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Freshwater testate amoebae (Amoebozoa, Rhizaria): diversity and distribution. Група Testacea. Тип Sarcomastigophora Honigberg A.Balamuth,1963 Подтип Sarcodina Schmarda , 1871 Надклас Rhizopoda von Siebold , 1845 К лас Lobosea Carpenter, 1861
Freshwater testate amoebae (Amoebozoa, Rhizaria): diversity and distribution
Тип SarcomastigophoraHonigberg A.Balamuth,1963 ПодтипSarcodinaSchmarda, 1871 НадкласRhizopodavon Siebold, 1845 КласLoboseaCarpenter, 1861 Подклас Testacealoboseade Saedeleer, 1934 Разред ArcellinidaKent, 1880 Клас FiloseaLeidy, 1879 Подклас Testaceafiloseade Saedeleer, 1934 Разред GromidaClaparede et Lachmann, 1859 Клас GranuloreticuloseadeSaedeleer, 1934 Разред MonothalamidaHaeckel, 1962
AMOEBOZOALuehe,1913, emend.Cavalier-Smith,1998 • TubulineaSmirnov in Adl et al., 2005 •• ArcellinidaKent,1880[=TestacealobosiaDe Saedeleer,1934] ArcellidaeEhrenberg, 1843 CentropyxidaeJung, 1942 PlagiopyxidaeBonnet et Thomas, 1960 DifflugiidaeWallich, 1864 HeleoperidaeJung, 1942 HyalospheniidaeSchultze, 1877 NebelidaeTaranek, 1882 PhryganellidaeJung, 1942 CryptodifflugiidaeJung, 1942
Testate amoebae with lobose pseudopods Hyalospheniacuneata(by Siemensma) Difflugia sp. Arcella vulgaris
•RHIZARIACavalier-Smith, 2002 ••CercozoaCavalier-Smith, 1998, emend. Adl et al., 2005 ••• ImbricateaCavalier-Smith 2011 [Cavalier-Smith 2003] •••• SilicofiloseaAdl et al., 2005 emend. Adl et al., 2012 ••••• EuglyphidaCopeland 1956, emend. Cavalier-Smith 1997 EuglyphidaeWallich1864, emend Lara et al. 2007 AssulinidaeLara et al. 2007 Trinematidae Hoogenraad & De Groot 1940, emend Adl et al. 2012 Cyphoderiidaede Saedeleer 1934 Paulinellidae de Saedeller 1934, emend. Adl et al. 2012
Testate amoebae with filose pseudopods Trinema enchelys (by Siemensma) Euglypha Compressa (by Siemensma)
Granulofilose amoebae Microgromia sp., 13.6 µm, pseudopodial network about 200 µm large (by Siemensma)
MorphologicalDiversity of TestateAmoebae Microchlamys patella Arcella mitrata Structure of a shell of Arcella Hyalosphenia papilio
MorphologicalDiversity of TestateAmoebae Difflugia acuminata (by Davidova) Centropyxis ecornis (by Davidova) Difflugia bacillifera (by Siemensma)
MorphologicalDiversity of TestateAmoebae Quadrulellasymmetrica Lesquereusia modesta Nebela galeata Difflugiella pussilla Euglypha rotunda
MorphologicalDiversityof TestateAmoebae Netzelia species secrete their own building material, called idiosomes, but they also use xenosomes which they modify and smooth.
MorphologicalDiversityof TestateAmoebae Euglypha compressa Edward Mitchell Corythion dubium Photo by E. Mitchell
Testate amoebae are with a wide geographical distribution and a significant range of habitats. They are an abundant and diverse in various natural lakes, marshes, rivers, artificial water basins, in peatlands and terrestrial bryophytes, different types of soil and marine littoral. Thecamoebians occupy every sufficiently moist niche such as tree bark, caves, mines, and so forth. Testate amoebae can be divided into four ecological categories: freshwater-, moss-, soil- and marine-dwelling and have different morphological, biological, and ecological adaptations to their specific habitats.
Comparisonamongtestaceanfauna of some studiedfreshwaterreservoirs inBulgaria
Comparison of the number of species of the established genera in the benthal in different freshwater reservoirs
Comparison of the relative abundance of the established genera in the benthalin different freshwater reservoirs
Characteristic species for the benthal of the lakes and reservoirs Difflugia sarissa (by Davidova) Difflugia bistrica (by Davidova) Difflugia piryformis (by Davidova) Lesquereusia mimetica var. parva (by Davidova) Centropyxis ecornis (by Davidova)
Comparison of the relative abundance of the established genera in the phytal in different freshwater reservoirs
Characteristic species for the phytal of the lakes and reservoirs Trinemaenchelys(by Siemensma) Trinemalineare(by Siemensma) Centropyxis aculeata(by Siemensma) Euglypha acanthophora(by Siemensma) Euglypha fillifera(by Siemensma) Phryganella acropodia(by Siemensma)
Cryptodifflugiaovaliformisgrowing on filamentous alga. (by Tsukii) Euglypha test sitting on algal filament. (by Oyadomari)
Comparison of the relative abundance of the established genera in the pelagial in different freshwater reservoirs