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The Garden , Afterschool Soccer Academy and the Latino Jovenes de Futuro/Opciones Elver Pardo Extension Agents 4-H Youth Development Orange County 4-H. The Garden. Safe and constructive opportunity for youth to learn about gardening, nutrition, careers in science and agriculture.
The Garden , Afterschool Soccer Academy and the Latino Jovenes de Futuro/Opciones Elver Pardo Extension Agents 4-H Youth Development Orange County 4-H
The Garden • Safe and constructive opportunity for youth to learn about gardening, nutrition, careers in science and agriculture. • Grow safe affordable food for community & Family • Setting to work as a team, make friends and make good choices.
To develop life skills in underserved youth though hands-on gardening education programming. To provide a safe and constructive opportunity for youth to learn about gardening, nutrition and careers in science and agriculture. Objectives
Target Audience • City of Orlando youth ages 5-18 of diverse backgrounds. • Underserved audiences • Community center youth
Program meets once a week (per center) for 10 weeks Garden Guides Volunteer mentors are assigned to groups of 3-10 students Students and volunteers raise container, hydroponic, and raised-bed gardens Goals: life skill development, crime prevention Program Structure
About 1200 youth served over 11 sessions Evaluations analysis: 100% of participants gained in 1+ life skills Knowledge gains: Teamwork Knowledge of gardening concepts Awareness of agro-science careers opportunities Eat healthier Teach adults about gardening Make good Choices Stay out of trouble. Results
Based on a program in Kansas City, MO Capitalize on youth’s passion for soccer Nutrition & Health Education Physical Activity Leadership (Teamwork) and Citizenship (Engage youth to contribute positively on their community School tutoring (sciences & technology) Improvements on school attendance and behaviors Afterschool Soccer Academy
To start a prevention programs at an early age with an innovate and attractive subject area To utilize soccer as an organizational tool. To promote healthy living among Central Florida underserved youth To link youth and families to post secondary educational organizations To create collaboration and partnership and to promote reinvestment in local programs Objectives
Middle school youth and their families Hispanic/Latino and other immigrant boys and girls. Volunteers and Soccer coaches from central Florida Target population
Extension curriculum in Nutrition and health education Leadership and Citizenship activities Science and technology education Soccer practice Partnership development Volunteer development Marketing development Tournament Social event Program evaluation Program Structure
57% of the students improved their school attendance, 33% of the students reduced their behaiver incidents at the school and on the second semester reduced to 0%. Administrators reported and improvements in healthy lifestyles habits, putting education as a goal, regular physical activity and cultural integrations, Results
Program adapted from Youth Futures program from Missouri 4-H Center for Youth Development that promotes post secondary education an achievable goal for non-traditional participants Opciones was developed in Colombia SA that help youth to believe in themselves The goal of the program is to help youth go to graduate from high school and pursuit a post secondary education. Jóvenes del Futuro/Opciones program
To promote college as an obtainable goal for high school youth who are not typically encouraged to attend college, such as first-generation college students. To provide extensive college orientation program culturally responsive according with the traditions beliefs and values of the participants. Teach participants the best mental and emotional strategies to believe in themselves and use their own potential to overcome to any situation in life. Objectives
Middle and High school youth and their families Hispanic/Latino and other immigrant boys and girls from Central Florida. Target population
90% of the participants reported higher levels of interest in attending post secondary education. 80% reported higher the importance of participating in 4-H as a program that will guide their orientation to reach new goals for their future. 100% of the juniors and senior participants since 2008 had graduated from high school and had applied and/or being accepted in some type of post secondary education. Results
Any questions? http://oc4-h.org Orange County 4-H https://www.facebook.com/Orange4H OC4-H Facebook pardoe@ufl.edu Elver Pardo Thanks Gracias!