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The MSI C(I)2 offers a scalable mechanism to empower a CI-enabled science and engineering workforce. It engages MSI faculty and students, provides infrastructure support, curriculum development, and mentorship programs. Key objectives include mobilizing the MSI community and promoting broad participation in advanced CI. Join us in planning sessions and educational activities to support the development of computing professionals and interdisciplinary teams.
The Minority-Serving Institutions (MSI) Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Institute [MSI C(I)2] Providing a scalable mechanism for developing a CI-enabled science and engineering workforce
MSI C(I)2 Components • International grid community partnership • Cyberinfrastructure/e-Science training series for MSI faculty • MSI Grid Portal http://www.educationgrid.org • Training and Education via Internet, workshops and summer schools • Distributed research, education, and innovation support and mentorship
Advisory Team • Fran Berman, SDSC • Dan Reed, UNC, Renaissance Computing • Mark Ellisman, SDSC, BIRN • Kelvin Droegemeier, Oklahoma, LEAD • Ian Foster, Chicago, Open Science Grid Globus etc • Dan Atkins, Michigan • Malcolm Atkinson, NESC (UK National e-Science Center), ICEAGE (EU Grid Education)
Key Objectives Mobilize the MSI faculty and student communityMinority Serving Institutions starting with a few but eventually reaching the over 335 in AIHEC HACU and NAFEO Provide access to physical infrastructure needed to support participation Support curriculum development, research, mentoring, and teaching teams Engage key Cyberinfrastructure (Grid) resources Identify best practices through evaluation
Our Goal “Support the development of computing professionals, interdisciplinary teams, and new organizational structures, such as virtual communities, needed to achieve the scientific breakthroughs made possible by advanced CI, paying particular attention to the opportunities to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups.” Atkins CI report
Proje\ct Venues Project Activities Planning and Education (train the trainer) meetings at SC05 SC06 Global Grid Forum and National Centers • January 30-31 Planning SDSC • General Summer School (June?) SDSC • Supporting your own CI (August?) NCSA • All Access Grid enabled Internet Seminars, Tutorials and semester Classes Grid Portal and Community Tools (Need volunteers to develop content)
Jan 30: Setting the Cyberinfrastructure Scene • 08:30-09:00 am Welcome • 09:00-10:00 am Introduction to Cyberinfrastructure and Grids - Fran Berman • 10:00-10:30 am Welcome to TeraGrid - Scott Lathrop • 10:45-11:30 am Bioinformatics - Mark Ellisman • 11:30-12:30 pm Grid Technology - Karan Bhatia • 01:45-02:15 pm Virtual Infrastructure - Kate Keahey • 02:15-03:00 pm Data Grids and Data Management - Reagan Moore • 03:15-03:45 pm Security and Shared Cyberinfrastructure - Victor Hazlewood • 03:45-04:30 pm Cyberinfracture in Earth Science for LEAD - Jay Alameda • 04:30-04:45 pm Tapping into National Cyberinfrastructure Resources - Don Frederick • 04:45-05:00 pm Wrap-up discussion: Evaluation Forms - Julie Foertsch
Jan 31: Planning the MSI Cyberinfrastructure Future • 08:30-10:00 am Panel on Developing a Cyberinfrastructure Curriculum - Geoffrey Fox (Moderator) • 10:30-12:00 am Panel on Practice and Experience in Cyberinfrastructure for MSIs - Karl Barnes (Moderator) • 01:00-02:30 pm Panel on Institutional, Policy and National issues in engaging MSI in Cyberinfrastructure - Alex Ramirez (Moderator) • 03:00-04:30 pm Wrapping up: Panel on Developing a White Paper with Strategy Recommendations for including MSI's in Cyberinfrastructure - Al Kuslikis (Moderator)