteering and social action supporting systems that facilitate positive engagement and collaborative working between partners supporting the VCS to have a strong and meaningful role in influencing policy by speaking up on behalf of the people they represent

  22. What’s in this for the VCS? Opportunity to test new ways of working Supportive relationship with CCG & LA to help improve health & wellbeing of the population Extra capacity Potential to be main stream funded Create opportunity to support the population to improve their health & wellbeing Opportunity to work with other groups & organisations

  23. Better Together Building capacity and new relationships to improve the health & wellbeing of the population of North Tyneside Opportunity to share skills and expertise and learn from each other through a planned programme of activities

  24. Support from VODA

  25. What’s in this for the CCG? VCS organisations work with some of our most marginalised communities, providing services that are responsive, innovative and user-led Always recognised this was an area we need to develop We know VCS organisations are working with the same population but we use different language and operate in different cultures If we can learn from VCS surely what we can come up with is a set of joint priorities and joint outcomes which will be mutually beneficial

  26. The Grant Programme The CCG will offer large & small grants to VCS organisations working in North Tyneside to: Promote wellbeing and preventative healthcare Promote self-care and self-management Reduce health inequalities

  27. The Grant Programme All VCS organisations can apply for a small grant up to £20,000 for projects of a year or less Registered Charities can also apply for large grants of up to £100,000 per year for initiatives lasting up to three years

  28. How will we do this?

  29. How will we do this?

  30. Next Steps Application form and supporting information is available on the CCG website from 4pm today https://www.northtynesideccg.nhs.uk/ Supporting information includes FAQs

  31. Table Top Discussions& Questions Do you have any questions from the table? Do you have any comments / feedback about today?

  32. Useful Links / Contacts Application form and supporting information is available on the CCG website https://www.northtynesideccg.nhs.uk/ For further advice in relation to the grant application process please contact: Keith Hardy, VODA - 0191 643 2626 If you would like to discuss your idea with the CCG e-mail - NTCCG.VCSGrants@nhs.net

  33. Useful Links The NHS Long Term Plan https://www.longtermplan.nhs.uk/publication/nhs-long-term-plan/ North Tyneside CCG’s Operating Plan https://www.northtynesideccg.nhs.uk/?s=plan Commissioning Intentions. https://www.northtynesideccg.nhs.uk/?s=commissioning+intention

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