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prosinec 2013 VY_32_INOVACE_AGJ_140303. the UNESCO sites. Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Soňa Quisová . Střední škola hotelnictví a služeb a Vyšší odborná škola, Opava, příspěvková organizace.
prosinec 2013 VY_32_INOVACE_AGJ_140303 the UNESCO sites Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Soňa Quisová. Střední škola hotelnictví a služeb a Vyšší odborná škola, Opava, příspěvková organizace. Materiál byl vytvořen v rámci projektu OP VK 1.5 – EU peníze středním školám, registrační číslo CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0879.
UNESCO • UNESCO stands for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization • formed in 1946,on November 4 • the headquarters in Paris • in the Czech Republic, there are 12 sites that have been inscribed as the UNESCO World Heritage Site obr. 1 the logo of UNESCO
The historical centre of Prague • Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in the world • Prague Castle – the largest castle complex in the world (inscribed in 1992) • since 2010, the chateau park in Průhonice also on the list obr. 2 obr. 3
The historical centre of ČeskýKrumlov • a vast complex of the castle and chateau – the second largest castle complex after Prague • it also includes a riding school, a large park in the late Baroque style with a fountain and a belvedere called Bellarie • the historical centre is mostly built in theRenaissance, Baroque and Gothic styles • inscribed in 1992 the view of the castle rising above the Vltava river obr. 4
Český Krumlov the revolving stage still used obr. 6 a covered bridge connecting the courtyards of the castle obr. 5 a bear in the castle moat obr. 7
The historical centre of Telč • inscribed in 1992 • the town centre is among the most precious historical town reserves in Moravia • the Renaissance chateau with an English style park is the dominant of the town obr. 8 obr. 9
Telč – the square • the most significant site is the town square, a unique complex of well-preserved Renaissance and Baroque houses with high gables and arcades obr. 10
The pilgrimage church of John of Nepomuk obr. 11 • inscribed in 1994 • designed by a Baroque architect Jan SantiniAichel • located on ZelenáHora near ŽďárnadSázavou • the church is connected with a cloister • there is a churchyard in the surroundings • there is Nepomuk´s tongue on the ceiling of the church obr. 12
The historical centre of KutnáHorawith the Church of St Barbora obr. 13 • KutnáHora is a royal town • silver was mined there • the Church of St Barbora built in the Gothic style and the Church of Virgin Mary Assumption and John the Baptist in Sedlec is on the list • other important buildings are: the Stone House(with a museum), the church of St James, Jesuit College, etc. the view of the Church obr. 14 the Gothic vault
The Lednice-Valtice Complex obr. 15 • it covers an area of 283 sq m • it has got two centres– the LedniceCastleand the ValticeCastle– connected with theso-called Bezruč alley • it is called the „Garden of Europe“ the castle in Lednice obr. 16 the castle in Valtice
Other buildings that are parts of the area obr. 17 obr. 18 the tropical greenhouse with the English garden in the front the Minaret- finished in 1804, 62 m tall, serves as an observation tower
Temple of the Three Graces John´s Castle obr. 19 obr. 20 Apollo Temple Rendezvous or a Temple of Diana obr. 22 obr. 21
The chateau with the gardens in Kroměříž obr. 23 • the main landmark is the Bishop´s Palace built in the Baroque style together with the gardens – some scenes from Amadeus were filmed there • the picture galleryin the chateau houses the painting „The Flaying of Marsyas“ by Titian obr. 24
The Flower Garden in Kroměříž • originally an early-Baroque park with French gardens • there is a rotundawith frescos and the Foucault pendulum in the middle of the garden • there are greenhouses with tropical flowers at the entrance • another significant part is formed by the colonnade with statues of Gods it also has the so-called Whispering gallery like the St Paul´s Cathedralin London obr. 25 obr. 26
Rural reserve in Holašovice obr. 27 • it is a medieval system of houses built in the Rural Baroque forming a village square • it consists of 23 brick farmyards including120 buildings with gables surrounded arounda pond anda chapel obr. 28
The Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc • a Baroque monument built in the 18th century • the main purpose was the celebration of the Catholic Church and faith • it is also understood asa symbol of local patriotism, all the artists and craftsmen were citizens of Olomouc • the biggest Baroque sculpture group in the Czech Republic • there is a small chapel inside obr. 29
VillaTugendhat • located in Brno, designed by Ludwig van der Rohe • built in 1929-30, has three floors and a big garden • during the WW II confiscated by Gestapo • considered a very modern building at that time for many atypical elements obr. 30 obr. 31
The chateau in Litomyšl • built in the Renaissance style (with arcades andrich graffito decorations), a Baroque theatre, park and brewery • the theatre was built in the 18th century – used by the members of the county family and its relatives to play comedies obr. 32 obr. 33
The Jewish Quarter in Třebíč • one of the best preserved ghettos in Europe, includes 123 houses, two synagogues and a Jewish cemetery • all original inhabitants were deported and murderedby Nazis in concentration camps during WW II obr. 34 obr. 35
St. Procopius basilica in Třebíč • a Romanesque-Gothic Christian church • the history is connected with the Benedictine monastery • it has3 naves and two towers obr. 36
POUŽITÁ LITERATURA • DVOŘÁČEK, Petr. 101 nejkrásnějších míst České republiky. 2008. vyd. Olomouc: Rubico, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7346-092-1. • GEMBLOVÁ, Alena, Eva JANSA, Lenka NAJMANOVÁ, Ivo PAULÍK a Tomáš VYŠOHLÍD. Velká výletní kniha Česká republika. 2006. vyd. Německo: Marco Polo, 2006. ISBN 51-332-0137-0. • DAVID, Petr a Vladimír SOUKUP. Velká cestovní kniha: Česká republika. 2008. vyd. Praha: Marco Polo, 2008. ISBN 978-80-86899-32-9.
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