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RAPPORT - RKS SAMLING 2 – LOSBY GOLFKLUBB Mandag 30 Juni – Onsdag 2 Juli. Head Coach: Mark Davies. Mål med juniorsamlinger i Regi av RKS:
RAPPORT - RKS SAMLING 2 – LOSBY GOLFKLUBB Mandag 30 Juni – Onsdag 2 Juli Head Coach: Mark Davies Mål med juniorsamlinger i Regi av RKS: Bidra til å skape selvstendige idrettsutøvere med eierskap til Sportslig plan. Via spillerne og deres trenere å spre denne tankegangen ut i klubbene. Dette skal lede til at utøverne utvikler et sterkt eierskap til sin egen helhetlige utvikling og som trener på en tidsriktig måte for å nå sine mål. Dette med en indre driv og pasjon for golfidretten. I asked the players fr feedback from the samlings so far. This was the response - Hi The samling was very good. I learned a lot about the things i have to practice and the best way to practice it. Now I know different ways that I can practice when Iplay on the course, like miss the green. Jeg syntes de to første samlingene har vært veldig fine! Foredragene på første samling syntes jeg var veldig bra, lærte mye nytt som jeg får brukt videre. Det er gøy å trene med andre som er på min alder som er like gode, og som satser på golf. Golføvelsene vi har holdt på med er viktige og det er ting jeg må bli bedre på. Der er også gøy med konkurranser. Sees på Losby neste samling, gleder meg!
Gutter 13 – 14 år Gutter 15 – 16 år Jenter 15 – 16 år Jenter 13 – 14år
Program av hendelser - Samling 2 - Losby GK Dag 1 - Mandag 30. Juni Fokus In Statistikk og spillestrategi 09.00 - Velkommen plan og Mål 10:00 - Marius Bjone - Golf Varm opp 11.15 - Warm Up 12.00 - Lunsj 12.30 - Kurs kartlegging session 15.40 - Lek med strategi / Statistikk Cards 17.45 - MIDDAG 18.30 - Analyser av statistikk og strategi / Idrett Plan 19.30 - Driving range - Forstå informasjon fra Stats 20.00 - Slutt for Dagen Dag 2 - Torsdag 1. Juli Lær å spille golf bedre 09.00 - Planer for dagen 09.30 - Marius Bjone - Golf varme opp 10.20 - 9 hull savner den grønne 12.30 - lunsj 13.15 - Warm Up 14.00 - 9 hull beste ball 16.00 - Analyser 16.30 – Putting – Ball start 18.00 - Middag 19.00 - Mål og sportsplan 20.00 - Avslutt Dag 3 - Onsdag 2. Juli Forbedre RKS Aldri Stoppe Å utforske! - Aldri stopp Exploring! 09.00 - Gjennomgang AV Mål og Dagens situasjon - planer for Dagen Fremover. 10.00 - Fysisk - Marius Bjone - Warm Up for golf 11.00 - RKS Skill Utvikling 12.30 - Lunsj 13.15 - RKS Skill Utvikling 17.00 - Analyser / Awards / Tale 17.45 - Avslutt
SUMMARY I am reallypleasedwiththehighlevelofqualitydelivered to the samling over the 3 days. It wasveryimportant not to fillthedayswithlotsofactivitiesbut to focusonfewer and get more outof it for theplayers. The dayswaslong and theplayerswastired at the end ofeachday. My focuswas to getthemessageofthe Sports plan over a little more to theplayers and show themhow to getbetterwith personal results. I spent lotsof time talkingabout goals, how to make them, howtobreakthemdown and ofcourseachievethem. Focuswasplacedonhow to learn to PLAY GOLF betterthroughcorrectpractice and play onthecourse. Players areencouraged to be smarterabouthow to approachimprovementalongwithselfassesment and to be more honestwhenlooking at analyses such as stats. The coursemappingsessionwasgood. Players walked 9 holes onthechamionshipcourse at Losby with a notebook and pen and plottedthe best way to play thecourse from a visualperspective. From heretheywent to the range and short game area and waschallenged to warm up to theactualtasktheywereabout to face. Thatmeantplayingthecourseonthe range, beingprepared for thetaskahead. The playersthenwent to thecourseto executethe plan.
We played 45 holes of golf during the days. The best place possible to play golf better! Analyses was taken from the play and players challenged to show how they would take that information and set goals on how they would improve those areas. The group standard is good and with more focus, direction and concentration development is certain. Players will feature on the national level tour if they take on board what we are saying and put the information in to an action. On the last evening I focused on showing the players how to set goals and achieve them. Giving them some understandable guide lines of how to actually fulfil a goal. This isimportant as they know how to write a goal on paper but not how to accomplish one! In short what do THEY INDIVIDUALLY need to do on a daily basis to improve! On the final day we focused on the RKS skills alone. Players are challenged to continue to explore and develop in those areas. I can see scores are getting better in relation to this time last year. Players are understanding the importance of correct practice. PHYSICAL Marius Bjone came in and did an outstanding job yet again. 8 Great warm up exercises to better golf. Real dynamic stretches that gets the body ready to play. This is something we need to give the kids at this age….Nothing to do with weights or anything like that. Marius also did some pressure point exercises and explained in depth the important of stretching and becoming flexible. Its clear to see that some of the players have difficult challenges when it comes to their own body! Losby Gods Hotel, restaurant, LosbyGolfklubb and Per Kristofferson provided the best facility to us for the samling. No place better!!!