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About PB. Videos. Photos. W elcome to the Plantsbrook School Prospectus. We hope this disk helps you to find what you need. Simply click on the links on the left of this page and they will help you to navigate to what page you want. Map. Quiz. Contact Details. About PB.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. About PB Videos Photos Welcome to the Plantsbrook School Prospectus. We hope this disk helps you to find what you need. Simply click on the links on the left of this page and they will help you to navigate to what page you want. Map Quiz Contact Details

  2. About PB The opening paragraph sums up the inspectors' judgment stating that:"Plantsbrook is an outstanding school where students attain high academic standards and develop impressive personal qualities. It is a happy school. Strong leadership is at the centre of its success, and the whole school community is encouraged to contribute to its development"

  3. Videos

  4. Photos

  5. Music Map English Humanities French Maths Technology ICT Science

  6. Quiz -What was the former name of Plantsbrook School? -Who is the head teacher? -What has ofsted said about Plantsbrook? -Did the American army have a base at Plantsbrook School? -What council owns Plantsbrook School? Answers

  7. Answers 1. Riland Bedford 2.Tracy Campbell 3.Outstanding 4.Yes 5. Birmingham City Council

  8. Contact Details Plantsbrook School -Registered Address: Upper Holland Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1RB -Telephone: 0121 362 7310 -Fax: 0121 362 7311 -Email: enquiry@plantbrk.bham.sch.uk -Website: www.plantbrk.bham.sch.uk -Company No: 0765570

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